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I need a general type book for art or music for 7th grade report to school district

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For many years we just used the "What your 3rd (4th, etc) Grader Needs to Know" as a catchall on our school district reports, especially for things we do eclectically or interest led or use many resources for (like art, music, geography, etc).


That series stops after 6th grade, so now I need a new "catchall" book for my school district reports for things like art and music. Any ideas?

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We've used Music:An Appreciation for a half credit of fine arts. I can't find the book on my shelf right now or I would give you the author's name.


The author is Roger Kamien, and there are many editions. This text is used for a one-semester course for college students, so if you used it along with the music CDs and online flashcards and tests, it could easily be worth a full credit. You might want to save it for high school, though.


Another non-textbook option would be The Gift of Music.

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The author is Roger Kamien, and there are many editions. This text is used for a one-semester course for college students, so if you used it along with the music CDs and online flashcards and tests, it could easily be worth a full credit. You might want to save it for high school, though. [/i]


Good idea-I wrote it down to use for high school when we will legitimately need it for credit.


I will try Gift of Music, thanks.


And thanks for the bump, USDGAL :)

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For many years we just used the "What your 3rd (4th, etc) Grader Needs to Know" as a catchall on our school district reports, especially for things we do eclectically or interest led or use many resources for (like art, music, geography, etc).


That series stops after 6th grade, so now I need a new "catchall" book for my school district reports for things like art and music. Any ideas?

Could you use the Core Knowledge Sequence itself? Even though it doesn't give you the materials directly, it continues on to outline 7th and 8th, with suggested Art to study etc. (Free download available.)
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