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Help me figure out what to use for history...MFW, VP, or something else?

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I am all over the place right now. I am looking into interest-led learning, which really appeals to me, but I am nervous about that and if I can do it in a way that will prepare my ds for his future. I tend to have BIG plans, but making them happen doesn't always work out and my ds isn't self-motivated. So, I am looking for some structure that allows time for some interest led learning along the way for my 7th, 4th, and 3rd graders.


We have used MFW the last few years and I already have Exploration to 1850 for next year. MFW does work for us in that it provides a structure and plan and I can just get it done. I am comfortable with using the schedule as a menu and allowing us to venture into other things or eliminate something entirely. For example, I tend to let the kids go strictly interest led for science although my 7th grader will be moving into more of a structured science using the Rainbow this coming fall. I still plan to keep science books in a book basket for him though.


As of now, I plan to use MFW for hs. But, as I look through the MFW materials for this coming year, I just can't get excited. Yes, it is an awesome program. I have nothing NEGATIVE to say about it at all. But, I am not so sure it is what I want to use this year. I am craving something different and yes, a part of that is simply that I get bored with a curriculum after a bit. Also, we already nix the science in MFW. I usually have the books, but use them strictly for book basket and let the kids raid the library for what they want to study. And honestly, with my younger ones I am not diligent with science and yet, they have acquired a broad knowledge of many topics and deeper knowledge of things that interest them.


For Bible, I have enjoyed MFW's schedule and the scripture memory. Without it, I would probably forget to get this done on a regular basis. But, I am finding that there are books that call to me and I would like to do as devotions with my kids, things that address issues that would benefit our individual needs as a family. I have good intentions of doing them in a family devotion type setting, but it doesn't happen. By the time we get school done, no one wants to set down and do more "work" as the kids see it.


When it comes to history, I find that I really just want a basic understanding of the facts and then to read books. While SOTW suffices, none of us are really crazy about it. Usborne books have never interested any of my kids. I want to just read for history: biographies and historical fiction and then just have enough structure to understand the time period and keep us moving forward.


I have used HOD and SL in the past, but both make combining difficult. I am drawn to MOH, but we would probably need level three for the time period and it is a bit too much for my younger ones. I am curious about KONOS with the original guides, but cannot find a sample of anything but the more scheduled version. I have been looking at the VP self-paced course and do like it, but not sure I can afford it. Plus, I can't resell it later like I am accustomed to. I like that I wouldn't have to do much and could then focus on the fun stuff: some period related literature, some not related, maybe more mapping, crafts (which never seem to happen here), lapbooks, etc. I could add in a spine for my oldest if necessary and then books that he or I want for him to read. I guess I am done having someone else dictate what he reads. I have considered using the VP cards and a spine then adding in literature from there.


I guess what I am wanting is something fun to do for my oldest ds's last two years before he gets into hs and is separated from our family studies. I want something that will allow us to venture into some things that we don't normally do, follow some rabbit trails, and also challenge my oldest with some real thinking. I want some hands-on activities. I want to look at some lapbooks and unit studies and let the kids pick what they want to learn about. I don't really want history to be the focus of our school. I want the basics so my kids have a general knowledge, then I want to explore what WE want to study.


Any ideas?


Edited to add:

This is somewhat of a plan:


3rd grader:

*Math-TT 4 with MM as a supplement only when needed

*Apples and Pears Spelling

*PLL, second half

*IEW All Things Fun and Fascinating as time/maturity allows

*Science-A few lapbooks/unit studies that they kids pick with book basket style reading and narration in between

*Getting Started with Spanish as interest allows, foreign language is not a biggy for me at this point


4th grader:

*Math TT 5 with MM as supplement if needed

*Apples and Pears Spelling

*ILL, first section

*IEW All Things Fun and Fascinating

*Science-same as 3rd grader

*Getting started with Spanish

*Rewards Intermediate, because he needs it


7th grader:

*TT Pre Algebra

*R&S Spelling 7 or just keep a spelling notebook with rules to list problem words under combined with studied dictation and Rummy Roots for fun

*All In One English

*Progeny Press lit guides for a couple of books that he chooses

*WriteShop 1

*The Rainbow Science

*Some interest led reading combined with some required by Mom

*Getting Started With Spanish

*Kid Coder (because this is his bent)


Then, I would like all combined in a history that doesn't control our lives. I want to pick what we study for Bible and the literature that we read aloud. I would appreciate a menu, but not scheduled. I want the kids to have time to work on their Scout stuff. I want ds to pursue his new "job" with his grandfather. And, we have all found a new love of drawing and I want to allow hours per week to just work on that.


And, I guess my problem with just cutting loose and going off on my own is that I do want to return to MFW for hs and am afraid ds won't be prepared or will have a hard time going from a more interest-led method back to a more required course of study.

Edited by mothergooseofthree
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Have you asked each of your child what they would like to do? You can ask questions like -


Is there something you've always wanted to do? (sports? learn an instrument? build a tree fort? anything goes)


Is there something specifically you'd like to focus on for science? history? art? music? any books you've wanted to read?


You can take what they want into account (although you're not bound to it, either. You're the mom, you decide). Some of it might get scheduled into their school day. Some of it might just get strewn around the house for them to do in their sparetime, or time that you set aside for independent pursuits. Some of it might get planned on a weekend or evening (a sport, building a tree house, etc.)


This is something I ask my kids every year. My 1st dd (the one who's fav subject is LUNCH) using just says "nah. I hate school." But last year she requested more science experiments. This year she requested Art as part of the school day. My 2nd dd wants to cook around the world and learn about other cultures with a missionary focus. Well...that kid inspired me to try MFW ECC for the 1st time this year.


Some of it doesn't go into our school day. My 2nd dd has loved horses since she was 2, but I have NO intention of EVER getting a horse, lol. So last year and this year, we're slowly beginning to dabble in horse riding lessons. It is just to feed an interest and probably won't go anywhere, but that's OK. Another example: I bought a 3D art book that the kids dabble in during free time. It's nothing serious but they've enjoyed it. $6 and they've learned a lot independently.


I was really inspired by The Last Lecture about achieving your childhood dreams on youtube. What did you want to accomplish as a child? What do you look back and say "that made me who I am today?" What things do you regret not doing? I desperately need the framework of something planned and boxes to check. My kids do, too. To leave that entirely would be bad for us, although some families make it work. I think there is a balance you can strike, though, between just getting it done, and doing things that build you up as a person (goal setting, dream reaching). Don't know if that helps at all, or sends you into more of a tailspin:)


I think you could do well to use MFW as the framework. Replace books you're not excited about, add in your own. Cross things out in the grid and add stuff in. Or do the bare minimum and set time for those adventures you've never had. Or, set aside a scheduled time with a list of options for the kids to pursue ("OK, from 1-2 you can pick from the list of stuff to research. Write 1 paragraph about what you studied"). Or, take MFW breaks to do a 2 week unit study. Some experimenting might give you insight into what works for you and what doesn't.

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Since you mentioned Konos, and that you wanted to combine history, I was thinking maybe Learning Adventures. http://learning-adventures.org/ I know it says grades 4-8, but you could easily do it with your 3rd grader. It's nice because you have your bible built in, the history is good, and I think it will allow you to go off on your bunny trails. Especially the science. And, it seems like you can usually find some really good used prices for it. (I did)


What is also nice, is that you can break it up if you want. Each part of A World of Adventures covers one part of history, and says it covers 30 days. But, you could easily stretch out a period of history to cover more, and you could skip what you've already done. (We''ve done Ancient Egypt)

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We did Konos one year and it was perfect for what you're talking about. DD was interested in horses, so we did a unit on horses. I wanted her to learn about the Middle Ages, so we did that unit too. I don't know where you would find samples, but if you hop over to yahoo groups and join the Konos group, Jessica Hulcy and her husband answer questions about the curriculum and the other moms can help you get started. Also, there are a ton of blogs that talk about planning and executing Konos. I was even able to pull planning sheets off some of the sites to help me out.




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