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How often do you check your rep points?

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I'd check mine more often, but the paranoid side of me thinks there's someone sitting at PHP checking to see who checks their rep points the most often...


:D:D:D So, so glad to hear that I am not the only one who has had that thought!! I guess I have a neurotic side...

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I check every time I get on. And off. And sometimes in between. I once missed some, and it drove me crazy not knowing who they were from. I'm resolved to never let that happen again! :lol:


If your reps fall off the rep page and you have even an inkling what post they might have been attached to, just open that post and click the scales as if you were going to give rep. Every rep you ever got for that post will be there!

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I'd check mine more often, but the paranoid side of me thinks there's someone sitting at PHP checking to see who checks their rep points the most often...


Don't say that!!!


And don't say that they read our PM's either!!! Some of the dumbest, silliest conversations I have our done in PM!!!!! They will revoke my homeschooling license!

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From the looks of those FIVE GREEN SQUARES under each of your names, I'd say you're doing more merry making than mad making, and that ripped pants clearly turn somebody on! :w00t:



Ain't it the truth? Some of us were discussing this a few nights ago and it was pointed out that my rep will go up when I get involved in a serious topic, but *anj*'s rep goes up every time she smarts off! She could not disagree with this observation!


So if she is at the top I know she has been smarting off again!!:lol:



Not that *anj* and I have any sort of prom queen rivalry or anything. No, not us. That would be so petty. :tongue_smilie:



I actually obsess more over where I am in terms of *anj*'s position than I do about how many overall points I have!!!! :001_huh:



Grow up,Kelli.:glare:

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Every time I come here. :lol:

I feel like I'm never going to get 2 green dots, so that is my dream. Guess I gotta post more, with some good advice!


I check alot lately becasue I am so close to 2 green dots and I am obsessed with getting there. Oh, my. I guess I need a life. :lol:

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Anj, I must say, that was pretty funny! I HAD to read it to my dh and he laughed out loud! You are one of the blessed he has laughed out loud for. The other two are Dilbert and John Clease, well, actually all of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". So you're in great company! I bet you feel honored now! :lol:


Sounds like my DH...he did LOL at the post Doran made the other day about a colonoscopy...



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I check alot lately becasue I am so close to 2 green dots and I am obsessed with getting there. Oh, my. I guess I need a life. :lol:


Me too! I check probably daily, it is ridiculous, I know, but it makes me feel so good when there is actually something there (positive, of course!):D

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Don't say that!!!


And don't say that they read our PM's either!!! Some of the dumbest, silliest conversations I have our done in PM!!!!! They will revoke my homeschooling license!

LOL!! I'm really hoping Susan has something better to do that reading our pms!!! I bet it would be more entertaining that writing the History of the Middle Ages, but I'm not sure it would be the MOST productive use of her time! :-)

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Ain't it the truth? Some of us were discussing this a few nights ago and it was pointed out that my rep will go up when I get involved in a serious topic, but *anj*'s rep goes up every time she smarts off! She could not disagree with this observation!


So if she is at the top I know she has been smarting off again!!:lol:



Not that *anj* and I have any sort of prom queen rivalry or anything. No, not us. That would be so petty. :tongue_smilie:



I actually obsess more over where I am in terms of *anj*'s position than I do about how many overall points I have!!!! :001_huh:



Grow up,Kelli.:glare:


Wow, that is really immature. I am sure glad that *I* don't ever do anything like compare my rep to other peoples!! Like, I would never pm a friend and ask them to rep me so that I could bump up to the next square, (right *anj*?!?!) I just wouldn't do something like that.


And, since I can't rep *anj* again yet, I'll help you out in the competition.....I mean in your quest for excellence. Drat! It wouldn't let me rep you again yet either. Apparently, I'm helping you both in your quest.

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I check once a week or so. I have a question - I read through the how-to rep thread, but either I missed it, or it wasn't there. How many rep points a day do you have, and how do you know how close you are to moving up a square?


If you look at the top of the page on the left the first tab is labelled "user control panel (cp)" Clicking on that will show you how much rep you have as well as the last 5 comments left. You move up a square for every 100 rep points.


From what I gather we each have approx. 5 points to give out per day? I'm not entire sure on that one.



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Wow, that is really immature. I am sure glad that *I* don't ever do anything like compare my rep to other peoples!! Like, I would never pm a friend and ask them to rep me so that I could bump up to the next square, (right *anj*?!?!) I just wouldn't do something like that.


And, since I can't rep *anj* again yet, I'll help you out in the competition.....I mean in your quest for excellence. Drat! It wouldn't let me rep you again yet either. Apparently, I'm helping you both in your quest.



I wanna go on a quest! It sounds so...so...noble. What are we questing for. More squares? Are there horses? Or coconuts? What about knights? I'd like a knight, please. In fact, a I'll take a knight over a square.:lol:


Sadly, I tried to rep someone this morning and was informed that I've given out too much rep in the past 24 hours to be able to rep any more. I did go on a bit of a spree last night. But, now, not being able to..um..perform again in the morning. Well, I never thought I'd have this issue, and here it seems to be happening so frequently. It's terrible.

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Sadly, I tried to rep someone this morning and was informed that I've given out too much rep in the past 24 hours to be able to rep any more. I did go on a bit of a spree last night. But, now, not being able to..um..perform again in the morning. Well, I never thought I'd have this issue, and here it seems to be happening so frequently. It's terrible.



No, running out is good! It means you're spreading it well! You don't want to end up in deep rep, do ya?

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I check once a week or so. I have a question - I read through the how-to rep thread, but either I missed it, or it wasn't there. How many rep points a day do you have, and how do you know how close you are to moving up a square?


I think only 5, because I can't give any more out!!

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I'm consistently able to give 6 per 24-hour period every day. (Yes, I'm a nerd, I keep notes.) :D



Also, remember that just because you run out doesn't mean you're done for the day. It's based on a 24-hour period, not a calendar day. And if you give out all your rep each day (6 per day) you will be able to re-rep a person after 8 days.

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Wow, that is really immature. I am sure glad that *I* don't ever do anything like compare my rep to other peoples!! Like, I would never pm a friend and ask them to rep me so that I could bump up to the next square, (right *anj*?!?!) I just wouldn't do something like that.


And, since I can't rep *anj* again yet, I'll help you out in the competition.....I mean in your quest for excellence. Drat! It wouldn't let me rep you again yet either. Apparently, I'm helping you both in your quest.



Mindy, I am aghast! shocked033.gif


(expect a pm from me when I close in on my 3rd green squareblue-wink.gif)

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I'm consistently able to give 6 per 24-hour period every day. (Yes, I'm a nerd, I keep notes.) :D


I read in another thread that you had done that. I don't want to imply that I don't trust your research methods, but I did lived a few years in Missouri which is the Show Me State.


So here is what I did for my research; I took a 24 hour break from repping so I would have a clean slate. Then each time I repped someone I sent myself a PM with the person's name and the exact time, to the minute, that I repped him or her.


I found the same results, 6 reps per 24 hour period.


It is simply not enough. I wish we could purchase more.

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I read in another thread that you had done that. I don't want to imply that I don't trust your research methods, but I did lived a few years in Missouri which is the Show Me State.


So here is what I did for my research; I took a 24 hour break from repping so I would have a clean slate. Then each time I repped someone I sent myself a PM with the person's name and the exact time, to the minute, that I repped him or her.


I found the same results, 6 reps per 24 hour period.


It is simply not enough. I wish we could purchase more.


Native Missourian here!!!:thumbup: They don't call it the show me state for nothing!!

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Since I now know how and when to post rep points (thanks, Brindee!), I started on a rep spree, giving rep points out to helpful posters...and then I got a message saying I had given out too much in a 24 hour period. Bummer! I take it one must be judicious with one's rep points. :)
You're welcome! Yeah, that's the problem--NOT being allowed to give more!:001_huh:


Thanks for the rep!

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It is simply not enough. I wish we could purchase more.


I see a huge black market potential here. Perhaps some of the non-regulars could sell some of their rep to those of us who want more. I mean, it is really an untapped gold mine!

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I read in another thread that you had done that. I don't want to imply that I don't trust your research methods, but I did lived a few years in Missouri which is the Show Me State.


So here is what I did for my research; I took a 24 hour break from repping so I would have a clean slate. Then each time I repped someone I sent myself a PM with the person's name and the exact time, to the minute, that I repped him or her.


I found the same results, 6 reps per 24 hour period.


It is simply not enough. I wish we could purchase more.


It wouldn't be scientific if it weren't peer reviewed! :) Glad to see your research showed the same.

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but since I discovered the "ignore" feature I stopped reading certain controversial posts and stopped posting my snarky replies to said posts, and the rep points all but stopped. I guess people liked to give me rep when I went out on a limb but I'm really more mild-mannered than that, it gets me too worked up to read and post about some things so I just stopped. Anyway, when I check my points now (not very often) they seem to be at a standstill and I do understand why.

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Anj, I must say, that was pretty funny! I HAD to read it to my dh and he laughed out loud! You are one of the blessed he has laughed out loud for. The other two are Dilbert and John Clease, well, actually all of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". So you're in great company! I bet you feel honored now! :lol:


I am feeling totally honored now!!!!

Thanks for sharing that with me, I love it! Danseuse.gif

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Not that *anj* and I have any sort of prom queen rivalry or anything. No, not us. That would be so petty. :tongue_smilie:



I actually obsess more over where I am in terms of *anj*'s position than I do about how many overall points I have!!!! :001_huh:



Grow up,Kelli.:glare:


Nope, you're the queen, Kelli! You've been here longer, you've raised more kids, you've got more experience, you've got it goin' on, girlie! Applaudissements06.gif

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This is becoming an obsession for me. When the rep points first started I never checked. I had a "bad" attitude, "What do I care what someone else thinks about what I said."


Then lo and behold the day I had to go into my control panel. I had rep points! Woo Hoo! Okay I'm not going to obsess about it. But it is cool that someone thought I had something intelligent to say.


From that day I checked about once a week when I rememberd. Let's fast forward to the 4th of July Rep Party. The rep points have been the first thing I've checked every time I log on since I participated in the party.


Am I normal or deveolping OCD over rep points? How often do you check yours?


You know, I've gone through the same process and I make a fraction of the posts you make. But this change in my behavior, this salivating I do when I pull up my user control panel has an awfully pavlavian feeling to it. Hmmmm, what if we are really just someone's science experiment?

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My guess was that "rep points" referred to some sort of rating system for state and/or federal representatives.


Are reps unique to forums? I had never heard of such on yahoogroups.


Did not know about the PM's until today. Guess was not paying attention when set up my account.

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[QUOTE=Brindee;357830]You got there! CONGRATULATIONS! NOW you can obsess about getting 3 dots!:lol:[/quote]


It was a record setting day. 22 rep points in 24 hours-- and I didn't even beg. ;) If I could do so well each day that 3rd green square could be within reach sooner than later. ;) And I gave all my rep out too. It just gives you that warm fuzzy feeling.


By the way, I didn't start getting lots of rep til I started giving it out. Hmmmmm. Imagine that.

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I have gotten some rep points, all becasue of my son and the TOG dropout thread.


figures. He is always making a name for us. Have you ever wondered what it would be like living with Jim Carey and Shia Lebeauf (as Lewis Stevens) rolled into 1?


I'm worn out I tellya!:w00t:



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