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Changing my plans for science

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I've been dreading the Apologia Biology book like the plague. It's not the curriculum per se, but the labs that freak me out. First, I just don't have the money to put into a microscope and other lab equipment.


While looking for something to help me, I ran across the Dive CDs. I really like the looks of it. The lectures seem advanced and the labs are all on video. If we want to do the labs ourselves when we can get supplies, then we could. Otherwise, we fill out the lab reports with the video. There is also a workbook page to be printed up for each lesson. There are numerous textbooks or the Internet that can be used for required reading.


So I've decided to start out with Integrated Physics and Chemistry for 9th. All of the reading is on the Internet. I can get it from Christian Book for $50 with free shipping. Hopefully I can afford it within the next month.

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We jumped the Apologia ship for BJU last year, but weren't as successful as we could have been because I didn't get it all planned out and there was so much to choose from. I like that the DIVE CDs have it all planned out from the beginning, HOWEVER...


I don't see where it schedules any of the Review Questions or Activities in the actual BJU book (or BJU labs). Do those of you who have used this assign any of these?



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If you go to their website, there is a syllabi tab at the top. This will show you which textbooks you can use with the curriculum. The idea is that you are reading about a specific topic, then watch the lecture, then fill in the worksheet that you print out. You also watch the lab and fill in the lab sheet.

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