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Update on my small DS - diagnosis given

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I posted a week or so ago that my DS(11) was very small for his age and that after the initial blood test things looked fine.


Well, about 4 days after that he started having diarreah (7-10 times a day) and it wasn't letting up - lost 6 pounds. So, back to the doctor and new blood tests where done. Long story short since I last posted he's been scoped, hospitalized and now home. He has Crohn's :001_unsure: Now trying to process everything. The good news is we've found a doctor who specializes in pediatric Crohn's and DS has gained back 2 pounds.


Prayers would be greatly appreciated.

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:grouphug: Bummer. Glad he is getting good help.




I posted a week or so ago that my DS(11) was very small for his age and that after the initial blood test things looked fine.


Well, about 4 days after that he started having diarreah (7-10 times a day) and it wasn't letting up - lost 6 pounds. So, back to the doctor and new blood tests where done. Long story short since I last posted he's been scoped, hospitalized and now home. He has Crohn's :001_unsure: Now trying to process everything. The good news is we've found a doctor who specializes in pediatric Crohn's and DS has gained back 2 pounds.


Prayers would be greatly appreciated.

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Bummer news! Glad you've found a specialist and I hope he gets some relief soon! Hang in there and give yourself time to process your feelings. It will take awhile for you to feel "okay" with his diagnosis and to come to terms with the new future and medical issues. It's alright to take the time to do that. (Just putting that in there because I felt bad taking time to process my son's issues, which are minor in comparison, and I feel asmoms we don't hear enough that it's okay to feel and take time understand and grieve a little.)

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I'm so sorry for your son. :grouphug:


We are in the process of trying to figure out what is going on with our ds. He is very small for his age and has lots of GI issues. He had a stomach ulcer at 3, lots and lots of diarrhea, vomiting, and severe stomach pain. The past few episodes have involved fever and weight loss. I just want to find out what is causing all of his issues. I have suspected Crohns. I don't have a lot of confidence in our GI doc. My ds has an appointment on July 9. I hope we do some more testing.


I recently found an active message board for families with children with Crohns and IBD, http://www.crohnsforum.com.


Glad to hear your ds is gaining some weight.


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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I'm curious if he had other symptoms that were telling of this previous to this week? Curious because I have a very small 11 year old too.



The doctors are guessing he's had Crohn's for up to 9 months. The "symptoms" were very spotty and only 1 at a time. He would complain of stomach ache (squeezing of the stomach), occasional headache and towards the end loss of appetite (occured 3 weeks before diagnosis).

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I am glad you have a proper diagnosis to work with! Going dairy and gluten free really helps a lot of people with Crohn's. :grouphug:



My off-the-charts-small DD doesn't have a Crohn's diagnosis but she had dramatic "catch-up" weight and height gain after she went gluten- and dairy-free. Our pediatrician said that she sees this all the time in gluten intolerant kids who go GF.

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While that is tough thing to find out, I'm glad that you have an accurate diagnosis now. Praying for you as you figure this all out.


It is FANTASTIC that you have a diagnosis now!!!


Many years ago, when around the same age, my nephew got very very sick & underwent a slew of medical tests looking for the cause. It turned out to be Crohn's, but it took them about 1.5 YEARS to diagnose & he got very very (skeletal) thin in the meantime. The entire family was very concerned that he would die before any cause or cure was discovered. Then they put him on medication & he ballooned up to very overly large. It has now been a few years, and he is on a more even balance at this time. I understand when he doesn't watch his diet that he has periodic flareups, but when I have seen him (out of town) he seems to be holding in there well. :)

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I have Crohn's and Ulcerative colitis.


I can now eat this bread. My kids like the raisin bread and the english muffins. I use the hamburg buns to make stuffing during thanksgiving and Christmas and the kids and hubby ate it with me and said it was the best stuffing. I use the torttila shells to make my own nachos.


The grains are sprouted so the gluten is no longer a problem for me to digest.



Hope your little guy sprouts up quickly! Next, you'll be telling us how quickly he's growing out of his pants!

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Thanks for the tip. I am looking for a bread that we can all enjoy. I found a store nearby that sells it which is even better.


Have you had to go lactose free?



I have Crohn's and Ulcerative colitis.


I can now eat this bread. My kids like the raisin bread and the english muffins. I use the hamburg buns to make stuffing during thanksgiving and Christmas and the kids and hubby ate it with me and said it was the best stuffing. I use the torttila shells to make my own nachos.


The grains are sprouted so the gluten is no longer a problem for me to digest.



Hope your little guy sprouts up quickly! Next, you'll be telling us how quickly he's growing out of his pants!

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Please be aware that this bread is not safe for everyone who needs to be gluten free. I would talk to her doctor about it first.



I'm meeting with the doctor next week and am not changing his diet until then. I have been given lots of suggestions and plan on covering all of them at our appointment.

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Thanks for the tip. I am looking for a bread that we can all enjoy. I found a store nearby that sells it which is even better.


Have you had to go lactose free?


Praying for you and for your son. :grouphug:


I noticed you asked about a lactose-free diet. I don't have any answers, but wanted to mention to find out from your doctor if the diet should be lactose-free or dairy-free, because avoiding milk protein and avoiding lactose are different.


I am glad you have a diagnosis.

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