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How Would You Have Interpreted This?

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Ds15 needed a tetnus booster for summer camp. He also wanted to switch from a pediatrician to a family med. doctor. When I called the doctor's office I was told that he needed to be seen as new patient and could not just get the shot. That was fine. I made the appointment for this morning. We get to the doctor's office, fill out paperwork and then the P.A. comes out to tell me that ds15's computerized medical records said that he already had the immunization in question. She offered to give me the computer printout of his immunizations and to update the state immunization booklet.


Once she did that she said "I would have called you to tell you not to come in but since you had an appointment anyway, I waited until you came in." How would you interpret her saying that? I interpreted that to mean that he still needed to see the doctor for a basic check-up. We sat for 20 more min. before she came out and said "Oh, you didn't have to stay. I meant that with the immunization being done you were free to go." I made an irritated face but didn't say anything other than "thank you" and just left with the kids.


I was just wondering if others would have interpreted her words as meaning we still needed to stay. Or if you would have left. This isn't a big deal. It was a miscommunication and irritated me at the time but I'm not irritated anymore. I'm just curious now!

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I would have been a little confused about what else she thought the appointment was for. I probably would have asked if we had to stay to see the doctor anyway, but there's no way I would have taken that as a cue that we were supposed to leave.

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I think that would be the last time I would go to that doctor.


My doctor is within the same office and I've never had any trouble with her or her P.A. I think next time I will insist on seeing her instead of the first available. The only reason I took the first available this time was because I thought ds15 needed the immunization and we were under deadline to get it done for summer camp.


I was a bit put out by the phone call thing too but wasn't sure when she discovered that the immunization had been done. I left my house 15 min. before the appointment so she might not have had time to call me. I decided to "let it go". (Is there a yoga smilie?")

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Ok, I would not have been put out because it is standard around here to make an appointment to establish care and switch doctors. I've had to do it even when I was well, just to get into a doctor's practice that was normally closed to new patients. Its a bummer about her not being clear that you were free to go, but I suspect that is why she did not just call you, she needed to establish that your ds was a new patient with an appt. anyway.

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Ok, I would not have been put out because it is standard around here to make an appointment to establish care and switch doctors. I've had to do it even when I was well, just to get into a doctor's practice that was normally closed to new patients. Its a bummer about her not being clear that you were free to go, but I suspect that is why she did not just call you, she needed to establish that your ds was a new patient with an appt. anyway.


So by filling out the paperwork, was that establishing that he was a new patient? Even though he wasn't actually seen? I'm not going to get billed for this, am I?

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So by filling out the paperwork, was that establishing that he was a new patient? Even though he wasn't actually seen? I'm not going to get billed for this, am I?


Yup. It depends on your insurance and how they bill as to whether you will get charged. My insurance charges a co-pay for nurses and P.A. visits as well, but some do not. I did have to pay for my appt. to switch docs.

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I would have thought as you did. Especially since most doctors require a "New Patient" appointment where you meet the doctor and establish a relationship before a sick appointment. I would have assumed that that's what I'd be staying for.

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