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no carb?


I'm very cranky about this. Very.


I've always eaten very clean, but lately, I've been feeling cruddy and losing control of my blood sugar crashes. NOT MUCH, but to me, it was more than usual. IT was a itty bitty sign that something wasn't right with me.


Then, I started realizing that when I ate carbs I felt worse. So, a few days before kid went into the hospital I went no carb (such fun to do when stressed!). The sucky part is that without vitamin B I Have not crashed once, I'm not bloated (my weight is still the same but I don't feel like a balloon) and I've not had any bread ...except for tonight when I just HAD to try a half a piece of my awesome pineapple zucchini bread and....UGH, felt sick. So that kinda proved it.


I don't mind eating like this most days, but I'm getting tired of eating the same thing all the time. Eggs, meat, veggies and salad.


WHere do I go from here?

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You are getting carbs in some form in the vegetables.


Are you up to doing an elimination diet to figure out what kind of carbs agree with you and which don't?


If the bread made you feel less than, can you really pinpoint if it was a refined carb that doesn't work for you?


For the sugar issue, are you able to work with protein supplements?


A ways back, I had to figure out the difference between a fast moving protein and a slow moving protein to even out my blood glucose control.


A lot of that stuff involves the really basic features of diet, liquid, and...sorry..exercise.


How are you feeling about your hydration levels and the kind of fluids in your day? Is it varied enough that your body isn't stressing and causing the feeling of imbalance?


When you said it's sucky that "without vitamin B"- did you mean it to say something else?


That class of vitamin spans a WHOLE buncha places, one that you might really want to pause and study against what you are bringing in your body.


I actually did a blood test where I fell below human "okay" levels on the complete class of B available, adjusted for that, and it was a big lightswitch for me, and quite a learning journey.


Your body needs this replenished consistently and know it's going to get them or the whole system goes to pot.


I'd start right there. Easiest thing to test ever.

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Guest Belli

Have you heard of the Paleo/Primal Diet? I always feel better when I drop the wheat and sugar (most people do). Personally I am slowly building to this kind of lifestyle which has enormous health benefits. Some sites to check:

Mark's Daily Apple


Paleo Parents


Our local library had Sarah Fragoso's book Everyday Paleo - highly recommend for families - I found her recipes so far are easy, delicious and (mostly) not boring!

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Have you heard of the Paleo/Primal Diet? I always feel better when I drop the wheat and sugar (most people do). Personally I am slowly building to this kind of lifestyle which has enormous health benefits. Some sites to check:

Mark's Daily Apple


Paleo Parents


Our local library had Sarah Fragoso's book Everyday Paleo - highly recommend for families - I found her recipes so far are easy, delicious and (mostly) not boring!


Is paleo different than raw? Thanks for the links!




Thank you!


You are getting carbs in some form in the vegetables.




Are you up to doing an elimination diet to figure out what kind of carbs agree with you and which don't?


no, I really don't want to feel cruddy.


If the bread made you feel less than, can you really pinpoint if it was a refined carb that doesn't work for you?


from what I know before I eliminated, all of them. but this time it was particularly refined. White flour and sugar in the zucchini bread, I'm thinking.

For the sugar issue, are you able to work with protein supplements?


I don't like most of them because they contain artificial sweeteners, and whey isolate is expensive


A ways back, I had to figure out the difference between a fast moving protein and a slow moving protein to even out my blood glucose control.


A lot of that stuff involves the really basic features of diet, liquid, and...sorry..exercise.


How are you feeling about your hydration levels and the kind of fluids in your day? Is it varied enough that your body isn't stressing and causing the feeling of imbalance?


I have to remind myself to drink, but it's not been that recently. I've been very hydrated.


When you said it's sucky that "without vitamin B"- did you mean it to say something else?


b complex used to be all I needed to control my bloodsugar. I meant it sucked because note I really have to eliminate. And NYC bread is heaven on earth...



That class of vitamin spans a WHOLE buncha places, one that you might really want to pause and study against what you are bringing in your body.


I actually did a blood test where I fell below human "okay" levels on the complete class of B available, adjusted for that, and it was a big lightswitch for me, and quite a learning journey.


what do you mean?

Your body needs this replenished consistently and know it's going to get them or the whole system goes to pot.


I did take them daily, forgetting now and again


I'd start right there. Easiest thing to test ever.





spill, woman!


And, I should add that I've not eaten sugar or any grains or wheat/flour products apart from that half slice of zucchini bread. Meat, veggies, dairy is it.

Edited by justamouse
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Where are your at on understanding gluten foods? I look at the sugar/refined flour note and wonder if that might be part of it right there.


I don't know what you would think about getting a blood test done to do your panels on B vitamins, but that's what I did. I took the results and went over them with my naturopath (highly professional, not new agey) and she educated me on proteins and stabilizing B vitamin levels.


I was on a really strict elimination diet at the time, and yes, it was really uncomfortable, but I learned through it what foods set me off, things that a rast test couldn't. It's really not complicated to do, but aggravating.


You just eat a single food, and become really self-aware about the effect it has on you. Some are super obvious, like hives or discomfort; and those go to the "no no" list. I had my immune system go kaputt due to a 2 week course of ciprofloxin, and it took me about a year to get it back. I tell you this to give you a sense of how long the elimination diet took. Not fun at all. But it worked.


A couple of the really big things I learned was probiotics and using psyillum husk. If a person doesn't have proper bacterial levels in the gut system, it cannot deal very well with breaking down the components of digestion. Probiotics put those back in the body and it's not a lot of voodoo to get it done or see results. Just go to any corner drugstore...rite aid/walgreens, and pull down a bottle of acidophilus. It's like five bucks, results are immediate.


I remember being so mad that this simple combo worked so well (as in, I've wasted so much time in not knowing).


The psyillum husk I used in juice, it's a bulking agent, not digestable, and really creates a sensation of fullness that lasts and keeps your innards very clean. If you think of your intestional tract as a row of grass growing, refined flours can flatten the grass and you end up in a state which is close to or like IBS. You can't absorb or digest properly with "flat grass". It's easily fixable, and if you are vitamin deficient due to it- again the results are near immediate. You feel a bit like a neglected houseplant that finally gets tended to.


If you go from a stressed state of the vitamins not being absorbed, or having the body stressed from working so hard to get them, the internal system goes into starvation mode and will hold absolutely everything it can if the rhythm is disrupted.


After a short bit of time, you build up a rhythm of nutrition, and the system starts to relax as it *knows* it's not going to go into starvation mode again. It's just self-preservation that our bodies do this to get us through times of famine. It doesn't take long at all to convince the body it's going to get what it needs on a regular rhythm and basis.


And that above, is absolutely crazy on an elimination diet, lemmee tellya. I was highly supplementing during this time as I couldn't do it via food.


One interesting test you can do with yourself when you are checking out the body response to food is to check mental functioning. I'd sit about half an hour after eating and work on math problems, then journal about how well my focus or tension was during solving them.


Bread? Forget it, I couldn't add 2 plus 2. Orange juice, ah..bring it on.


You might want to just start a journal on the counter. When it is you note your symptoms, the time of day, and the preceding meal.


I'll betcha anything a pattern appears and you'll be smackin' yourself upside the head going, "Oh man! That's it!"

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Ah, ok. I'm happy with just meat, veggies, dairy and the occasional potato. If I eat like this 99% of the time, I'm ok with having a brownie or cake if the occasion is worth it. I just can't stand feeling like crud 95% of the time.


It's been amazing. Today I had leftover beef stroganoff and some string beans for breakfast. Yogurt and blueberries with coconut oil for lunch. NO CRASH. I could snack, but have no desire to, and no crash. No vitamin B, either. Any other time I would have been in bed with my whole system short circuiting.

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The psyillum husk I used in juice, it's a bulking agent, not digestable, and really creates a sensation of fullness that lasts and keeps your innards very clean. If you think of your intestional tract as a row of grass growing, refined flours can flatten the grass and you end up in a state which is close to or like IBS. You can't absorb or digest properly with "flat grass". It's easily fixable, and if you are vitamin deficient due to it- again the results are near immediate. You feel a bit like a neglected houseplant that finally gets tended to.



Interesting. I have heard for/against psyillum husk but I don't understand how to use it. When do you take it? I fell much better without gluten for sure, but I do some grains like buckwheat/quinoa because I'm just too hungry/bloated otherwise. The days I don't eat any grains I don't have a BM, become horribly irregular and I really don't feel great. Just always bloated from all of the produce I need to eat to get full because I really can't stand much animal product. And I am completely lactose intolerant in a bad way.


Not to hijack...I am just in the same boat. And I too, eat very clean and healthy etc. It's just something not quite right and I know it is something to do with grains/gluten. I can consume multiple fruit smoothies all day long and feel fine, but not with bread.

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Interesting. I have heard for/against psyillum husk but I don't understand how to use it. When do you take it? I fell much better without gluten for sure, but I do some grains like buckwheat/quinoa because I'm just too hungry/bloated otherwise. The days I don't eat any grains I don't have a BM, become horribly irregular and I really don't feel great. Just always bloated from all of the produce I need to eat to get full because I really can't stand much animal product. And I am completely lactose intolerant in a bad way.


Not to hijack...I am just in the same boat. And I too, eat very clean and healthy etc. It's just something not quite right and I know it is something to do with grains/gluten. I can consume multiple fruit smoothies all day long and feel fine, but not with bread.


Yogurt is a probiotic. :) Blueberries are your sugar. :) Keep trying this pattern.


Psyllium husk is a tricky monster in that you have to build up tolerance for it. You start with the smallest amount possible, like 1/8th of a teaspoon, and mix it in your juice and drink it. It's just honestly very raw Metamucil - Metamucil is the same thing but very fine powder form with some other fillers.


There is a choking hazard with husk, because it swells like crazy. You gradually build up to a tablespoon in a day, very slowly. Just add incrementally each week as you adjust. One honestly does need to drink around three glasses of water following a juice with husk. If you don't, you are going to feel it. It doesn't have any taste or anything.


To be indelicate about it, your stool/bowel movements are affected, and one becomes very, very regular. You take it first thing in the morning. Sort of sets the stage for the rest of the day.


I can't do lactose or much red meat either. Nitrates about kill me, and dairy is a good way to get a stomach ache.


It's interesting JM, that you added coconut oil and that's helpful.


Are you using any fish oil supplements? That stuff is wicked good for you.

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I wish I could eat yogurt. Ugh. I am thinking about going totally grain free again, and then maybe this phsyllium will help keep me regular, so I will be able to tell if I can tolerate yogurt.


I do take fish supplements. This is helpful:001_smile:

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JM, think about writing down this success combo. It's so easy to forget.


The other thing that crossed my mind was the deal about a faster digestive system (which will happen) and the amount and times you eat.


You might end up finding out that you increase the rhythms of eating (the generalized 6-8 servings a day idea, just smaller portions, rather than 3 majors) in order to regulate the blood sugar levels. A more tightly spaced intake can help a lot in metabolism and avoiding crashes.

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Are you using any fish oil supplements? That stuff is wicked good for you.


I've always taken them. No PMS what so ever with them. Without? I'm on the couch.


I eat a LOT of veggies, so I've not encountered the slow system problem. I actually crave them, so I just get a small bowl of homemade lactofermented sauerkraut (you could just use salt) or whatever I have a lot of. Carrot salad, regular salad, anything.


I actually let myself get tummy rumbling hungry today and still no crash. It was amazing. My stomach rumbling was normally an alarm that told me I had waited too long to eat.

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Meaning that veggies and fruits do have carbs, right?


Yes. You'd have to avoid all fruit and most veggies in order to go completely no-carb, and there's no good reason to believe that our ancestors avoided all carb-containing plants, though their diet was probably generally lower carb than post-agricultural.

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