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Atelier as "supplement"? For technique?

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I want to keep Harmony Fine Arts as our Art & Music Appreciation, and Maryann Kohl books for crafts/messy/silly time.


I really would like something that equals an "art technique" curriculum (shapes, crosshatching, pencil use etc) that would be on par with a private/art school education.


Although my father was an artist and my brother a cartooner, I can naturally draw/doodle/paint/sculpt, but I don't know how to do a lot of techniques.


I would like to make sure my children don't miss out on this, and I would like something DVD based, so the kids and I can all do it. I want something that will go through the school years, building up upon technique.


In my eyes, it seems like Atelier fits the bill. BUT, it seems to be made up a lot of art appreciation (which we already have in Harmony Arts). Since there is not much information on the videos/lessons themselves I was hoping ya'll could help. Would it be superfluous?


Thanks :bigear:

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I love Atelier. I think it is a fantastic art technique program although I am a nonartist so perhaps not the best judge. The program does exactly what you described. It builds upon itself through the levels. In level 1 a child learns about mixing secondary colors and in level 2 moves on to tertiary colors. The line work each level becomes more advanced. I really love it. I should add that my son does not. He struggles with perfectionism. Despite not always liking it I've noticed that his technique has improved in his free art. Both of my kids have been able to take the lessons they learned and apply it to their own art.

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They recently had it on homeschool coop for the second year in a row. I don't remember if it is the website so forgive me if you already know this. Each level comes with three cds. Each cd has six lessons. Level 2 a has lessons on line, color, composition, drawing and shape. Level 2c has two on drawing, two on artist appreciation, one on space, and one on pattern. In level 2 c the child uses crayon resist, markers, paint, and whatever they use in the drawing. Each level has the same category of lessons but it becomes more complex.

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