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Twin A has arrived at exactly 26 weeks. Twin B is still in the oven. Update inside

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Thanks to all who have been praying and sending good thoughts to the twins. Momma is doing okay, but twin A couldn't wait any longer. They were able to stop her labor before twin B got into trouble so he is still in utero, however momma doesn't tolerate the drugs to stop labor all that well so if the starts contracting again, they'll be delivering twin B.


Twin A's initials are D.J. H weighed 2 lbs. 2 oz. and is 13 3/4 inches long. He was breathing on his own, plump in the cheeks, and pink. The doctors are REALLY pleased. He's being ventilated and given oxygen but in the 10 hrs. since his delivery, he has required less assistance than would normally be expected. I'd post pics but I haven't talked to either parent personally and would not want to do that without permission. Suffice it to say, he does not have what I thought would be a typical micro-preemie look. To me he looks a bit like an American Girl Doll Bitty Baby.


I'll keep everyone apprised of any new developments.


Again, thank you soooooo much!


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Hooray! I will keep praying!


(So they are twins, but will have different birthdays. That's kind of cool.)


I was thinking the same thing. My friend had twins and one was born on Dec 31, 1999 and the other about an hour later on Jan 1, 2000. They have different birthdays, years and centuries.


Keep us updated on the babies. I'll keep them and mom in my thoughts.

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Wow! That is amazing! I hope twin 2 can hold on a little longer and that mom can tolerate it well. I'll be praying for everybody. I'm so glad to hear that baby DJ is doing so well. I'm sure he'll be glad to play the "I'm days/weeks older than you" card as they get older. :lol: That will surely confound some people :D. Keep us updated please.

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