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s/o Anxiety attacks

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I had some sort of attack the other day. Have no idea what to call it. Twice someone asked me to either explain something to them or to make a decision. My brain went to mush. I got frustrated because I felt like I shouldn't have to explain something so obvious, or that they should be able to handle whatever it was themselves, but it was more than that.


I was so frustrated I sorta growled and threw my hands up in the air and walked away. Those of you that know me know that I have no problem telling people exactly what to do, how and when to do it.


Senility? Alzheimer's? Rage attack? I didn't like it.

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Doesn't sound like an anxiety attack. From what I understand, those usually have the person feeling a sense of 'dread', perhaps racing heart, a 'deja vu' feeling, adrenaline rush, etc.


Not sure what you had, but it sounds disturbing. :grouphug:

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I get that way frequently. I just get overloaded and it is the straw that broke this camel's back, not by making me go postal, but by making me shut down and not be able to articulate what I want to say. So I throw my hands up and walk away. Usually after a while I am able to come back, see if they figured out anything in my absence or if it even needs my input, and then deal with it.

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I recently read about someone who thought for years she was having anxiety attacks, and they turned out to be epilepsy. I can't remember all the details. I'll try and find it and report back if there's anything more relevant.

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Thyroid is a common culprit in things like that. I have a very close friend who just went through nearly a year of feeling like that. She finally went in and it was her thyroid. She was told that it is very common, especially in women over 40. If that is the case, you go on medication which may need some dosage adjustments along the way before they hit on the right one for you, but once you get that squared away, you will see improvements quite quickly.

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I get that way frequently. I just get overloaded and it is the straw that broke this camel's back, not by making me go postal, but by making me shut down and not be able to articulate what I want to say. So I throw my hands up and walk away. Usually after a while I am able to come back, see if they figured out anything in my absence or if it even needs my input, and then deal with it.


I do the same thing. It's like I'm so frustrated, my brain will not work for a minute. This has only happened to me in the last couple of years. I'm 48.

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Might your blood sugar have been low?


I get very easily angered when my blood sugar is low.


My panic attacks are nothing like frustration. It is a combination of feeling like the wind is knocked out of me and my stomach gets the same floppy feeling as when you fall. I also just despair. That's the only way to put it. It isn't fear or just sadness, it is feeling like the world has gone off the rails and nothing will be right ever again.

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