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What are your favorite cloth training pants?

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I'm considering using cloth trainig pants for my 25 month old. I'm not sure if he's ready yet to be potty trained so I want to be prepared when he is. I started buying him pull-ups a couple of months ago when he started following me into the bathroom to sit on his potty chair. Pull-Up are so much more expensive than diapers, we usually buy the generic brand. I really like the looks of Super Undies I think if I decide to use cloth we will start with these. I just can't get over the price of how expensive cloth training pants are? Am I going to be spending more money than if we just use disposibles? I have to take into consideration the cost of the electric for running the washer and dryer plush the laundry soap.


Tell me what your experience has been with cloth and what your favorites are!


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For leak-proof (within limits), I liked Imse Vimse, though these are not cheap. They are so cute and comfy, with cloth on the inside and outside, and a leak-proof layer in between. I found cream-color and printed ones. (This was about 5 years ago, though.)


For everyday at home, the cheap stuff at Wal-Mart worked just fine. They're just going to pee on them, after all. You will want to buy a size that is loose so he can get them up & down easily when in a hurry.

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We use Hanna Andersson.


My older two kids either didn't have an accident, or let it all come out. DS2 will sometimes tinkle and catch himself, and then get to the potty, so these work for us. I don't think they would have helped as much with DS1 and DD when they were training.


He's consistently dry, but when he's busy or distracted he'll have the occasional accident.

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IMO training pants of any type are just going to prolong potty training. When he shows interest in using the potty, removing his diaper, showing discomfort with a wet diaper etc, then dedicate a week or two to naked time. He'll be potty trained and you can say bye bye to diaper laundry!

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IMO training pants of any type are just going to prolong potty training. When he shows interest in using the potty, removing his diaper, showing discomfort with a wet diaper etc, then dedicate a week or two to naked time. He'll be potty trained and you can say bye bye to diaper laundry!

WE do naked training, etc. and it works well for us. My 3 kids were all ready by about age 2 or 2.5 in my DD's case. They still feel very wet from the training pants, IME. It just helps me with DS2 so we can catch any dribbles. He's out and about more with older siblings, etc. and at just over 2 doesn't always leave himself enough time. And I am busier than I was with my other two children, and don't remind him often enough every single day. So we get the occasional accident in the training pants, but he's PT'd 95-98 percent of the way.


I have no interest in pull ups, as I do think they just prolong the process a lot for most kids.

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IMO training pants of any type are just going to prolong potty training. When he shows interest in using the potty, removing his diaper, showing discomfort with a wet diaper etc, then dedicate a week or two to naked time. He'll be potty trained and you can say bye bye to diaper laundry!


We actually did the naked thing with our oldest. It worked great, and she was fully potty trained at 20 months. However, the more children I have the less time I have to keeping an eye on a naked toddler! I've been tempted to try it again though. It would save a lot of money!

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