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What exactly does it mean when middle schoolers have boyfriends/girlfriends?

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This is a serious question, lol. I honestly want to know what it means when a 7th or 8th grader has a boyfriend/girlfriend. Does it really mean full blown dating as in going to the movies? Texting? Phone calls? Just hanging out at church/co-op/wherever they go?


Is this type of thing allowed in your family?

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I asked my oldest this when she asked if she could have a boyfriend in 7th grade. Since she knew she wasn't allowed to date until she was 16, I figured she had something in mind that didn't violate that.


Basically, for her, it meant saying they were boyfriend/girlfriend. Which just meant they might sit together at lunch and hang out at school. Both of the guys she had as "boyfriends" were friends first so not much changed except the name. Both ended quick because she felt the boys "got weird" about it so she just went back to friends. She was also allowed to go to school dances, local church dances and to movies with a group and a parent present.

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This is a serious question, lol. I honestly want to know what it means when a 7th or 8th grader has a boyfriend/girlfriend. Does it really mean full blown dating as in going to the movies? Texting? Phone calls? Just hanging out at church/co-op/wherever they go?


Is this type of thing allowed in your family?

It means they change the FB status to "In a relationship" and do things that parents take them to in groups, at least around here. I'm sure there are other settings where they are having sex with parental blessings at home, these days...

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It means they change the FB status to "In a relationship" and do things that parents take them to in groups, at least around here. I'm sure there are other settings where they are having sex with parental blessings at home, these days...
On what do you base this supposition?
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In the case of my dd12 and her "boyfriend" it means they call each other that while never dating, and never being alone (they are always either with me, my ds13 or his guardian). In fact they have not even seen each other for almost 3 weeks due to busy schedules and she leaves tomorrow for a month.


That said at her age I was actually dating (and told by my mom that I was to never turn down a date because it was so hard for the boy to get the courage to ask), I had a "boyfriend" of 5 years by that point which included hiding in teh chicken coop at his grandpa's place to make out (as in full out fench kissing by age 8). That boy and I were dropped off for beach dates, and sodas on our own as young as 9. Luckily we only saw each other a few weeks of the year during the summer, but we kept it going until he went to my gramma when we were 14 and asked her to phone me and see if it was okay to have a local girlfriend too.


SO the variation is wide of what is dating at that age. A girl my ds13 liked when he was 11 was already having s*x with the boys in her class and had a reputation of being a sl*t at age 11, she had 1 boy she went back to everytime she broke up with the boyfriend du jour.

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Our neighbor had a boyfriend whom she met through a mutual friend on FB. She never met him in person. They were BF and GF for a few weeks, chatted on instant messaging and talked on the phone. Then they broke up, still never having met each other. I thought it was the oddest thing. She has had other boyfriends and they seem to rarely actually do anything together. They mostly chat on facebook and text. She just finished 8th grade at ps.


My boys don't seem interested in girls at all. I don't have any set rules about it and would consider each situation as it arises. My older son has a lot of Aspie traits and at this point I am hoping he eventually dates SOMEONE.

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I'm sure there are other settings where they are having sex with parental blessings at home, these days...


Please. I'm sure even crappy parents do not wish there kids would be getting it on at what....10, 11, 12 years old in middles school?

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My ds14 (8th grade) met a young lady (15yo, 9th grade)) at church. They very quickly established a friendship and decided that they wanted to "date" (be exclusive). Knowing our rule (no dating until 16), we discussed this with ds and this young lady and her parents. We told them they could title their relationship whatever they wanted but the rule was still no one-on-one dating until 16. My ds even asked young lady's father if he could date her...in front of our entire worship team! They see each other at church, youth group, worship rehearsal and we sometimes pick this girl up from her school which is nearer to us than to her parents. She is also friends with my dd15. Ds and this young lady hold hands. They hug hello and goodbye. They refer to themselves as boyfriend/girlfriend. Young lady's sister is dating our pastor's son (a few years older than her) and all of our families are very close and quite on the same page as far as real dating. It is a unique situation, IMO. Both ds and young lady are very closely monitored by us and pretty much our entire congregation. ;) Much to their dismay sometimes. LOL. There is no alone time and the only time we "might" sway from our original no one-on-one dates is if they double date with young lady's sister and pastor's son (whom we have known since he was 10 and trust very much). So there you have it. We do not allow dating as many define it.

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It means they change the FB status to "In a relationship" and do things that parents take them to in groups, at least around here. I'm sure there are other settings where they are having sex with parental blessings at home, these days...


Oh come on...




I agree with TranquilMind on this. In our public schools there is a 13 year old pregnant (JUST turned 13) and apparently her parents LOVE the "dad" and are excited about this. My oldest went to choir and band at the PS with this girl (all middle school grades are together for band and choir because of how small the schools are). In this messed up world it happens. I know the parents are very young themselves (31 and 29) Her dad is not her bio dad (the 13 year olds that is) Go figure. There is a HUGE variation to dating at this age. Frankly it scares me.

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I agree with TranquilMind on this. In our public schools there is a 13 year old pregnant (JUST turned 13) and apparently her parents LOVE the "dad" and are excited about this. My oldest went to choir and band at the PS with this girl (all middle school grades are together for band and choir because of how small the schools are). In this messed up world it happens. I know the parents are very young themselves (31 and 29) Her dad is not her bio dad (the 13 year olds that is) Go figure. There is a HUGE variation to dating at this age. Frankly it scares me.
One anecdote does not a trend make.


When I was in high school one of my classmates got pregnant, dropped out (at 15), and married the father not long after, a man twice her age. Her parents approved because the made it "OK with God" by marrying the father.

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There is so much variation on this that I don't know that you can get a definitive answer. For some middle schoolers it means hanging out together and perhaps passing notes and holding hands, for others it means having sex. Obviously there is any number of points in between.


:iagree: :iagree: This. Exactly.

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There is so much variation on this that I don't know that you can get a definitive answer. For some middle schoolers it means hanging out together and perhaps passing notes and holding hands, for others it means having sex. Obviously there is any number of points in between.


:iagree:It means different things to different children.

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I asked my oldest this when she asked if she could have a boyfriend in 7th grade. Since she knew she wasn't allowed to date until she was 16, I figured she had something in mind that didn't violate that.


Basically, for her, it meant saying they were boyfriend/girlfriend. Which just meant they might sit together at lunch and hang out at school. Both of the guys she had as "boyfriends" were friends first so not much changed except the name. Both ended quick because she felt the boys "got weird" about it so she just went back to friends. She was also allowed to go to school dances, local church dances and to movies with a group and a parent present.


This is our experience. My son has a "girlfriend", but they just talk/text some. (I monitor his texts...nothing sexy...in fact REALLY boring, lol.) Even at the Halloween Dance he went to (and most of the parents stayed), most of the boys and girls had such "relationships" but you would never know it. The girls were out dancing and the boys were sitting in a group by themselves.

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When I was in junior high (grade 7 - 9) there was a 13 year old who got pregnant and gave her baby up for adoption. It could have been anyone, though, because a large number of the kids were having sex. Having a boyfriend meant having sex in most instances and there were lots of people having sex without having a boyfriend.

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On what do you base this supposition?


I am not the quoted poster, but as a youth group volunteer in a former church, there were most definitely parents who let their children have boyfriends/girlfriends sleep over in their rooms (and having sex). They either wanted so much to be friend instead of parent, or they didn't care enough to parent, that they allowed this.


Other teens/young teens had parents who were never home, too busy sleeping around themselves, or just didn't care, so this happened in their homes as well.


Obviously, most of the parents on here aren't going to be like that, and you may not associate with parents like this, but they are out there. They aren't the type to be homeschooling or going to church.

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It means a lot of drama and young girls with broken hearts when the boy talks to someone else. I have 2 nieces that age and their facebook posts is full of bf/gf drama. It's way to young to be saying and thinking some of the things they tell me much less post. My second first hand experience is the things girls will write to boys :blushing::ohmy: :001_huh: and :svengo: That about sums it up.

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I have a good friend who is a child support enforcement attorney.... When I was in practice a decade ago, having a 12 year old client/mother of a baby was a rarity. My attorney friend has already had several 11 year old client/mothers this year (meaning they became pregnant at 10).


I work with girls 12-18 at my church and we discuss a LOT about how our standards (no dating until 16, no sex before marriage) are different than those of the world. The stories they share from public school (ie what happens AT school or in the parking lot)....


I agree, there is a wide range of interpreting "dating", but there are lots for whom that includes having sex...lots of it and with lots of people over the course of a school year. A good chunk of the time, parents are aware. :(

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There's definitely a lot of variation. My son had his first girlfriend this year in 8th grade and it consisted of lots of texting, facebook chatting, skype (not in private) and hanging out in a group. When they started "dating", two of my son's friends were "going out" with two of the girl's friends, but when those two "couples" broke up, they didn't see each other for a few weeks and broke up over skype.

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Oh come on...


Actually in one of the towns I lived in growing up, it was pretty common for 13 year olds to be having sex at home and the parents being aware of it. They would rather know what their child was doing and be supportive than have their child sneaking out to do it without them knowing. That town had some really, really strange parents in it.

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When I was in jr high, it meant making out and likely having sex.


One of my friends had parents that didn't care. They lived in what had been the manager's apartment/office and lived in the office portion. It was basically a giant bedroom/sitting room. The rest of the family had full reign in the rest of the house. We rarely saw the parents. We had a 2am curfew imposed by the parents; that was the only rule in her house.


We all spent most weekends at her house because of this. Usually this meant 4-5 girls and their boyfriends drinking, smoking pot, and having sex.


If my parents knew, they never let on. They only cared that her parents were home, so they must be supervising us, right?

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I have a good friend who is a child support enforcement attorney.... When I was in practice a decade ago, having a 12 year old client/mother of a baby was a rarity. My attorney friend has already had several 11 year old client/mothers this year (meaning they became pregnant at 10).


I work with girls 12-18 at my church and we discuss a LOT about how our standards (no dating until 16, no sex before marriage) are different than those of the world. The stories they share from public school (ie what happens AT school or in the parking lot)....


I agree, there is a wide range of interpreting "dating", but there are lots for whom that includes having sex...lots of it and with lots of people over the course of a school year. A good chunk of the time, parents are aware. :(


I am in the same place. LDS, right? We have a lot of discussions as a fam and the YW at Church have a lot to say abt the sexual horrors that go on at school. My kids know the being in the world but not of the world philosophy quite well. I don't understand the need to have kids grow up so fast!

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I guess I'm the big meanie on this board, but for us, even 16 is too early to start "dating". I've had my whole lifetime to form this opinion, and it's taken all of my life experiences, and some wisdom from others, that has caused me to get to this point for my boys. We have come to the conclusion that serial dating is simply like "playing divorce" (vs. playing house) If you think about it, you like some one...you "go out"...you tire of them...you break up. Easy come, easy go.


Too much baggage (both physical and emotional scarring) is brought into the marriage from too much intimacy with others that was designed only for your spouse.


We have talked with our boys since they were infants about age appropriate things of this nature, so it's not like one day when they come in the door at 16 and want to "date" someone that it's a blow to your system. They are very aware that the world may see it one way, but for us, we feel it's God's best for their lives to save intimacy (both physically and emotionally) for their wives. They don't want their wives giving their kisses away to many men, same goes for them.


This is a personal decision, so please don't bash our choice.

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I have a good friend who is a child support enforcement attorney.... When I was in practice a decade ago, having a 12 year old client/mother of a baby was a rarity. My attorney friend has already had several 11 year old client/mothers this year (meaning they became pregnant at 10).


I work with girls 12-18 at my church and we discuss a LOT about how our standards (no dating until 16, no sex before marriage) are different than those of the world. The stories they share from public school (ie what happens AT school or in the parking lot)....


I agree, there is a wide range of interpreting "dating", but there are lots for whom that includes having sex...lots of it and with lots of people over the course of a school year. A good chunk of the time, parents are aware. :(


Excuse me, but What?! You know, I generally pride myself on being pretty "with it," but this sounds completely absurd! I have only heard of pregnancies before, say, age 12 in the most rare imaginable cases or, unfortunately, because the child was being violated by someone on a regular basis. Even the 12 and 13 yo pregnancies I've heard of, where it was a bf/gf, were extremely rare.


Add the idea that there are parents who are aiding the likelihood their 10-year-old will have sex...it's completely absurd!


I don't get this. This seems like hyperbole. I would have to see some hard facts to back this up to even remotely believe this is happening in all but the rarest of cases. :confused:

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This is a serious question, lol. I honestly want to know what it means when a 7th or 8th grader has a boyfriend/girlfriend. Does it really mean full blown dating as in going to the movies? Texting? Phone calls? Just hanging out at church/co-op/wherever they go?


Is this type of thing allowed in your family?


Well my kids don't do this (yet) even though I have a middle schooler. But what I have HEARD is that it means you are officially a *couple* so you get to talk to each other, and sometimes phone calls are exchanged. Then in a few months you like someone else. So far I have not heard of anyone going on a date.

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I guess I'm the big meanie on this board, but for us, even 16 is too early to start "dating". I've had my whole lifetime to form this opinion, and it's taken all of my life experiences, and some wisdom from others, that has caused me to get to this point for my boys. We have come to the conclusion that serial dating is simply like "playing divorce" (vs. playing house) If you think about it, you like some one...you "go out"...you tire of them...you break up. Easy come, easy go.


Too much baggage (both physical and emotional scarring) is brought into the marriage from too much intimacy with others that was designed only for your spouse.


We have talked with our boys since they were infants about age appropriate things of this nature, so it's not like one day when they come in the door at 16 and want to "date" someone that it's a blow to your system. They are very aware that the world may see it one way, but for us, we feel it's God's best for their lives to save intimacy (both physically and emotionally) for their wives. They don't want their wives giving their kisses away to many men, same goes for them.


This is a personal decision, so please don't bash our choice.


No bashing from me! I applaud you! We will allow group dating at 16, alone dating after that, TBD.

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I am not the quoted poster, but as a youth group volunteer in a former church, there were most definitely parents who let their children have boyfriends/girlfriends sleep over in their rooms (and having sex). They either wanted so much to be friend instead of parent, or they didn't care enough to parent, that they allowed this.


When I was in 6th grade, I had a friend whose parents let her boyfriend sleep overnight in her room regularly. She bragged about it, and he would go around showing all the scratches on his back that supposedly came from her fingernails. :glare:

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There's definitely a lot of variation. My son had his first girlfriend this year in 8th grade and it consisted of lots of texting, facebook chatting, skype (not in private) and hanging out in a group. When they started "dating", two of my son's friends were "going out" with two of the girl's friends, but when those two "couples" broke up, they didn't see each other for a few weeks and broke up over skype.


Mine had his first girlfriend this year too, at 14, and it meant pretty much the same thing. There were 3 "couples" and all the girls broke up with all the boys right around the same time. They said they didn't discuss it with each other beforehand, but I'm suspicious.

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Excuse me, but What?! You know, I generally pride myself on being pretty "with it," but this sounds completely absurd! I have only heard of pregnancies before, say, age 12 in the most rare imaginable cases or, unfortunately, because the child was being violated by someone on a regular basis. Even the 12 and 13 yo pregnancies I've heard of, where it was a bf/gf, were extremely rare.


Add the idea that there are parents who are aiding the likelihood their 10-year-old will have sex...it's completely absurd!


I don't get this. This seems like hyperbole. I would have to see some hard facts to back this up to even remotely believe this is happening in all but the rarest of cases. :confused:


Kids having sex isn't new. Obviously the younger the age, the more likely it is to be abuse and not with a boyfriend, but still. Here's a link to a wikipedia article on young mothers. Probably not going to find a lot of current information due to modern privacy laws. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_youngest_birth_mothers

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Kids having sex isn't new. Obviously the younger the age, the more likely it is to be abuse and not with a boyfriend, but still. Here's a link to a wikipedia article on young mothers. Probably not going to find a lot of current information due to modern privacy laws. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_youngest_birth_mothers


But this illustrates exactly what I mean. The poster I responded to was talking about 10, 11 and 12 year olds who were pregnant by a boyfriend. I have heard of rare examples where there was rape or molestation, tragically, and I have heard of examples from tribal communities that marry off children. But I have not heard of frequent examples of children this young getting pregnant by a boyfriend, especially with the "blessing" of the parents. I can't see where that is happening in any westernized culture.

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But this illustrates exactly what I mean. The poster I responded to was talking about 10, 11 and 12 year olds who were pregnant by a boyfriend. I have heard of rare examples where there was rape or molestation, tragically, and I have heard of examples from tribal communities that marry off children. But I have not heard of frequent examples of children this young getting pregnant by a boyfriend, especially with the "blessing" of the parents. I can't see where that is happening in any westernized culture.



I've been googling preteen pregnancy, but everything in the USA is rather vague. Here's an article from the UK, which basically blames older boyfriends and schools that teach girls having sex is fine: http://www.medindia.net/news/10-Year-Old-Schoolgirls-Pregnant-in-UK-Shocking-Survey-Results-64865-1.htm

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But this illustrates exactly what I mean. The poster I responded to was talking about 10, 11 and 12 year olds who were pregnant by a boyfriend. I have heard of rare examples where there was rape or molestation, tragically, and I have heard of examples from tribal communities that marry off children. But I have not heard of frequent examples of children this young getting pregnant by a boyfriend, especially with the "blessing" of the parents. I can't see where that is happening in any westernized culture.


Not all kids who have sex get pregnant. Not all kids who have sex even at that age have unprotected sex. I would suspect (but have not bothered to look at the data) that of those who do get pregnant that young, most choose to have an abortion. You wouldn't know about those as anecdotal situations most likely. The cases in the news are the cases of molestation and incest. But middle school sex is common enough that it has been the subject of 20/20 and other news shows of that kind. And those shows were not in the context of rape or molestation.

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What it means for my 14 yo (boyfriend is 15 and lives 3 hours away), is texting and talking on the phone. Every other month, he spends the day with us, or she spends the day with his family. Mostly it consists of playing Minecraft and WoW together. For her birthday we took them out and they bought a matching pair of headsets.


When it comes to them being able to date, alone, I don't know yet. I don't have any set rules. It's not happening anytime soon, though. His mother and I are good friends and we are fortunately are able to be frank with each other with our concerns.

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Not all kids who have sex get pregnant. Not all kids who have sex even at that age have unprotected sex. I would suspect (but have not bothered to look at the data) that of those who do get pregnant that young, most choose to have an abortion. You wouldn't know about those as anecdotal situations most likely. The cases in the news are the cases of molestation and incest. But middle school sex is common enough that it has been the subject of 20/20 and other news shows of that kind. And those shows were not in the context of rape or molestation.


Ah. Yes, that makes sense. Still surprising to me - not that kids have sex, but that any are that young.

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