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Hello Anglicanism!

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I'm very excited! After 17 years of non-demoninational church going, I've recently been attending an Anglican church. I LOVE it. I was raised Catholic, so it's familiar and comforting to me to return to a liturgical, high-ish church service. The congregation is so darn friendly and REAL. This is a big deal to me after all the Christian-ese I've endured over the past years.


No offense to ANYONE who is non-denominational - my dh was saved in Calvary Chapel 30 years ago, and we love that organization. But for the past 2 years the Holy Spirit has prompted me to do this, but I was too chicken to step out in faith. Besides, I didn't know the Anglican church existed in the U.S. outside of the Episcopalian church.


It was on this board that I first learned of the Anglican church in the U.S. I knew immediately that this was what the Lord had put on my heart. But I was still too chicken to do anything about it, as my dh was pretty anti-anything to do with a liturgical service.


In my cowardice (:tongue_smilie:)I waited until he was in Asia (frequent occurrence) and my dd and I attended an Anglican church near us (only 2 in our entire area, and one happens to be within a 10 minute drive). LOVED it right from the start. Our wonderful rector preaches in an expository fashion, which is so comfortable for me and biblically spot-on. He was raised Baptist & was involved in Calvary Chapel for years, and knows his bible inside and out. What a treasure to us, who were a bit leery!


Anyway, THANK YOU to those of you posting about Anglicanism. This post in NO WAY is derisive of any other denomination....just a wonderful story of following the Lord's prompting and ending up so much happier for it.


We're heading out for the summer, but I'm already missing our wonderful congregation and looking forward to our return in August!

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Congrats on finding a church that fits so well for you. That is a huge deal. Regardless of the denomination, I think it is more about finding the group of people that supports you where you are and fits with you and your family.

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So glad you found somewhere you feel comfortable! We've been searching for a long time ourselves, and have settled into a Lutheran church... we attend a fairly contemporary, non-liturgical service, but we like the traditions that are included and the pastor is fantastic. It is not easy to find the right fit but so worth it when you do!! :)

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I've been Episcopalian all my life and loved when I got to go to my mil's Calv Chap service! :lol:


I'd miss the liturgy if I left it full time, tho.


I think I'll probably be becoming Anglican in a few years. We have some near us, but I'll stick with my church family/building and just change affiliations.


I'm glad you found something wonderful!


(When you say "heading out," do you mean what your siggy says? Do you have your kids with you then? Just curious. :D)

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I'm very excited! After 17 years of non-demoninational church going, I've recently been attending an Anglican church. I LOVE it. I was raised Catholic, so it's familiar and comforting to me to return to a liturgical, high-ish church service. The congregation is so darn friendly and REAL. This is a big deal to me after all the Christian-ese I've endured over the past years.


No offense to ANYONE who is non-denominational - my dh was saved in Calvary Chapel 30 years ago, and we love that organization. But for the past 2 years the Holy Spirit has prompted me to do this, but I was too chicken to step out in faith. Besides, I didn't know the Anglican church existed in the U.S. outside of the Episcopalian church.


It was on this board that I first learned of the Anglican church in the U.S. I knew immediately that this was what the Lord had put on my heart. But I was still too chicken to do anything about it, as my dh was pretty anti-anything to do with a liturgical service.


In my cowardice (:tongue_smilie:)I waited until he was in Asia (frequent occurrence) and my dd and I attended an Anglican church near us (only 2 in our entire area, and one happens to be within a 10 minute drive). LOVED it right from the start. Our wonderful rector preaches in an expository fashion, which is so comfortable for me and biblically spot-on. He was raised Baptist & was involved in Calvary Chapel for years, and knows his bible inside and out. What a treasure to us, who were a bit leery!


Anyway, THANK YOU to those of you posting about Anglicanism. This post in NO WAY is derisive of any other denomination....just a wonderful story of following the Lord's prompting and ending up so much happier for it.


We're heading out for the summer, but I'm already missing our wonderful congregation and looking forward to our return in August!


Congratulations! You've pretty much summed up how I felt after we started attending our Anglican church :)


Congrats on finding a church that fits so well for you. That is a huge deal. Regardless of the denomination, I think it is more about finding the group of people that supports you where you are and fits with you and your family.


Yes. :iagree:

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Congrats on finding a church that fits so well for you. That is a huge deal. Regardless of the denomination, I think it is more about finding the group of people that supports you where you are and fits with you and your family.


Yes, exactly!! I do finally feel like I fit in someplace after all these years.

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I've been Episcopalian all my life and loved when I got to go to my mil's Calv Chap service! :lol:


I'd miss the liturgy if I left it full time, tho.


I think I'll probably be becoming Anglican in a few years. We have some near us, but I'll stick with my church family/building and just change affiliations.


I'm glad you found something wonderful!


(When you say "heading out," do you mean what your siggy says? Do you have your kids with you then? Just curious. :D)


Haha, I do love a good Calvary Chapel sermon, and if the band can totally rock out, my morning is near perfect. :D


As to the summer, yes, we go as a family. We live in the desert most of the year, but spend summers on the coast keeping cool. And boy could I use some cool weather right now. :tongue_smilie:

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