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So would BOTH TT Pre-Algebra and Algebra be equivalent to a regular Pre-Algebra?

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I am always hearing how TT is "behind", doesn't have all the things in it to be complete, etc.


I know people weigh in on both sides; I don't want to debate.


I'm just looking for a way for math-phobic, math-hater dd12 to get a good grasp on Pre-Algebra in a very engaging way that teaches at least some of the WHY behind the math (and not just rote).


She has used CLE up til now (is finishing 6) and can score okay in the math book but has no clue about how to apply the math outside of it. She only understands math in a formulaic way and I want to make sure to lay a good foundation for algebra and beyond by helping her understand more what she's doing.


I am trying the MUS Epsilon (just finished) and Zeta dvds with her to try to remediate her math understanding, but his explanations aren't working for her.


Could TT be the thing to help, and would both TT Pre-Alg and Alg give a good pre-algebra coverage?

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So does it explain the reasons behind why they're doing what they're doing?


Because CLE does an ok job with explaining how to do math by formula.


Does TT explain? For instance, she didn't realize til I explained it today that when you multiply 2 fractions, it is giving you a SMALLER number. She could totally do the work, but had no clue or visualization of what she was actually DOING with the numbers in real life.


I noticed in the sample of TT for multiplying decimals, it is pretty much just explaining how to do the formula.

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Could TT be the thing to help, and would both TT Pre-Alg and Alg give a good pre-algebra coverage?


No. Probably not. Both TT would be equivalent to 2 years of math: Pre-Algebra and Algebra.

Not sure how you'd go about using it for your needs. Perhaps Life of Fred would be better because it shows how math can be applied to every day scenarios.


So does it explain the reasons behind why they're doing what they're doing?




It doesn't explain why to reduce fractions because Algebra I assumes you already know how to do that so there isn't a reason for an explanation on why you have to reduce, but for other concepts, yes, it does explain why you have to do the operations.

Edited by jadedone80
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