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We have to wait 4 weeks for testing

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it will be the longest 4 weeks ever! Meanwhile we were told to start DD 6 on the Adderall so we will start that tomorrow. I have a ton of parent assesments to fill out for both girls. It was a very positive meeting and I finally feel as if we might get some answers and that I am not making things up in my head :lol:

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Ugh, waiting is so hard. My dd4 had a test done yesterday, whick took the hospital almost three months to schedule. Plus, now we have to wait another month to get the results. Also, she had bloodwork drawn and a urinalysis done back in March...we will also be getting these results...FINALLY...at the end of next month! Hang in there, and just take it one day at a time. At least you're on the path to discovery. That's what I keep telling myself.;)

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