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MCT Level for 8th grader?


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I'm going to start MCT with my 8th grade daughter next year. This past year she did Write Shop Level 1 and Winston Grammar Level 1. She's an avid reader and a good speller, but we've never done a formal vocabulary study.


On the website, MCT recommends starting an older student with Level 4, but using Essay Voyage before Academic Writing 1. Does this sound like a good idea to those of you who have used this program?


In addition, I ran into a couple of threads on this forum where people didn't like Word Within Word 1 nearly as much as they liked Caesar's English 2. Should I use with Caesar's English 2 instead? If I'm using that and using Essay Voyage, perhaps I should just have her start at the Voyage level? But would that be too easy for her?

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If I do that, where would you recommend I start with the other parts of the program? I'll be using Essay Voyage, but I'm not sure if I should put her in Voyage for the grammar and writing as well. I'm worried it might be too easy for her.


Is it a real advantage to stay with the same level for most of the books, or doesn't it matter?

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Take my advice with a grain of salt, b/c I don't have an 8th grader - I have a rising 5th grader using MCT. However, one great thing about MCT is how flexibly it can be used. I see no reason to feel compelled to use all the books at the same level. If it were me, I'd start vocab study with Caesar's English 1 - it is excellent, with 10 lessons focused on Latin stems and 10 lessons focused on the most commonly used words found in classical literature. Caesar's English II continues with new stems and new literary vocabulary words. I would do both.


As for Grammar, definitely don't start before the Voyage level - the material does repeat, although greater depth is added at each level.


I also think Essay Voyage is excellent, and that it would be well worth covering with an 8th grader. I can't give you any feedback about Level 4, I've not seen any of it yet.


Good luck!

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You might want to cross-post this on the high school board, where more people will have done the higher levels.


I just re-started my (almost) 6th grader in Town, so I don't have experience with either of the levels you're asking about. :D It really is a meaty program, though. I tried to have her use it in 4th grade(we did Island in 3rd), but it was too much for her. Town would have been too much at the beginning of 5th, too. I guess I'm just trying to say that the program is harder than it seems at first glance. I'm learning new things next to dd. And I love the new CE1.

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Thank you both for the advice. I will start her with Caesar's English 1. I'm thinking about just having her do Voyage for everything else. I'll need it for her sister the following year, so I might as well get it now. If any of it seems too easy, I can move her up to Level 4.

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