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Share your dream curriculum program

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I like everything I use. So I guess the dream would be to have the WTM stuff arrive in a box, complete with all of the science books and kits in it with a microscope and lots of the extra readers and supplies so that I don't have to hunt them all down separately from different publishers. I never can find all of the science books and kits for an affordable price, and I am always going to used sales to hunt down some of the extra lit books and supplementary things that are in the WTM and SOTW lists. It would also include the OOP stuff listed in SOTW and the things my library doesn't carry. I would also like a memorywork weekly curric guide like from MP in it.


Since we are dreaming here, none of it has to be used and hunted down from used sales :)

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When I read this and thought about it, right away I remembered a story a lady posted here years ago... about how excited she would get each year ordering curriculum that was going to be really great... but that the school year began with the same kids!!!


I used many and there were years I could get any I wanted, and I did. I have to say that rather than a perfect curriculum, having perfect children would have been ideal! JUST KIDDING, about the "perfect" part. For me, it wasn't so much the curriculum, but how I organized my time with my children and my relationships with my children. Basically, I poured myself out each day for them and switching to a more ideal curriculum was more for me because I don't enjoy doing the same things over and over and I had a lot of kids to teach over and over....


Anyway, Mary Poppins would have been great to order... she was never offered in any of my catalogs!


I loved hands on science, Rainbow science for 6th-8th, small unit studies for summer time (kept structure), I enjoyed Sonlight and I used both Saxon Math for the K-4 with my older kids and I used Right Start math K-4 with my younger kids... I have good things to say about both of those... I really like a solid, phonics program that is simple... my favorite happens to be an old curriculum of Abeka from 1980... simple, solid and worked quite well... but, for my reading resistant boys, Sing Spell Read and Write had bells and whistles and kept me from going nutso because they just didn't "get it" like their siblings... and I also liked Bob Books for those who struggled in reading, too.

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I want a great foreign language program, complete with native speakers who speak slowly at first. Normal conversational speed is too fast for me to follow. There are so many available, but I have yet to find one I really like.




I'm thrilled with all of my curriculum....except I *still* haven't found a foreign language program for my middle schooler / will be a high schooler next year.

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Why not send your kids to school??


I use my dream curricula. Whatever mix I dream up is what we use.

We used this because my dd has special needs requiring me to be out of the home 8+hours a week for therapies, and then we go thru months of multiple medical appointments. We hoped the DVD series would allow my son to watch the lessons in the car and then I would work with him afterwards. Even if it is on DVD, I am still in control of my child's education. If I sent him to public school, I would not be in control of his education.

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If I could afford it my dream curr would be the Veritas Press Academy (where you teach it but they keep records for you) - I love all of their stuff!! I look at it every year...put it in my cart (just to see :D) and then promptly gasp and close the window - ha!

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If you could buy any program, complete or otherwise, what would it be and for which grades?


For my 7th grader next year, I would want a curriculum that came all planned out and ready to go, and included:




  • Literature, grammar, and vocabulary all based on the KJV Bible and Shakespeare
  • SWB's writing program
  • A math program that really taught deep mathematical thinking and reasoning, and did not simply have pages upon pages of problems for which to churn out answers (because the latter is completely overwhelming for her and takes her f o r e v e r . . . )
  • A really fun and engaging Geography program
  • Solid, secular science
  • Light history through living books, no spines or textbooks, just the fun stuff
  • A Japanese tutor, because I can't teach it and don't want to! :tongue_smilie:


She attends a fantastic art and art history class for homeschoolers, and she's joining our church choir this year, so I feel like we're good to go for art and music.


So, anyone have any ideas for me for resources that fit the above requirements?

Edited by GretaLynne
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I want a great foreign language program, complete with native speakers who speak slowly at first. Normal conversational speed is too fast for me to follow. There are so many available, but I have yet to find one I really like.


That's me. If I ever get BOTH crazy AND lots of money - I'm going to open a language center for home schoolers. People experienced in teaching all kinds of different foreign languages will have twice weekly classes for a reasonable price.


All I Want For Christmas Is An Extra 2 Hours A Day.


Yeah. And an 8th day.

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Since we are dreaming here, none of it has to be used and hunted down from used sales :)


AMEN! I would love to just click one or two boxes and have EVERYTHING arrive, complete with daily lesson plans and science kits and art kits.

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My dream curriculum would be waterproof so we could use it while lounging in our dream pool.


I would like more affordable curriculum designed for right-brained learners, especially the high school level.


I would like a clone of SWB to come teach writing to my son, so she could gently point out where he's not getting it on those days.


I would like a Japanese tutor that would teach the language and how to make sushi. All for free, because that's my budget.


I would like a Russian tutor to come in and teach the language, again for free.

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I want a great foreign language program, complete with native speakers who speak slowly at first. Normal conversational speed is too fast for me to follow. There are so many available, but I have yet to find one I really like.



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I want a workbook that goes with the textbooks and WTM books that I love...

Iow: for History in the Grammar stage it would have a complete heading....name, date, page #, topic across the top.


Then the directions...

Read pages ---

list 3 things you have Learned.

Color Map on next page

Draw a picture etc.


I would like this for all subjects....pages for spelling, science, etc. In 180 days worth.


I would also like more open ended CM type literature study, picture study, composer study....all set up with a nice schedule that doesn't move so hard and fast I want to puke....or so slow I feel like pitching it altogether.



I better get writing...huh?

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