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Pregnancy Issue ?

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I'm 17.5 weeks pregnant and this past week I'm having difficulty walking without a good amount pain for a fair amount of the time(close to crying at times). It seemed like a nerve pain at the beginning of the week and now perhaps it is just my hips. I'm fairly small about a size 4 when I got pregnant and have gained about 10 lbs so far(totally average for my last 3 pregnancies- just to say that I don't think it is because I just have too much weight or such). I'm generally fairly active, although I wasn't as much so this winter, unfortunately, I've tried to increase my walking again because I miss it too much but I this week I haven't been able to at all.


Last week I'm afraid I overdid it, I stayed very busy and tried pushing myself to get back to my regular routine as I've just not had as much energy this pregnancy. Well, we went to butcher last Friday. I only got about 3 hrs of sleep and ended up with my 30 lb toddler on my back in the Ergo while butchering. I'm afraid that the pressure on my hips from that has knocked something out of whack or something. I asked the mw, who is coming for the first time next week, and she said that generally that kind of nerve pain isn't until later when the baby is bigger (further fueling my twin paranoia).


Has anyone else had this and at this stage of pregnancy? Any relief? I want to walk as I know it is good and it is a favorite family activity but it really makes me feel very bad if I'm on my feet or walking too long.

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I have had a lot more aches and pains with this pregnancy. I have horrible round ligament pain and it feels like I have pulled muscles in my inner thighs sometimes, then I cannot walk.


I have stopped carrying my 4 year old around. She has to sit in my lap if she needs to he held. I would not carry your 3 year old on your back.


I went to the chiropractor and after three visits, my pain is so much better!! No weird nerve pain. I am also wearing my maternity belt some. I have avoided it until the last week, but now I wish I had made use of it early on.


If you need to get walking again, do it slowly. If you have been inactive for any period of time, gou can't jump back in at your regular pace right away, especially while pregnant. You have to build your endurance back up.


Take it easy for a few days, then start slow. I am sorry you are in so much pain!

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Oh yes, I'm familiar with it! Nerve pain can happen at anytime, especially if you weren't aligned before you got pregnant. I suggest seeing a Chiro who specializes in prenatal adjustments. Epsom salt baths can really help too. Use a lot of Epsom salt...3-4 cups, ad soak for at least 20 minutes before bed.


Good luck!

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Oh, I know the hip squeeze, great for labor, I'll have to have dh do that one. I need a good maternity belt, the one I have just isn't very good and is very uncomfortable after a while.


The mw mentioned magnesium but I don't think that is the issue. Ironically, today it has seemed better. I haven't been completely on my butt all week, but it seems I get a few good hrs in before I really need to sit or lay down and walking long distances hasn't happened at all. Hopefully it was/is temporary last week I was feeling like I was in the 2nd trimester honeymoon.

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You need a proper evaluation to determien what is wrong, but things like sacroiliac joint dysfunction and symphysis pubis dysfunction can be triggered by pregnancy. You don't have to be super pregnant for that to occur, because the hormonal changes in pregnancy make the ligaments more lax. Your pelvis has two halves, and those two halves are connected by ligaments. Relaxin (a hormone) in pregnancy makes your pelvis more flexible, but it also can decrease stability and result in things like sacroiliac joint pain, sciatica, and symphysis pubis dysfunction.


I am a physical therapist and I had a lot of pain from sacroiliac issues starting as early as about 14 weeks in one of my pregnancies. My belly wasn't that big, but the hormonal shift can trigger that laxity.


I would be annoyed at any care provider who is not familiar with those issues, and the fact that the hormonal shift certainly can make things unstable. WOmen are even more prone to things like ACL tears at certain parts of their menstrual cycle because their ligaments are more lax at that point, and that's in a non-pregnant female.


I would recommend a visit with a physical therapist experienced in dealing with pregnancy issues.

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I saw a chiropractor once a week and had regular massages just to get through my pregnancies without crying constantly. I also found that using the extra pillows in between the legs and around me to support me helped a bit.

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:grouphug: I had this at about the same point this time around (my 5th pregnancy). The pain in the ligaments and my hips was much worse this time. I was able to get by with taking tylenol and just lying down. It kills me to be sitting when there is so much stuff that needs done, but I had to do it. Rest now, take it easy, and don't stress out over stuff...that's the best advice I've got. Hope you feel better soon.

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I had this with all my pregnancies. My doctor told me that my ligaments were too lax from hormones. It was so painful It felt to me that my hip was coming out of it's socket ( I have no idea if this is the case or not) sometimes I would even fall over (not very often but it did happen). I found that I got a small amount of relief by sleeping with a pillow between my knees to sort of keep my hips straight.

I Have always had a clicky hip. but only get that type of pain while pregnant.

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I had this with all my pregnancies. My doctor told me that my ligaments were too lax from hormones. It was so painful It felt to me that my hip was coming out of it's socket ( I have no idea if this is the case or not) sometimes I would even fall over (not very often but it did happen). I found that I got a small amount of relief by sleeping with a pillow between my knees to sort of keep my hips straight.

I Have always had a clicky hip. but only get that type of pain while pregnant.

It usually has nothing to do with the actual "hip" joint (your femur in your acetabulum). Generally it is the sacroiliac joint, which is where your sacrum meets your pelvis, essentially. The sacrum is below your "low back" vertebrae (lumbar vertebrae) and above your tailbone. There are lots of ligaments that connect it to the pelvis, and when those get lax, the two halves of the pelvis can kind of rotate on the sacrum or in relation to one another.


Most people describe it as "hip pain" but it usually isn't related to the actual "hip" joint.


Women sometimes have sacroiliac joint issues with the laxity that can come over the course of a normal menstrual cycle when not pg. It may kind of "thunk" into or out of place at times. If it "thunks" back into position, you may feel instant relief.


eta: here's a pic of the sacroiliac joint on wiki. All of those white things are ligments. There are lots of them in that region, and relaxin (pregnancy hormone) really gives them a lot more "give." Great for letting a baby descend; not so great for stability in that region when you are walking around pg.


Edited by Momof3littles
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The mw focused on nerve issue because that was my focus but the pain has changed. I haven't even actually seen her yet as my first consultation is just this week(due to when I scheduled it- it is not this late due to her). It was a quick question to her and we didn't even go into the issue much except to talk about nerve pain and such.


I am familiar w/ pregnancy making joints more loose but I didn't have that issue very much with either of my last two pregnancies and had quite forgot about it. The pain these days certainly feels like that. I always keep extra pillows in my bed and it does help.


It kills me to be sitting and laying around as well. I like to stay active and busy all day but it seems with this pregnancy my body has other ideas. I'm trying to learn to relax but it is hard!


I took a long nap yesterday since dh was home and woke up feeling just great. So, we went on a walk picking blackberries and such for about 1.5 hrs and all was well, until about the time I got home by bedtime I was back to barely walking.

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It usually has nothing to do with the actual "hip" joint (your femur in your acetabulum). Generally it is the sacroiliac joint, which is where your sacrum meets your pelvis, essentially. The sacrum is below your "low back" vertebrae (lumbar vertebrae) and above your tailbone. There are lots of ligaments that connect it to the pelvis, and when those get lax, the two halves of the pelvis can kind of rotate on the sacrum or in relation to one another.


Most people describe it as "hip pain" but it usually isn't related to the actual "hip" joint.


Women sometimes have sacroiliac joint issues with the laxity that can come over the course of a normal menstrual cycle when not pg. It may kind of "thunk" into or out of place at times. If it "thunks" back into position, you may feel instant relief.


eta: here's a pic of the sacroiliac joint on wiki. All of those white things are ligments. There are lots of them in that region, and relaxin (pregnancy hormone) really gives them a lot more "give." Great for letting a baby descend; not so great for stability in that region when you are walking around pg.



thankyou for explaining that.

I have no idea where the problem was, but it sure felt like my hip.

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