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If you have used the VP online self-directed courses....

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I'm not using a written manual with it, but we just purchased the self-paced courses and didn't even think to get anything else. There are a few activities available with the course, but usually I forget to check the "attachment" tab and download them. :glare:

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They're going to give you pdfs with the info you need. Don't bother with the printed manual. The only reason you would need that is if you wanted it for the writing (not retention, since the classes will nail that), and I can think of a LOT more thrilling ways of getting in the writing. There are a couple of activities, big whoop. Get a couple activity books from the library and you're there. You don't need the song either, because they'll review that endlessly in the classes, lol. :)

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Thanks so much! I'm still toying with VP Self-Paced for dd 7th grade. Her schedule is just SO full I'm thinking it might be better to just do this and be done with it.


She said her retention was the best with the MARR sample of anything she has done. I like all the spiral review and that it does dates, maps (although easy), at least a few primary sources, etc.


I still don't know if it will be enough-it's certainly not meaty like the BJU8. I'm actually sitting here through all the 1815-present demos right now. The demos are for Gold Rush and it's pretty light, and yet, we don't really need to spend five lessons on it, kwim? And I wish they spent more time on Modern too (like there are only 7 cards for the 1900s and that's a period we have spent NO time on in our homeschool yet). But if it sticks and gets it done, maybe that's enough.


ETA: And when I say the BJU is meatier, maybe it's not! For instance, they spend only 15 pages in student text on WWI. Granted there are 8 activities about WWI in the other book to cement it, but there won't be all the spiral review of dates and so on, and review from previous lessons.


Anyway, this was a little aside to OhE, off the topic of the OP.

Edited by HappyGrace
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Dd is finishing card #25 today. Yes, the things you're seeing are there (lots more time for some things than others). No it doesn't do some of the things BJU does well. On the other hand it's EXTREMELY memorable. They do a good job talking about what was going on in other parts of the world, etc. It will be very memorable.


You can always do BJU11 later. It's not like you have to die on the hill of BJU right now, kwim? It will be there another year to come back to. :)

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I'm trying to decide this today so I'm flipping back and forth between the samples for the BJU and the VP, and leaning way toward the VP.


I know she will be buried with other work, plus the BJU looks dry-I know she won't retain much. (She'll get other "textbook" work, which I do want her to have, in other areas-she's doing BJU Life Sci and a few other things by text) I'll add in a bit of other period reading (The Hiding Place, etc) and call it good. I think I'll especially fill in maybe with some Cornerstone books for a quick overview of big events of the 1900s to present.


I HATE the price-ACK! I hope they run that $99 special again-have you heard anything about it?


Oh, was your dd doing 1815-Modern this year? If so, give me more details!!! Did you feel there was enough detail on the World Wars, etc?

Edited by HappyGrace
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Happy, dd wanted to do both american history courses, so that's what I agreed to let her do. Please don't add the Cornerstone books onto the VP. They're really not needed. Lit is fine to add, yes, but don't fiddle with the Cornerstone books. Because she's doing BOTH courses this year, she's not spending as much time as I had wanted on modern. Oh well. If you do just the one, you'll have time to make it pop with the literature discussion, etc. Lots of good themes, movies to watch there, etc.


And yes, you're correct that she'll retain more most likely with VP than BJU, simply because of how it's set up.


I have no opinion on the detail and coverage of subjects. There are more years and history is an infinite subject anyway. I've got the BJU 8 and 11 and have compared them, and I really don't see 8 as a hill to die on when there's always 11 and AP level for the future, kwim?

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I've got the BJU 8 and 11 and have compared them, and I really don't see 8 as a hill to die on when there's always 11 and AP level for the future, kwim?




She's getting lit at co-op, so I can't add other lit-no time. Just will add a few things like Hiding Place, etc.


EXCELLENT to know that about the Cornerstone-thanks! But why did you say they're not needed? I meant adding them for topics not covered-ones like The Nuclear Age, Sept 11, etc. I assume you just meant don't add them for things like Gettysburg, etc, which are covered in VP?

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Well you can see when you get there, but the lessons are covering a TON more than is on the cards. You might be pleasantly surprised. The things you're concerned about might be covered already. :)


And yes, that's all I meant, throwing some books about the time into her pleasure reading pile.

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Well, the Lord answered that fast! I was looking over what I need to buy this yr and it is not that much after all, so (Lord willing) I'm plan to go ahead w/ the VP.


Although I pray that group buy will come up again and cut the price in half!! Sure would help the budget!

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BTW, I called them and they ARE working on an Omnibus self-paced. Apparently they're going all over the world filming. Should be AMAZING.


So just think, you can solve your problem for this year and *maybe* even solve it for the following year as well. The lady didn't have a time frame, so another year, two years? I'm sure they're working as fast as they can! :)

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Just Omnibus 1 to start. I'm sure it will take them a while to do all this. The lady did NOT promise it would be ready a year from now. It's just something that gives you options for the future though. The VP self-paced has been so golden in our house, no doubt we'll do them when/as they come out. :)

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Hmm, hadn't thought about the price. Everything at that level is expensive, but yes I'll bet it's going to be double the cost of the lower levels, simply because it would have more time per lesson. But I could be way wrong on that. If it's less than double, I guess we can all be elated.

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It's not going to be just video any more than the lower self-paced courses are. They're very interactive. But you're right, I really don't know what their take is or how they're approaching it. To my mind there's this whole aspect of the HISTORY side of it that I think they probably bring out and that I think they can make PUNCH in a format like this. That's the part the mom might not get done well at home if she just opens Omnibus and teaches it, not really knowing the history side enough to bring it to life, kwim? I'm just making that guess based on what I've watched of the live class samples.


And yes, I'm excited to see how it turns out. Will probably turn the homeschooling world on its head for the high school level if they do it well! :)

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I am praying they do it well-it would be totally worth the cost. The huge downfall for Omni for me has always been the missing history element.


BTW-totally solved the problem of how to add in more modern history to VP Self-Paced for dd in an engaging way-http://www.history2u.com/index.htm


These dvds are used in HOD-they look really good-a quick way to add in more details about the 1900s-present like I wanted (we'd just do the last 4 dvds of Vol 2.) They are very slightly dry but broken down into nice 14-22 minute bites. They cover the main topics briefly but nicely-just what I needed rather than trying to fill in with books. I like the good chapter breakdowns-we can just watch the stuff that VP doesn't cover.

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Not to contradict, but why are you adding that on??? Looks terribly boring and is NOT necessary, is NOT going to fill in what you might be perceiving as gaps in the VP. I would just start the VP and see what you think. Throw in topical books from the juvenile non-fiction section of your library. That will be a lot more interesting. Save your money on that other stuff.

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Yes, I had already gone back and ruled it out: I'd been looking over the chapter headings in detail since I wrote that and it's basically just too much info too fast. Looks like it would be like drinking from a fire hose for her level.


I think the VP straight might even be ok. I will add topical books if needed (ie-Sept 11, etc)

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