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Your best present ever

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We all like our shower curtains (Periodic Table, World Map, etc.). I hang them on my dining room wall as well as in the bathrooms. :)


Best present ever for me was Xmas 2010. My dh and I had a discussion about having more dc and my heart was very heavy as he was leaning toward not. :( I found a wrapped package on my laptop one evening but dismissed it as I figured it was some kind of consolation gift. My dh came in and asked if I'd opened the gift then said I really needed to open it. He sat beside me about jumping out of his seat while I slowly unwrapped it, not even looking at my hands because I just didn't care. Then I looked down...and started to cry. It was a box of digital hpts (which I never buy because they are too expensive). My dh had the biggest smile on his face and said he couldn't wait to see the word "Pregnant" on them. Hooboy, was he surprised at how fast it happened and that there were two babies on the way!!! :D

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I love angel trees around Christmas. It's honestly my favorite part of the holiday. For several years before we moved, we always participated in the one sponsored by our church.


The year we moved to Florida, I got a note from one of our friends "Up North" letting me know that she had participated in the angel tree for the first time, because seeing it in the narthex reminded her of me and of how much I loved it.


I cried, and my husband admitted on the spot that he'd never be able to top that.

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If I can't count the gift of my dh or my ds ;) I will say that


My Xh gave me a pair of diamond studs (BIG) that I still wear daily. I love them so much...they are so me and I rarely take them off. Is that weird?


My parents had a Bible bound for me in beautiful leather with my name on the front. I do think it is the best gift I've ever received....but now the name is wrong. :glare:


And my dad hunted a stone called Ellensburg blue for years....my parents had me a beautiful ring made out of one of the stones he found. I LOVE it and it is precious to me.

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A pair of socks.

One particularly bad year in my life my now sil who was a college student at the time working 3 jobs to put herself through college got me a pair of socks with butterflies on them. It was the only gift I received that year. I still tear when I think of those socks. Such a little gift made a huge difference in my life. In the years and moves since then, I've lost one of the socks, but I keep the other in my jewelry box. It reminds me to treasure the small things in life.

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My boxed set of all the I Love Lucy episodes. And a reading journal for keeping track of books I've read. Both from dh who is terrible about gift giving but picks some good ones when it occurs to him.


ETA: Normally I wouldn't treasure a tv series, I don't watch all that much tv. But I Love Lucy is major comfort food to me, if I'm having a bad day I watch I Love Lucy, and my dh knows that.

Edited by Annie Laurie
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My family all attended the same church when I was growing up. My dad and uncle were in charge with taking the old pews out, refinishing them, and putting them back in the sanctuary with more space between the rows. My dad and uncle took the extra 3 pews, cut them in half, had a friend make identical pew ends, and gave each of my sisters and my cousins half a church pew. (We have used ours for time outs, and when my kids visited my old church for the first time, my youngest son commented that a lot of people must misbehave there...)


The other I just got for Mothers Day. In my daughter's country of origin, women traditionally wear special engagement rings called seven day rings. I have wanted one since we adopted. The kids and my husband ordered me one. :001_smile: :001_wub:

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Greatest gift is my dh working his butt off so I can be home hs'ing the kids. Just because he knows it is my dream. :)


I also love the ring he surprised me with on our 10th anniversary-it has each child's birthstone on either side of a diamond that represents us. He designed it himself.


He gives and gives to the kids and me and never does anything for himself-totally unselfish in his giving.


Honestly, every time I go to the grocery or use the debit card, I think to myself-he gave this gift to me from the sweat of his brow. I truly never take it for granted.

Edited by HappyGrace
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Greatest gift is my dh working his butt off so I can be home hs'ing the kids. Just because he knows it is my dream. :)


I also love the ring he surprised me with on our 10th anniversary-it has each child's birthstone on either side of a diamond that represents us. He designed it himself.


He gives and gives to the kids and me and never does anything for himself-totally unselfish in his giving.


Honestly, every time I go to the grocery or use the debit card, I think to myself-he gave this gift to me from the sweat of his brow. I truly never take it for granted.



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A record album. I'd been lamenting to my momma that I really wanted The Four Sides of Melanie lp and I was having a hard time finding it. My mom wrapped up her original lp and gave it to me for Christmas. It was a wonderful gift.


I do have to break the rules a bit and say that really the best birthday present I ever got was my dh. We met on my 22nd birthday (he was *gasp* 19) and we were living together within 2 weeks, engaged in 6 months, married the following year. We've been together 19 years. So, see, it really was a birthday present. :)


And yes, I apologize to my parents often and fervently for freaking them out like that. In our defense, he's a great guy and my parents adore him still.

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My Capresso coffee machine. My DH gifted one to me for our 5th anniversary, I think it was. Years later I broke it by doing something wrong, even though it was not that complicated to operate. I have a hard time making my own coffee in the morning when DH is not here (he usually makes my morning coffee). I am just so groggy and I can't think or talk much until I have that coffee! Anyhow, after I broke it, and he was unable to fix it, that dear, dear, man went out and bought another one (a refurb), that was fully automated this time. He said to me, "Even you can't break this one!" LOL! And I haven't. Not yet, anyhow.

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I have 3 dds. My youngest dd is very sentimental and loves old and pretty things as I do. We were at our church garage sale and I found a beautiful crystal vase with etched fish, but decided not to purchase it due to the price. We left the garage sale but later she went back and purchased it without telling me. 6 months later I opened it from her on Christmas. I was so pleased! 6 months later while we were out of town for a 3 week inpatient hospital treatment for youngest dd for RSD my middle daughter knocked it off the table and broke the vase. When we got home my middle dd told me "sorry, I broke the vase". I felt so disappointed because it was given as one of those special gifts that really showed thought on behalf of my youngest dd. Well, the next Christmas I opened a present from youngest dd and she had actually found the same vase on Ebay and purchased it for me! So, it is a twice given surprise gift. I keep it in the box unless I am using it! I think when your children move from giving a gift simply to fulfill the requirement to actually selecting something because they know you will love it and the added surprise of the gift, it is a very special moment.

Edited by Reesegirl
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My daddy once bought me the blue boxed set of Little House books from an antique store and surprised me with them for a birthday or Christmas one year (I read them over and over when I was young; he gave them to me when I was an adult). I thought that was very thoughtful and I still have them.

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For Christmas one year, my oldest daughter, who was 10 or 11 at the time, gave me a Cabbage Patch doll. She planned it with her dad and stepmom. They took her out to buy it and then hunt for a red dress and black shoes for the doll to wear.


Why this particular gift?? When I was 11 years old, my best friend and I found a Cabbage Patch doll wearing a red dress in the street. We had no idea who it belonged to so we kept it. (yeah yeah, i know) Anyway, she and I were going to share it by alternating houses. One day we came home from school and found out her mother had sold it. We were so upset!


So apparently my oldest dd remembered that story and wanted to make it up to me. I had NO idea about that gift. She totally surprised me. It was so thoughtful and caring and I cried like a baby. And course I still have Melanie, my doll. :)

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My Xh gave me a pair of diamond studs (BIG) that I still wear daily. I love them so much...they are so me and I rarely take them off. Is that weird?


Nope, not weird. I wear my diamond studs, a gift from DH on our first married Christmas, every day, 24/7. I only take them out for xrays. :)

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The Misses gave me the Messy Nest necklace by Vintage Pearl for my birthday last year:



And, in addition to having the diamond from my engagement ring reset for our twenty-fifty wedding anniversary, Mr. M-mv selected this:



Wedding Rings, 1953

Peter Lipman-Wulf, German, 1905-1993



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Just read some of the other responses. Not sure how I could forget the iPad. He actually got me the newer one in early May and took the older one for himself. He's a good egg.


I liked the reply about being able to stay home, too. While it's not something anyone can put a bow on, it is truly a gift to have this sort of Tom Sawyer-ish life -- all of it: art classes and abundant supplies, music lessons and instruments, archery instructions and equipment, museum memberships and theater subscriptions, trips into the city, opera and symphony experiences, and so on. His work pays for the family-centered learning project, and I am thankful for it every. single. day.

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The gift of being able to read again! My Kindle, hands down, since my hands can't hold books very long -- especially big heavy ones.


I often wonder if Dh fully understands how much my hands hurt me some days; but the other day I was reading and wearing these special gloves I have (compression gloves) and he had a tear in his eye...



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Hmmm. Honestly, it's a bit of a toss up.


Wolf bought me a bracelet to celebrate being pregnant w/Tazzie. It's silver bears linked together at the front paws, bellies facing out. Their bellies have abalone (?) in them. We were sooooo broke at the time, and that he did it had me in tears. I'd had an ectopic pregnancy a month before we got married, so it was a celebration of a healthy pregnancy.


And then, of course, there's my puppy that will be coming home next mth. I've been wanting a Bordeaux for 10 yrs. Even though I'm the one doing all the arranging, etc, she's still my birthday gift :D

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My daddy once bought me the blue boxed set of Little House books from an antique store and surprised me with them for a birthday or Christmas one year (I read them over and over when I was young; he gave them to me when I was an adult). I thought that was very thoughtful and I still have them.


:) That is so sweet!

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1. While in high school, long before I met dh, I was a member of an association of young ladies who represented our city and who wore antebellum costumes in Southern Belle fashion.


Several Christmases ago dh completely surprised me with a Madame Alexander doll wearing a replica of that costume.


We do useful gifts at our home. I've received a microwave cart, homeschool books, running shoes, etc. Things I've truly appreciated and loved. But this doll was so unexpected and thoughtful, it delights me still.


2. My grandmother's knitting needles. Grandma, despite having lost her thumb in an industrial accident as a teen, constantly knitted scarves and mittens for her 21 grandchildren. I flew up to see her sometime in my early 20s (premarriage) and asked her to teach me.


I was 25 when she passed away and I could not get to her funeral. Her daughter packed up Gram's knitting needle sets and sent them back with my parents for me.


3. We bought Dad's house after Mom died and Dad remarried, moving in with his new wife. Before he cleared out completely, he asked all of us kids what we would like to keep (that he wasn't moving). Dh and I loved the old living room sofa. We had spent a lot of courting time there. :lol: So, that sofa didn't get picked up by Goodwill.


After dh and I moved in and added our furniture, we moved that sofa from its 28-year spot in the room. Underneath was a gift box. Mom was always buying things and tucking them away for some occasion or another, for gifts or such.


Inside was a floral plaque: WELCOME

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My husband is gifted (har har) when it comes to buying presents. I'm not sure I could pick just one.


I have several pieces of gorgeous jewelry, nifty kitchen gadgets, baby carriers, and a Kindle Fire from him...my favorite is probably my Sakura Bloom ring sling. I love carrying my kids, and it's nice to have something that looks pretty :)

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For Christmas one year, my oldest daughter, who was 10 or 11 at the time, gave me a Cabbage Patch doll. She planned it with her dad and stepmom. They took her out to buy it and then hunt for a red dress and black shoes for the doll to wear.


Why this particular gift?? When I was 11 years old, my best friend and I found a Cabbage Patch doll wearing a red dress in the street. We had no idea who it belonged to so we kept it. (yeah yeah, i know) Anyway, she and I were going to share it by alternating houses. One day we came home from school and found out her mother had sold it. We were so upset!


So apparently my oldest dd remembered that story and wanted to make it up to me. I had NO idea about that gift. She totally surprised me. It was so thoughtful and caring and I cried like a baby. And course I still have Melanie, my doll. :)


That is the sweetest thing I've heard in a while!

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For Christmas one year, my oldest daughter, who was 10 or 11 at the time, gave me a Cabbage Patch doll. She planned it with her dad and stepmom. They took her out to buy it and then hunt for a red dress and black shoes for the doll to wear.


Why this particular gift?? When I was 11 years old, my best friend and I found a Cabbage Patch doll wearing a red dress in the street. We had no idea who it belonged to so we kept it. (yeah yeah, i know) Anyway, she and I were going to share it by alternating houses. One day we came home from school and found out her mother had sold it. We were so upset!


So apparently my oldest dd remembered that story and wanted to make it up to me. I had NO idea about that gift. She totally surprised me. It was so thoughtful and caring and I cried like a baby. And course I still have Melanie, my doll. :)


Your daughter sounds amazing. And it also sounds like she's blessed with a great dad and stepmom.

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My best present ever was something my oldest dd made for me for Christmas 2009. She took the lyrics from "My Favorite Things" (from the Sound of Music) and made a painting out of them. Each item is beautifully represented and I just love it.


I cried when I opened the present. It was such a surprise as she had been over to my house visit almost every night and I had NO idea she was painting something for me. It was so thoughtful and special. I have it hanging in my bedroom now and smile every time I look at it.

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My computerized Brother quilting machine! Kids and DH bought it for me and totally shocked me. They knew it was the one I wanted but I had no clue we had the $$ for it. I cried. Apparently DS talked about it all day long LOL, he's such a sweet kid. He so badly wanted me to have a better machine to sew on.

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A small box with a mouse in it was my favorite. Not a rodent, a computer mouse. :D The next box held my first laptop. Dh said that the look on my face was his best present ever. :001_wub: Now, I never needed that mouse, but I still have it.

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