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"The Modern Speller" on Google Books-can anyone comment on this?


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HOD uses it from about Bigger onwards.


It's also known as Dictation Day by Day.


Serendipitous Journey loves it (hopefully she'll see your thread and respond).


I used it (year 2) with DS for a bit until I had to redistribute his writing output for a bit - no other reason.


I have heard that the occasional passage in the later grades expresses .. how might one say it .. an outdated mindset? .. anyway, I know some in the past have mentioned editing, skipping, or dropping the book at that point.


These tidbits are all that I have. :D

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Oh, I'm familiar with Dictation Day By Day! Is Dict. Day By Day just the Modern Speller broken up into grade levels, or how are they different?


I'm not worried at all about the outdated mindset stuff.


Wow, that's interesting that HOD uses it-I never realized! (ETA: are you sure? I don't see it mentioned in HOD materials-I see that they use dictation but I thought it was their own.)


Any more info?

Edited by HappyGrace
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Oh, I'm familiar with Dictation Day By Day! Is Dict. Day By Day just the Modern Speller broken up into grade levels, or how are they different?


I'm not worried at all about the outdated mindset stuff.


Wow, that's interesting that HOD uses it-I never realized! (ETA: are you sure? I don't see it mentioned in HOD materials-I see that they use dictation but I thought it was their own.)


Any more info?


Yes. It's how I learned of the book. They reorder it a bit at first but that's where it comes from. (it's okay to doubt me, I won't be offended .. there are some threads about it back perhaps a year ago if you want to confirm/get better details that are escaping my memory :D)


I'm not sure of the differences between The Modern Speller and Dictation Day by Day besides the way they're broken up.

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Also, if you used this, did you use it as studied dictation? (where they study it first for unfamiliar words, etc.) Or how did you dictate?


I used it the way (if I'm recalling correctly) the beginning of the book advised to: in the morning the sentence/s would be given as copywork and later in the day they would be given again as dictation.

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Here are some threads you might want to check out





(all share a modern speller tag, see the bottom of the page)


And a post where I posted the link to each


Here they are:


Dictation Day by Day

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Modern Speller - very similar, published later, seems mostly just reformatted to me but I haven't looked at all pages

Book 1 (years 2, 3, and 4)

Book 2 (years 5, 6, 7, 8)

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(it's okay to doubt me, I won't be offended .. there are some threads about it back perhaps a year ago if you want to confirm/get better details that are escaping my memory :D)


Yes, I found the old posts -thanks! I wasn't doubting you-lol! I am a HOD wannabe and I've looked at all aspects of their curric so many times and never remembered seeing it!


The old threads verified it. Also that Modern Speller Bk 1 is Dict DayByDay yrs 2,3, and 4, and Bk 2 is from DDBY books 5-8, in case anyone was wondering!


I like the morning/afternoon thing too, thanks! I think we'll study it before copyworking it, and then do the dictation later.

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You ladies are so sweet. I have a couple posts I repost periodically because I had such a hard time tracking down the material and I was hoping to spare others the effort. I don't understand why some things are so impossible to find on Google Books.

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