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So, Dr. Hive. I stabbed myself in the finger with a dirty knife...

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Two weeks ago, I tried to cut open a thing of frozen sausage and stabbed myself in the finger with the knife. It was like a puncture wound from the tip of the knife, not a slice. I was pretty paranoid because it bled for quite a while and the knife was dirty from cutting through raw sausage on the way to my finger. However, it wasn't a big cut, and I had a two week old baby, so I wasn't hot to go sit in an emergency clinic to get it looked at.


Now, my finger is sore. It hurts to bend it. It is also slightly swollen in the lower part of my finger. However, the cut has healed up looking fine. It's not red or warm. Just slightly swollen and sore.


I'm paranoid that I have some flesh eating disease from the dirty knife. But, it seems sorta silly to go to the doctor when it looks pretty much okay. I've wondered if it's just bruised from stabbing it? The knife definitely went in deep.


Do you think I'm okay to watch it? And how long before I decide it's been sore and swollen too long?

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It's get it checked. Most likely it is cellulitis or inflammation in the joint from bacteria but if it is something like tetanus that is a horrible thing to deal with. Even if the initial injury is looking better it is worth getting the inflammation checked out.

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Off to the doctor with you, and if he/she can't get you in I'd head to ER.


I went to ER once after having been bit by a feral kitten on a weekend. The puncture wounds were so tiny they weren't even visible but there wasn't one person who saw me that didn't take a cat puncture very seriously.


Better be safe than sorry.

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