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I have to brag on my daughter.....

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I just talked to her again about the website.


She is afraid that if anyone helps her, she will not be able to understand it any longer. That would make her lose some control and become more dependent on other people.


I asked if she would let me try to help her find something that works for her AND works for the customer.


I'll post again if I can make any progress with her. There is such a thin line between making suggestions, and trying to take over.

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Hi Amy,


I have 3 children on the Spectrum. Your story was so encouraging. Sometimes I feel like I am trying to fill a bathtub with no drain plug. Hope flows out of my soul as fast as I try to fill it.


Your daughter gave me a vision for the day when my tub will overflow because hers definitely has -- with her hardwork and steadfast work of a wonderful mother.


Keep sharing!!!!

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LOVE that story!!!!


I also have a son with special needs. He has cerebral palsy and epilepsy. He went backpacking last weekend with his Boy Scout troop for the first time and he hiked 8 1/2 miles with his pack on. I couldn't believe it! I was so proud of him.


It makes my day to hear stories about special needs children who show the "experts" how wrong they are! I had a reading expert tell us that my son would never read. I was so heartbroken. He is now reading Gentle Ben and lots of other books. I wish I could find that woman now!


Tell your daughter we are all so proud of her!


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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This made my eyes well and my heart smile!


And what a coincidence - I've been soaping for a few months now and thinking it might be a nice business for my soon-to-be 15 yr old autistic son in a year or so. And we're in Texas. Not goat milk soaps, so no competition, though. :D

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How wonderful!! I actually have tears in my eyes. As a soap maker, I know how much hard work it is and how much face to face time it requires at market's and shows. So amazing that she broke out of her shell to make money. She got more out of talking to people and marketing herself than she ever did out of the money she made. Well done mom!!!

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How wonderful!! I actually have tears in my eyes. As a soap maker, I know how much hard work it is and how much face to face time it requires at market's and shows. So amazing that she broke out of her shell to make money. She got more out of talking to people and marketing herself than she ever did out of the money she made. Well done mom!!!


Yes. The talking to people is the the real pay off.


When she was in the second grade, the district's head of Special Ed. Informally evaluated Dd. She told me that she did have autism, but since I was homeschooling, I could wait until she was older to have her formally tested.


I asked if she could get any extra services like physical therapy if I got a label at that time.


She said, "Sure, but you wouldn't want them, because you have already incorporated everything she needs in her everyday life. Swim team, gymnastics, soccer, Russian folk dance.....those are her therapies. We can't match that in hour segments within 4 square walls."


Her company has been an extension of that. It is her social skills therapy, integrated into her every day life. The nice thing is, that she is discovering she actually enjoys it. I here her refer to certain customers, or other breeders as "my friend" that is new for us.


I'm feeling hopeful.

Edited by amy g.
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What a great young woman your daughter is!!


Some of the most hard working, determined young people I know are kids/young adults with special needs. With your daughter's attitude, she's going to go far!!! Congrats to you both.




What an awesome story! Thank you for sharing!

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What about setting her up on Etsy? That might be easier for her!


She does have an etsy shop.




You can see how well it is stocked.


Read her listing for the Energy Bath Salt. Mr. Clever listed the sugar scrub, so that is no reflection on her style.


She actually enjoyed writing it, and I think she could do well with it, but she just can not manage her time to include listing items to the shop.


When she was tested, I asked them to screen for ADHD. Instead, they said she has the opposite. She spends so much time thinking and checking that it is hard for her to accomplish anything. Her processing speed is in the second percentile, so you can see that she is really working with a disadvantage.


To be fair, she also has an entire farm to run, with animals to feed and milk twice a day.

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