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Dr. Hive...please help me figure if my cough needs an antibiotic...

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Started w/ sore throat last Thurs. that woke me up at night, Fri still had sore throat but felt ok during day, had some low back achiness, cough started that night. The cough Fri night and Sat night was just during evening and while falling asleep but then slept ok.


Sore throat got better Sat. I've never had a fever the whole time, and feel pretty good during the day (not tired, etc) and have carried on with life during the day.


But now last night, Sunday (actually, it's 4 a.m. now), I started coughing around 8 p.m. and have coughed and coughed and coughed-have not slept with the coughing. I took Delsym cough med around 9, which ALWAYS helps quiet a cough, but it was like I didn't even take it! The humidifier helps some but I still have to sit up in bed, eat cough drops, etc.


It is mostly a dry cough-has become a bit more productive in the last day. Mild sinus congestion but no runny/plugged nose.


We're really really tight financially and I just don't want to pay a co-pay at the doc if this could just be a virus! The fact that I never got a fever is making me think it might be, but would a cough get this bad with a virus? Help! I can't take another night like this!

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