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State of Mind

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(breathe, breathe, breathe)


I guess in a way moving is like childbirth. I need to remember to breathe deeply, and I just want everyone to leave me the #*(#$#()_$&_*&&*!! alone so I can do the work!


:grouphug: Just remember, it's not indefinite. There will be a point where the move is complete and you can try to create some semblance of a routine and start feeling like life is back to normal.


But I am so very glad dh has found a job, and I truly hope it turns out spectacularly for all of you!

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(breathe, breathe, breathe)


I guess in a way moving is like childbirth. I need to remember to breathe deeply, and I just want everyone to leave me the #*(#$#()_$&_*&&*!! alone so I can do the work!


:lol: I never thought of it like that, but you sure are right! I hope your roller coaster ride is over soon and you can start settling into your new place. :001_smile:

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(breathe, breathe, breathe)


I guess in a way moving is like childbirth. I need to remember to breathe deeply, and I just want everyone to leave me the #*(#$#()_$&_*&&*!! alone so I can do the work!


Heh! You are sooo right.


Anyplace you can send them for the weekend? That always works well for me. Otherwise, someone, somewhere wants a piece of my time.

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(breathe, breathe, breathe)


I guess in a way moving is like childbirth. I need to remember to breathe deeply, and I just want everyone to leave me the #*(#$#()_$&_*&&*!! alone so I can do the work!

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