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Wanted: Your curriculum suggestions

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Experienced homeschool mom of 15 years is looking for a guided curriculum. Please tell me what you do and why you like it. I am a big fan of killing many birds with one stone, so if you have something like that, it would be a bonus for me. I am curious about Songlight, Tapestry of Grace, etc.. What are the ins and outs of your curric. as well?





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Don't I know! LOL I don't have the number of your kids (and have only been doing it 8, not 15), but I got really burnt out the past couple years with evaluations and speech therapy and this and that, sigh. All my vim and vigor to do my own thing just goes out the window! So anyways, MFW is where I find myself going. In the open and go sane category, it's a good option. I'm trying the K5 with my ds this fall (coordinated with AAS pre, how fun!), and we'll see what happens. I've been so ANTI schedule over the years, always repulsed by following someone else's boxes, that we'll have to see how it goes. I could see myself continuing on if I can buckle under. I'm at that point in my life where I can accept someone else's stranger and make it pop with all the things I know. I don't have to put my energy into creating that structure too. LOL


More sane options? BJU straight with dvds. Solid, works great, great stuff. (not recommending that necessarily for SN)


Alternate less sane but strong, thinking done for you program? VP Scholars. Or outsource a lot. You could put all the littles into the VP online self-paced history which is a HUGE hit in our house. You probably already have your preferred way of doing LA. Sometimes just outsourcing one or two things makes the rest more do-able.


Well anyways, I just wanted to toss out those options since you hadn't mentioned them. :)

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Camy, I know that right now I feel a little lost, because I feel like I am maneuvering without a theme. In the past my themes were Bible based unit studies and radical LCC. Neither of those is appropriate right now for my own self-education or for my tutoring students.


The most helpful books I have read recently are


The Eclectic Manual of Methods Vintage instructions on using the Eclectic textbooks, such as Ray's, Harvey's, McGuffey's, Geography, etc.


Train Up a Child about Amish education


Child Development from the African Waldorf perspective.


I've been using Draw Write Now to assist me in doing some quasi-Waldorf notebooking type lessons, that I'm still trying to get the hang of, but am excited about. We just use the backgrounds more often than the main feature.




I guess my theme is becoming 19th century back to basics with an Amish and Waldorfy/artsy twist, and with special foci on spelling/handwriting fluency, geography and basic maths MASTERY.


I have felt the urge to get submerged back into SOMETHING anything, because I feel uncentered, but before I settled into radical LCC back in the late 90's, I felt this same way, and it would have been a mistake to have joined a crowd and to have stopped listening to my gut. I was ahead of my time, without a label. Maybe that is where I am at again.


15 years in, I'll bet you too are on the verge of finding YOUR groove. Hold on. Be discriminating. You can do this. I don't know what "this" is for YOU, but I'll bet you are close to figuring it out.

Edited by Hunter
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Well from reading your blog and also being someone who has GAD, and am a Christian...


I would say TOG or Sonlight seem like bad ideas for you. :001_huh:


I would say you should look at ACE.


If you really can't abide that idea, then perhaps consider Timberdoodle Cores but combining kids as much as possible in them. They are pretty easy as far as implementation, but still have a nice CM feel.

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I'm going back to TOG in the Fall...


I'm doing it to keep my sanity. :tongue_smilie: I have been juggling too many programs/pieces/schedules and it just makes sense for us to all be on the same page.


I've joined up with a virtual co-op and I am looking forward to "sharing the load" with some other TOG Moms.


:grouphug: to you as you decide what is best for your family.

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Well from reading your blog and also being someone who has GAD, and am a Christian...


I would say TOG or Sonlight seem like bad ideas for you. :001_huh:


I would say you should look at ACE.


If you really can't abide that idea, then perhaps consider Timberdoodle Cores but combining kids as much as possible in them. They are pretty easy as far as implementation, but still have a nice CM feel.


What is GAD? A health problem? Then yes, that means get even a little saner and look at CLE for math and LA or the BJU videos or something that does most if not all of it for you.

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