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Hands and Hearts Products/Kits Question


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Since my dd is going to working through Ancient History next year, I wanted to buy her a kit from Hands and Hearts. I am looking at the Egyptian kit and the Greece/Rome Kit. I am wondering if anyone has used these and what your experience was. I think she would enjoy either but I really can't afford both.


Any experience -here are the links to them if you don't know what I am referring to. Does anyone know if they ever have sales or offer discounts?


Ancient Egypt Kit


Ancient Greece and Rome Kit


TIA :001_smile:

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We've used the Middle Ages, Westward Expansion and Early American kits and have loved them all - worth every penny for us.


Everything you need, and I mean everything: straws, glue, crayons, is already in the box. I ordered an additional kit for my 2nd child and this turned out to be a life-saver. You can't just make one wooden flute or jacob's ladder for two children!


These will work with any history program or living book approach you use.


I would love to buy more kits, we're just having to be very selective with our homeschool dollars these days and these kits fell onto the "I really wish we could get them, but I guess I could scrounge the items for a few crafts instead" list.


As far as discounts, sometimes they offer free shipping on the kits. You could email them and see what they can do.

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Thank for the information. It sounds like they would be a great addition. I am leaning towards the Egyptian kit but I will let dd look at both and see what sounds more interesting to her. I know she leans more towards learning about Greece and Rome but the other kit just looked more interesting to me.

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We love the kits! We have done three of them and my dc really enjoyed them. I would recommend the Greece/Rome kit if you are doing SOTW 1 because more time is spent on that than on Ancient Egypt. I also agree with pp that getting the additional resources for extra kids is worth it.

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For a kid who enjoys hands on activities, would you recommend these kits or the Time Traveler CDs?



Eta: sorry for the hijack


Eta again: :tongue_smilie: I notice that there are Bible verse memory cards that come in each of the kits. Are these kits able to be used secularly?


The TT CDs have more paper work, like notebooking pages and 3D components. They have activities also, but you would have to come up with the supplies needed, which can sometimes be a nuisance.

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(I notice that there are Bible verse memory cards that come in each of the kits. Are these kits able to be used secularly?)


**We didn't use the Bible verse cards. There is no religious content other than those that I can recall. The crafts are just crafts and the directions don't have any religious content on them that I can recall.

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Amana -


I would say that the Hands and Hearts kits win out over Time Travelers in my opinion, simply due to the fact that all materials are already provided. They really have quality material in the Hands and Hearts kits. I really don't enjoy making random lists and scouring the dollar and craft stores to find everything.


Hands and Hearts kits are really craft/project based materials, not just coloring, mini-books or making a scroll with popsicle sticks.

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I adore these kits. I'm the anti crafter and always missing some essential otherwise. These kits ROCK.


They do have sales/free shipping sometimes. But they also have a child in hospice right now so I don't know how focused they will be on kits/business.


This is what has prevented me from ordering a 2nd time. 4 years ago I ordered from them, For months they never sent out the kit, no contact explaining boy was sick etc. I didn't know about their family issues with his health. I just knew I paid a boat load of money for a kit and shipping to Canada and never got responses to my emails, my kit etc for months and months. Eventually I got it, but no explaination, no apologies etc. The only reason it even got sent out when it did was because I posted a warning to others that they were a scam and that got their attention. I learned about their son's health issues from random people online to explain their delay in contact.


I get that kids come first etc, but if you are running a business than you run the business or you temp shut it down. You do not take the money and then don't follow up for months while you tend to your family.


The kit itself was great, I have debated ordering again all these years later but I do not want to be taken for a ride again while they ignore their business. I think they should put the focus on their son and hand the reigns of the business over for a while to make sure sales are being handled properly in a timely manner.

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Thank you everyone for the information. We are going to be doing MOH next year. I suddenly don't want a discount as I am sorry that their child is sick but I will wait and see if shipments are going out. I would have to agree that if I pay for something I would want it in a reasonable time frame, even a few weeks imo would be acceptable. I would also agree that some kind of contact (from someone) would be desirable so that people aren't getting upset. That's a hard place to be in whereas I am sure they need the sales but their time and attention is obviously needed elsewhere.


They sound like great kits and I will order one for this coming year.


I just looked online to read about their story and I have heard of this little boy before, I had no idea that they were connected.

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