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Need the wisdom of experienced Moms

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My oldest is working ahead in Math and LA. She will be 5 in a month but is doing 1st grade work in both. I had planned on doing OM1 as a core only Singapore for Math and Queens for LA) with her. It looks like a good fit. YDD will be doing OMK. In looking at both programs (I have them in hand) they seem VERY teacher intensive and the K, while not challenging enough in science for ODD, seems more age appropriate and, well, fun...not to mention it would be easier on me to combine them. But I have had some experienced moms tell me to "teach to the older child" for the core. I also think YDD could maybe to a lighter version of OM1 if needed. Thoughts?

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At that age, I say go with what will be fun! I'd use the K option so you can definitely combine them, and just keep their math/LA at the appropriate level for each. I think it is easier to "beef up" a program than it is to simplify it. Plus, even though your dd is doing 1st grade level work, she is still a 5yo, and will likely enjoy the K program better. You said it's light on science; go to the library and add books on each topic if you want. But at 5yo, I don't worry about science being light. I concentrate on the 3R's and then keep the rest of it fun.

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At that age, I say go with what will be fun! I'd use the K option so you can definitely combine them, and just keep their math/LA at the appropriate level for each. I think it is easier to "beef up" a program than it is to simplify it. Plus, even though your dd is doing 1st grade level work, she is still a 5yo, and will likely enjoy the K program better. You said it's light on science; go to the library and add books on each topic if you want. But at 5yo, I don't worry about science being light. I concentrate on the 3R's and then keep the rest of it fun.


Thanks! I think you are right :)

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At that age, I say go with what will be fun! I'd use the K option so you can definitely combine them, and just keep their math/LA at the appropriate level for each. I think it is easier to "beef up" a program than it is to simplify it. Plus, even though your dd is doing 1st grade level work, she is still a 5yo, and will likely enjoy the K program better. You said it's light on science; go to the library and add books on each topic if you want. But at 5yo, I don't worry about science being light. I concentrate on the 3R's and then keep the rest of it fun.



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