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What is the best way to handle this? (long)

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I mail my 90 day prescriptions to a mail in company. I usually send them about two weeks before I run out of my current prescription and they usually fill them and get the back to me a couple of days to a week before I run out. I have been using this company for years now and have never had any problem.


My current prescription ran out on the 30th. I mailed my prescriptions on the 21st. I paid $20 to send the prescriptions next day and $30 to have the meds sent to me next day because I needed to get them back before I left on vacation on the 28th. A few days later I got an email stating that they could not fill them until the 30th (the day my prescription ran out). Even with next day mail (which I would have to pay for) there would still be a gap of a few days not to mention the fact that I wouldn't be here.


I called and asked why and the man didn't really know. He said that maybe it wass a new regulation this year but I have already ordered from them this year and it was the same as always. So anyhow, I asked him what I could do and he said that he could send them to my dds house where I would be. Ok, great, that would be fine.


Later that week is when my dr. put me on Klonopin and told me no driving. SO I called the back and told them that I would not be going to my dds house and that they needed to send them to my home address. I then asked the guy to verify where he was sending them and he gave me my home address. I was still going to have a gap of a few days but oh well. I'll manage.


Then a few days later we get an email about one of my prescriptions. The dr. wrote it to take one pill three times a day which would be 270 pills. They said that they could only send 90 pills per 90 days. So my hubby called them and they went round and round for awhile. They said that we must have misunderstood what the dr. said. Then my hubby explained that I have been taking this exact same prescription for years. The lady said she couldn't help us because that is what the prescription said. Finally my hubby asked to speak to a supervisor and had her pull the original prescription which not only said take one pill three times per day but also had the total number of pills written on it. The super said, "Oh so sorry. Our mistake." At that time my hubby once again asked where they were sending the meds and was assured that they were being sent here.


So at this point everything is straightened out and the meds are supposed to be here today. So I look up the tracking number and see that it has been sent to my dds house in GA. Now remember, I am already out of meds at this point. Even if she gets it in time to mail it today the quickest I could have them is Monday at the earliest but probably Tuesday. So I am looking at about 4-5 days without my meds plus I have to pay another large amount to have them sent here. I am going to be out about $80 in shipping alone (known of which did any good) and I still don't have my medicines.


My dr. has me on something else right now that is working great and will get me through until I get my meds (providing it is sometime this week) but I am incredibly frustrated with the way this was handled and I am wondering if there is anything that I can do other than complain.

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:grouphug:s, I think after I flipped out, finished melting down, I'd call and ask them just why they sent it to GA when you verified twice that they were to come to your home. And how they are going to get them from GA to you asap.

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When we ran out of an important maintenance med, the doctor would send a prescription to the local pharmacy to cover the missing days. The pharmacy would do an override on the insurance to get them to pay for it. You can call your local pharmacy and ask if this was feasible.

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I've given up mail-order prescriptions because of situations like these. I have had insulin, which my daughter clearly cannot live without, get shipped to my mother's house in the next state over, causing a huge mess with the insurance company in trying to get more in this state while I figured out to deal with what was sent to my mom.


The delivery company would also routinely leave insulin on my front porch when it was 110 degrees here in Phoenix without making sure someone was home. Not cool.


So I gave up. So sorry you are having such a big hassle.

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When we ran out of an important maintenance med, the doctor would send a prescription to the local pharmacy to cover the missing days. The pharmacy would do an override on the insurance to get them to pay for it. You can call your local pharmacy and ask if this was feasible.


This is what we do when I forget to get the refills ordered in time. The doctor's office usually sends over a prescription for 7 or 14 days and we've never had a problem with the insurance paying for it.

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Sometimes docs have samples of some drugs, maybe you could talk to his office? Other than that, I concur with the pp who suggested getting a temp. prescription for a week's worth.


I worked in health insurance for years. These issues happen more than I think they should. It's frustrating, I hope you get what you need, soon!

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:grouphug:s, I think after I flipped out, finished melting down, I'd call and ask them just why they sent it to GA when you verified twice that they were to come to your home. And how they are going to get them from GA to you asap.


totally THIS.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted to let everyone know that the company finally sent me 30 worth of meds and refunded my money. Of course, I need to go to my dr. again and get new prescriptions which I will have filled locally because Lords knows I need to be stable and sleeping right now.

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We hear about things like this all the time in the pharmacy. Mail order can be really, really great.....or really, really bad. There is not usually a middle ground.


If it happens in the future, most mail order insurance will pay for at least a partial script in a retail pharmacy for emergencies like this. Have the doc send over a script for a months supply, take it to a retail pharmacy (or have doc call it in) and then ask the pharmacy to call the insurance for an override. Some medications are pretty cheap and if you are going to have to pay for overnight shipping at $20, you may want to find out what the retail pharmacy would charge you for the script without insurance to get you by until the mail order can be shipped (you don't want to use the insurance in this situation because it will hold up the pills at the mail order pharmacy).


The one time I dealt with a mail order pharmacy personally, it was for a CII script for ADD and required a hand written script to be mailed into the retail pharmacy. No biggie, I sent it in with the form filled out that had all of our insurance information on it. A month later, they sent my sons script back to me saying they couldn't find his account information and thus couldn't fill it. They sent it back, with a typed letter, listing our account number, family members and policy information. LOL Really, they couldn't find the account information.....???? When I called to ask what happened, they had everything they needed to fill it in the computer and showed no record of it ever arriving. :confused: Never again.

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I just wanted to let everyone know that the company finally sent me 30 worth of meds and refunded my money. Of course, I need to go to my dr. again and get new prescriptions which I will have filled locally because Lords knows I need to be stable and sleeping right now.


I am glad they are working it out....but what a pain!

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This is one reason I refuse to use our mail order script. Another, and bigger reason, is that my dad was prescribed an antibiotic (levaquin I think) after surgery, and when we went to pick it up, the pharmacist said he couldn't take it, because it could potentially react w/ another med he was on, and he could have died. It wouldn't have been caught had he used mail order for his other meds. So I refuse to use them, and I tell them so every month when they call to harass me about my bp meds.

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