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Was considering doing yearbooks...

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but now I'm deterred because of my budget. :tongue_smilie:

Not that they would be expensive - I was just going to make some photo books on Shutterfly or something, and order one for each kid. They would be the same thing.

Idk... on one hand, I really wanted to do them. I have all my yearbooks from when I was in school (yep, from K through college), and I just want the kids to have them. But then at the same time I'm going, I mean, really, what do they need one for? Will it be a disservice not to have them?


What say the hive?

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You could make it a project—let the kids look through photos and make some of their own choices and page designs. For a few Christmases, the kids have chosen digital photos they wanted to print out through Walgreen's and we picked photo albums for them to put them in. It's interesting to see which photos they choose.


Erica in OR

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Could you put several years together? I made one journal style with photos that covered the first 5 years. The kids and I made the next one scrapbook style that covered 3 years. Now, I'm grouping digital photos to print a book for the rest of my dd's elementary years as my ds doesn't want one. ;)

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