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Has everyone heard of Lapbooking???

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I have always thought they looked very labor-intensive for what you get. As a presentation they are cute, but for a means of learning material, I just don't see it.


I am going to try out Homeschool in the Woods' Activity-Pak for Artists, and if we like it I will get the one for Composers. They are less "cutesy" and tricky to cut out then some I've seen, and since we will be doing other stuff to learn the material, we will use the lapbook to review and make a nice presentation for our portfolio. Rather than make a lapbook, I plan on making individual pages and binding them into a book.

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We do tons of lapbooks. A few times my kids have said they don't want to do them anymore so I have said fine but we have to have output of some sort and reports are the typical. To which they ask what the new lapbook will be :lol: Currently we are doing 1 on multiplication, 1 on the titanic, 1 on the weather, ds8 is also doing 1 on travelling seeds, and we just recently finished one on norse mythology, those are our ones from this month, they should all be done within the next 2 weeks and then on to the next batch.

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I have 'heard' of lapbooks but have never looked to see what they are - anyone want to enlighten me?


You know those science fair displays on the triboard? like that but in a file folder essentially. Instead of writing a report little mini books are filled out and placed into the folded file folder to showcase what the child has learned. The best part imo is that the kids like to go back and look through their completed books allowing them to review it often where they would not likely go back and reread an old report etc.


Here is some better explainations about them.


lapbooking 101


what is lapbooking?

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My kids love lapbooks but we dont do enough of them! We have done probably four or five...this summer, in addition to math, writing and history, we are going to do some interest led lapbooks. My older did a great one on sharks that he did all by himself, and e learned so much.

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I have always thought they looked very labor-intensive for what you get. As a presentation they are cute, but for a means of learning material, I just don't see it.


I am going to try out Homeschool in the Woods' Activity-Pak for Artists, and if we like it I will get the one for Composers. They are less "cutesy" and tricky to cut out then some I've seen, and since we will be doing other stuff to learn the material, we will use the lapbook to review and make a nice presentation for our portfolio. Rather than make a lapbook, I plan on making individual pages and binding them into a book.


Just hijacking a bit...


We have used both the artists and composers from Homeschool in the Woods and we loved them! We, too, didn't make them into the lapbook, but rather put them on pages and kept them in a binder. That way, I was able to add more information/activities as we went along. I found those lapbooks less annoying than most (though my kids adore lapbooks in any form). :001_smile:

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We used lapbooks for preschool and k. They were nice and visual. As kids get older though, I think cohesive writing is more valuable than a report broken up into little pieces. I think binders are a good middle ground. You can mix written reports in with artwork, photos of projects, related articles, etc, so your kids still have a way to look back and enjoy their learning.

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We used to do lots when the kids were younger because of the visual aspect. They enjoyed them but honestly they are a lot of planning and work. We would do some, then I'd burn out and have to recover before planning and executing another. We kept them all to show the kids and their kids when they are older. :)

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we just did one on the Titanic too :) last month was (april 15th 2012) was the 100 year anniversary of the sinking. my 7 year old was infatuated by the story of the Titanic. she read about it in one of her DK readers and loved it so we did more reasearch and then the lapbook.

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We used lapbooks for preschool and k. They were nice and visual. As kids get older though, I think cohesive writing is more valuable than a report broken up into little pieces. I think binders are a good middle ground. You can mix written reports in with artwork, photos of projects, related articles, etc, so your kids still have a way to look back and enjoy their learning.


The lapbooks we have done were jumbo sized and built off a 3 prong notebook in the middle to hold written work.


My problem is implementing them regularly. I've used them but it was choppy. Making them seemed like an interruption. Somehow the flow was off.


I'm HOPING the problem was that at the time I was homeschooling three first and second graders with three littler ones at our feet. I ended up shelving them for the next couple of years but this coming fall they are coming back out.


I'm excited to try them and HOPING it works. I know my kids are craving projects.


I also have one child with multiple processing issues. I'm hoping lapbooks give her a way to organize what she's done so perhaps she can appreciate all the information more.


All the templates are great but the resource I really want is just a how to organize supplies and implement lapbooks on a functional level.

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