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Explain the difference between Carcassonne vs Ticket to Ride vs Settlers of Catan?


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I have only played Settlers but the other 2 seem somewhat similar in style, so just wondering who likes a particular one and why?


And what ages would you say each one is best for?




I wouldn't say Carcassonne and Ticket to Ride are particularly similar; however, these are three of our family's favorite games! Settlers is tops IMO. I could play it every day. :)


I suggest you look at boardgamegeek.com for all kinds of details about the games, including suggested ages. It's a great resource for games.

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Ticket to Ride is my fave of the three. We probably play anywhere from 3-30 games a week.


Catan got on my nerves because one bad decision at the beginning of the game could quickly turn you into a spectator for the rest of the game. You could really spend the rest of the time begging someone to trade you some stinking wheat! (Sorry, had some bad game experiences, had a flash back... ;) )


Carcassonne, I just never really got into it. I've only tried it on the XBox live, and my iPad, so maybe I'd enjoy it more if I played in a group on an actual board. But it just hasn't had the hook to keep me interested from the start, if that makes sense?


My kids and I still play the Kids of Carcassonne, and I actually really like that game. It's very simple, though.


Ticket to Ride is nice because I think it's low-key enough to be able to actually socialize while you play. I don't like games that make people angry or frustrated too easily (I'm looking at you, Acquire) or think so hard that you can't talk about other things while you play. And I've got enough of the versions that I've actually learned some geography. I know my kids have, too.

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I think Ticket to Ride is a great one to start with, especially for a younger child. DS got that one for Christmas this past year, and it's enjoyable. We have the regular USA version and will probably get the Europe version next. I personally want the Nordic countries one too!! :D

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I wouldn't say Carcassonne and Ticket to Ride are particularly similar; however, these are three of our family's favorite games! Settlers is tops IMO. I could play it every day. :)


I suggest you look at boardgamegeek.com for all kinds of details about the games, including suggested ages. It's a great resource for games.


Ditto this, except Ticket to Ride is currently my favorite of these three. All are pretty different but very fun games.


Boardgamegeek is your friend. Go there. :D

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In Carc you're primarily placing tiles to fit/match with the other tiles on the table in a way that lets you gain control of cities, roads, etc. In T2R you are trying to collect cards to allow you to claim train paths that are already predetermined on the board. You draw from a separate stack of cards to see which lines you need. And in Settlers there is a little of everything. You're rolling dice to determine who collects resource cards, then using your resource cards to build roads and buildings. Buildings then give you more chances to collect resources from subsequent dice rolls, etc.


Carc and T2R are fairly quick (to 'Geeks thats anything less than 45 minutes) and with minor modification you can play with 7 or 8 year olds. Settlers is a more complicated game. If you're not already experienced with eurogames, getting through the instructions the first time can be difficult. Its better if you can get someone to walk you through.



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Ticket to Ride isn't that fun. If you want a more fun railroad game, I recommend TransAmerica. We own and play 100 board games and honestly we go "bleh" every time we play TIcket to Ride.


Carc and Ticket are nothing alike. Carcasonne is basically a glorified puzzle- but sweet and interesting and fun. My kids started playing it at 3 (but they grew up with board games) this is also a good game if you have company and want to chat over a board game.


Settlers of Catan is the most complicated of the 3 you mention and again, nothing like the other two becAuse it's a Resource Management game. It's not hard, but it will take some explaining and guidance and you'll have to refer back to the directions a lot for the first two games. But if you really get into Settlers, then a whole new world of board gaming is open to you, the world of Resource Management games!


There is also now a Settlers of Catan for kids coming out (not to be confused with the old Kids of Catan game) which actually teaches resource management, and Ars Technica just did a write up on that one.

Edited by Calming Tea
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