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How do I search on here for a specific pre-algebra program?

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While the search on here usually works for me, it can some time be frustrating.


One thing to do is search tags- either by finding a thread that is close and going down to the bottom where it lists the tags and click on one you want. There is a tag search if you go up to search there is a link there.


I also just use google- by putting- site:welltrainedmind.com

then your search terms into any google box you'll get only pages from this site.

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I have given up on the search function on this board. This board does a lot of things very well, but search is not one.


I LOVE the site search with google. I have found it to work very well.


Like the PP said:


site:http://www.welltrainedmind.com "MUS pre-algebra"


Should get you what you want. You may or may not need the quotes to get a good search. Try it either way. Try it without the hyphen as well.

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