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Poll: Answering but not posting

How often do you answer a post and but never hit the submit button?  

  1. 1. How often do you answer a post and but never hit the submit button?

    • I always submit what I write.
    • I sometimes submit what I write.
    • I delete more than I submit.
    • I read and think about writing but usually just move on.
    • Iâ??m a lurker and thatâ??s all.
    • Obligatory other.

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I often find myself taking the time to respond to a post but then not hitting the submit button. I do this for a variety of reasons. I was wondering how many others respond in private but never submit.

How often do you answer a post and but never hit the submit button?

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I do that sometimes. Sometimes I write out something and then it doesn't come out sounding the way I want it to so I delete it. Sometimes I realize I'm just saying the same thing everyone else has said so I delete it. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood to answer at all and I don't even bother typing something out. Sometimes I'm in a gabby mood and don't care if it's relevant or already been said, I post anyway.

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I almost always submit what I write. I get lonely sometimes, and my cats aren't the best conversationalists. Sometimes when people don't reply, I cry. But, don't worry about it. I'll be all right.... SIGH.


(Sorry, was channeling my mom there for a minute...)

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I read and think about replying, but usually move on. Sometimes I write and delete. Only occasionally do I submit a reply. :)


This is mostly me, the exception being that only occasionally do I actually write something before deleting. Mostly, I think about it, then move on.

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I submit most replies. Can you tell? I do type out replies sometimes when I'm ticked off and delete those without posting.


Different posting styles for different folks.


When I get aggravated by a post, I write a response but usually delete. I am not the type to debate, I am generally not a confrontational person. I do like getting my anger or frustration out by typing and then deleting :)


I also respond on my phone. If I have typing issues, it gets to long, or I find too many mistakes to fix....I delete.

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Sometimes I'm feeling overly chatty and I realize "nobody wants to read this!" so I delete. Other times I think "there's no way to say this without offending" so I delete.


There are also times when I get interrupted by someone with whom I don't want to share my involvement in this forum. So I close the window without hitting submit.

Edited by SKL
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I answered sometimes, but it's more like "usually". I'm a blabber, apparently. I answer frequently. However, there are occasions where I've typed out a reply, thought better of it, and deleted it.


Yep. Sometimes I start to reply and then think, "I'm not going to change anyone's opinion about this" or "why am I bothering to say what's already been said?" or just "oh, good grief, I so have better things to do..." In fact, I probably do right now.:tongue_smilie:

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I often find myself taking the time to respond to a post but then not hitting the submit button. I do this for a variety of reasons. I was wondering how many others respond in private but never submit.

How often do you answer a post and but never hit the submit button?


I rarely back up or delete. I wish I did more of that. :glare:

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There have been times where I felt strongly that I had something to say regarding the subject of a thread, took quite a bit of time to respond in detail, only to decide it was TMI that I was interested in writing, but others may very well not be interested in reading, and/or I thought better of posting those details online. The simple act of writing it out was therapeutic, I deleted and moved on.


For the most part, though, I think through my response, but find someone else already posted something similar, or it's not that profound, wouldn't add anything to the conversation, etc. and go on to the next post.


When my reaction to a thread falls in between these two extremes (not overzealous, not dull), then I post :D.

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I delete often, for a couple of reasons.


It's a controversial topic that I'd like to add to the conversation, but I realize I shared more personal information and don't want to be judged by some of the more judgmental people on here.


I think I may have stuck my foot in my mouth. I do that a lot in real life because my mouth doesn't come with a delay and delete button.


I often delete threads I'm thinking of starting because I have a stalker and realize that I don't want to read that person's advise; it rarely makes me feel better.

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Definitely delete more than I post. I usually start typing out a response, decide it sounds stupid for some reason, and delete it. I hate that. It sounds good in my head, but it just doesn't seem to translate to print so well.


I also think about things going on in my life or a question I have. I think about starting a new thread and about what I want to say. Then usually decide it's TMI or a question that I can find the answer to if I just google. I end up skipping it.

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I must delete more than I think because I've been on these boards since nearly the beginning (even before the change over when it was a game to be the first!) and I don't show it by my number of posts.



Me too! I remember those days! I have fear of killing a thread, or offending (BTDT!), or just not contributing anything of value - actually BTDT to all of these!

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I submit most replies. Can you tell? I do type out replies sometimes when I'm ticked off and delete those without posting.


Ditto. If I post a ticked off post, then I've already tried saying it five or six different ways that were worse, but couldn't not say *something*. :tongue_smilie:

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YES! I do delete often. I feel like I have good intentions and want to add something, and am inspired to write.....then, it just seems less valuable when I read what I wrote. It makes no sense. I got gun-shy a couple years ago, when it seemed like every time I posted someone would attack me. I never thought I was out there on any diverse opinions or anything....couple times someone just read what I said wrong. So, I feel timid about writing again, to keep from getting flamed.


I get too caught up, too. I emote and worry,and, honestly, I have a life of known worries.....I really try to only speak when I truly have something to add.....well, and that's not terribly often, I guess. I feel like I've responded a lot, and I only have 400 or so posts....I can't figure how someone can get thousands of posts out there. Wow. I'll never reach that, I am sure. I think of myself as a blabber too. I type really fast....not sure what it is.

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I answered sometimes, but it's more like "usually". I'm a blabber, apparently. I answer frequently. However, there are occasions where I've typed out a reply, thought better of it, and deleted it.



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I chose "other". I do delete quite a bit, but submit more often than I delete.


I have a really sarcastic sense of humor so often type something then think the better of it since someone may not realize that I'm just joking. I don't want to offend anyone or hurt anyone's feelings so I often type and delete and do not send. Just as an aside, it us sarcastic types who type and delete that the Forum Game thread was created for. :p :lol: :lol:

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Oh, I love seeing all the people that delete their replies! I know that I often catch myself responding to something and then I think, "I am supposed to be doing ____ and here I sit responding to someone I don't even know with advice or opinions they don't really need!"




So I have company in the craziness. :)

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It's good to know that there are those that delete and those that post without over editing. It takes all kinds.


I write answers and then move on without submitting for a variety of reasons. I also answer in my head without typing a thing for many posts, especially the threads that ask a question in the title. My answers to those are almost always sarcastic or silly and only in my head.

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I try to delete when I start getting kind of "ranty." I keep in mind that cartoon of the guy at 2am saying "But I CAN'T come to bed! Somebody on the internet is WRONG!" :lol:


I mean honestly . . . I've been HS for just over a year . . . as eager as I am to join the conversation, I think the world can live without my intervention :001_smile: I just get enthusiastic at times and have to remind myself to back off a bit and actually get back to real life.

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