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Morning People?


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Are they inherently evil? Or is this just something our world of sin has created in them?


Nature vs. Nurture acted out in real life in our house. Holy cow, where is the sun and why am I looking at a sky that isn't fully lit up yet?!?!


Yes they are. They are evil and cruel. I used to be one so now I guess it is payback....

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I have a rule that the kids aren't allowed to come downstairs until 7am (they have a Teach Me Time clock that turns green at 7am, so even the kids that can't read a clock still know it's ok or not ok to come down!). If they get up, they play in their room or in the toy room quietly. If they get up insanely early (like 5:30am), I send them back to bed, saying, "It's too early!" :D


Oh, and they have blackout curtains on their windows. I got the cheap ones from Walmart, and they've worked fine. Their room stays dark enough to keep them sleeping even when the sun is up so early. They don't stay sleeping a LONG time, but it's not as early as the sun comes up. ;)

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I have a rule that the kids aren't allowed to come downstairs until 7am (they have a Teach Me Time clock that turns green at 7am, so even the kids that can't read a clock still know it's ok or not ok to come down!). If they get up, they play in their room or in the toy room quietly. If they get up insanely early (like 5:30am), I send them back to bed, saying, "It's too early!" :D



:iagree:We do something very similar, only our wake up time is 7:30...They can play in their rooms before that time but cannot come downstairs, roam around, or come to knock on my door...Unless you are ill, that is the deal...

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