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Why is it every year I consider Sonlight . . .


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And every year I go with something else. I LOVE the idea of Sonlight and have used their readers and read alouds, but have never been super impressed with the history portion. This year once again I was all set to use SL and went to convention to ask questions at the SL booth. I reconsidered SL this yr because the newest changes had brought more historical fiction from the time period covered, so I was happy about that...adding a little "more" to the history portion of C. However, when I asked if the read alouds pertaining to the time period were read during the section studying that time period, I was told "not necessarily . . . Because that is not the point at this age" :001_huh: I was told the point at this age was to basically have some light history with (most importantly) an introduction to good literature. Another person told me that they couldn't have more history books or historical fiction because there just wasn't much out there. :001_huh:


I am baffled...really. I LOVE the idea of SL, and core D and beyond is a whole other story...but why would you not have that "good children's literature" correspond with the history you are studying. It makes no sense to me. :confused:


Another thing that made absolutely no sense is that they did not have a new core C IG to look at :confused: huge booth, tons of books...it never crossed my mind that they wouldn't have all the IG's there. I was soooo disappointed. I was all set, once again! to use SL only to change plans once again...:glare:


Not really sure what the point of this thread is other than venting to someone who might get it! :lol:

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I do not get it. Why must everything be so scheduled and set out and wrapped up in one subject for school for little ones? Why can't they enjoy a good book even if it hasnt got anything to do with ancient Egypt?


and the response is always oh, we read that stuff for fun. Like there are 48 hrs in a single day and we all have time to do 3 read alouds with our 3+ kids.


Sonlight's schedule (well, B+C) is lovely. Its great. I hate the company. I can not stand the missionary books. I loathe Sarita's philosophy.


The missionary stories are my daughter's favorite books in the Sonlight packages. Just curious what it is you do not like about them?

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I do not get it. Why must everything be so scheduled and set out and wrapped up in one subject for school for little ones? Why can't they enjoy a good book even if it hasnt got anything to do with ancient Egypt?


and the response is always oh, we read that stuff for fun. Like there are 48 hrs in a single day and we all have time to do 3 read alouds with our 3+ kids.


Sonlight's schedule (well, B+C) is lovely. Its great. I hate the company. I can not stand the missionary books. I loathe Sarita's philosophy.



I am all for good children's literature . . . Not tying into history. My frustration is why read historical fiction about the middle ages and NOT read it when you are studying that in history if you are going to read it the same year anyway.


I like the classical four year cycle. I like reading about what we are learning about in history. Historical fiction makes history come alive at our house. Yes, we read other good literature not tying to history. You don't have to get it, you don't have to agree. It is just the way I (and many others including SWB I might add as it is the WTM way of doing it,) prefer it. SL is still a great program, one I may use in the future, it's just the early cores are not for us...

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Have you looked at Tapestry? It seems like something you might like...


Yes, I really like TOG, but it seems a little much for us right now. Also it doesn't schedule many of the books that I would want to use. For next year we are going with Biblioplan. I really hope we love it and I can stop searching for "the" history program for us. :lol: I have finally come to the conclusion I am a tweaker and I need to be ok with that! :tongue_smilie:

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Another thing that made absolutely no sense is that they did not have a new core C IG to look at :confused: huge booth, tons of books...it never crossed my mind that they wouldn't have all the IG's there. I was soooo disappointed.



This annoyed me too. I went to Memphis, and they had IGs for the cores I would want to look at, but they weren't the 2012 IGs, so what's the point? You're looking at something that has been changed so much. Strange. Most of the other vendors had current material. :confused: Actually, I can't think of one that didn't have current material.


I am enjoying Core D though. :D (2005 version, so technically "Core 3")

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The simple answer is its a good idea to revisit something post immersion bc it reminds your kids of it and keeps the ideas in their otherwise porous little heads.


I guess this is just a venting thread, but I am simply attempting to offer you the other POV.


I know SWB has said it must be so and therefor it is, but SL is a perfectly respectable schedule and curric with a perfectly valid methodology (tho inherently problematic in other ways) even if it differs very slightly in approach to the obviously inherently superior approach of the WTM.


I never said the WTM was superior OR that SL wasn't a valid approach, I mentioned that only to say that this way of doing it is valid as well, since you seemed to be saying the WTM was inferior to SL for littles.


I think SL is great, this core for this particular year was not a fit for us. That is nothing against the core. I am baffled at the scheduling, and really frustrated that they didn't have the IG at their booth :glare:


Anyway, I am all for other POV's just not for being told what I want in a curricula is wrong. :001_huh: To me both are fine methods and it comes down to preference for parent and child.


One of the main reasons I looked back at SL this year was I wanted more non historical lit...I guess just not quite that ratio. :lol:

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This annoyed me too. I went to Memphis, and they had IGs for the cores I would want to look at, but they weren't the 2012 IGs, so what's the point? You're looking at something that has been changed so much. Strange. Most of the other vendors had current material. :confused: Actually, I can't think of one that didn't have current material.


I am enjoying Core D though. :D (2005 version, so technically "Core 3")


Yeah, having changed the IGs so drastically this year, you would really think they would have the new IGs to show. Honestly it alone was probably the biggest thing that turned me off to using it this year. I can't justify spending $60 on an IG I haven't looked at. Especially since I already am doubting so much it would work. The other thing that really turned me off was how defensive the lady working the booth was about any questions. It was a maor turn off. :glare:

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I could be wrong and probably am, but I'm under the impression that the reps at the booth at conventions are just moms who have used Sonlight. They sign up to represent the company and bring the IGs they've used, not brand new ones from the company. I've always thought this an odd way of doing business.


Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I do recall hearing this from the Sonlight "advisor" I talked with on the phone.

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I could be wrong and probably am, but I'm under the impression that the reps at the booth at conventions are just moms who have used Sonlight. They sign up to represent the company and bring the IGs they've used, not brand new ones from the company. I've always thought this an odd way of doing business.


Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I do recall hearing this from the Sonlight "advisor" I talked with on the phone.


Hmmm...interesting. I know many vendors are like that, but SL seems like a mighty big company to do it that way. Their booth is huge too, they had a lot of books...


The MFW booth had ALL their guides and books I think, and super knowledgeable help... I would think IGs would be a main thing to have at conventions...

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Hmmm...interesting. I know many vendors are like that, but SL seems like a mighty big company to do it that way. Their booth is huge too, they had a lot of books...


The MFW booth had ALL their guides and books I think, and super knowledgeable help... I would think IGs would be a main thing to have at conventions...


I think it also had to do with the big back order issues this year. I do think they are limited in the number of IGs and books they have because of weight and room. The year I went to my last convention (and decided on SL because of the booth) they didn't have all of the IGs but a good sampling. The rep was a SL mom who serves the area. She was very helpful when I was deciding on a Core. We corresponded several times via e-mail. I think there is a lot of variation with the SL reps. The three-week IG samples online have helped me a lot since I don't go to conventions anymore.


I feel the opposite of you with regards to the core. I really like the mix of lit and historical fiction in the early cores. I've also loved the history in Cores B and C (Core A not so much but the lit more than made up for it). I'm a little nervous heading into Core D next year. I will probably need to schedule more non-history related lit but I'm not sure how we'll fit in as much as I'd like. Since my ds8 is a voracious reader, I might be assigning some as independent reading.

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Interesting thread. We are actually switching from SL to Truthquest and Beautiful Feet next year. We would have been doing Core D this year. I found myself tweaking so much (to read books all in one chunk, rather than scattered over so many days, AND to make things correlate a little better) that I thought TQ may be a better fit.


I agree with calandalsmom that it is good to expose our children to events post-immersion, but I guess I've always thought that was what the cycles are for. Don't get me wrong; my children are constantly pulling out their history books from every time period, just because they love them and will often recall a specific event and want to read about it. But when we are studying a particular period, I want the readings to be somewhat organized. Actually, my children seem to prefer this, as well, as they will constantly ask, "Was this going on when....?" Right now we are still putting up those pegs for more info to be hung on later, and even my children prefer to do so in an organized fashion.


Hope you find what you are looking for!

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Interesting thread. We are actually switching from SL to Truthquest and Beautiful Feet next year. We would have been doing Core D this year. I found myself tweaking so much (to read books all in one chunk, rather than scattered over so many days, AND to make things correlate a little better) that I thought TQ may be a better fit.


I agree with calandalsmom that it is good to expose our children to events post-immersion, but I guess I've always thought that was what the cycles are for. Don't get me wrong; my children are constantly pulling out their history books from every time period, just because they love them and will often recall a specific event and want to read about it. But when we are studying a particular period, I want the readings to be somewhat organized. Actually, my children seem to prefer this, as well, as they will constantly ask, "Was this going on when....?" Right now we are still putting up those pegs for more info to be hung on later, and even my children prefer to do so in an organized fashion.


Hope you find what you are looking for!

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I could be wrong and probably am, but I'm under the impression that the reps at the booth at conventions are just moms who have used Sonlight. They sign up to represent the company and bring the IGs they've used, not brand new ones from the company. I've always thought this an odd way of doing business.


Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I do recall hearing this from the Sonlight "advisor" I talked with on the phone.


This is correct. Reps are just moms who have used sl and they bring what they have. In Greenville this year a rep had some seriously ancient Hakim books out for core 100. Looked like first editions from the 70's or something. I'm not so sure that was such a good plan.:001_huh:

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I feel the opposite of you with regards to the core. I really like the mix of lit and historical fiction in the early cores. I've also loved the history in Cores B and C (Core A not so much but the lit more than made up for it). I'm a little nervous heading into Core D next year. I will probably need to schedule more non-history related lit but I'm not sure how we'll fit in as much as I'd like. Since my ds8 is a voracious reader, I might be assigning some as independent reading.


Yeah, I look forward to those lower cores with the non-history related read-alouds. I love Core D for my oldest, of course, and it doesn't take us a lot of time, plus he LOVES history, so it's a great fit for him. I'm glad the lower cores are a bit lighter in the history for my middle son. I would rather read more non-history books for him a bit longer. :) I'm really not concerned with packing in history in 1st/2nd grade.


We also get extra library books on topics that my son likes, so he can read those if he wants more history. When we were doing Native Americans in the beginning of Core D, I got a picture book on the Aztecs that added to our studies. My tiny branch library had it, so I picked it up. I like knowing that I can add library books in, but I don't HAVE to.

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Yeah, I look forward to those lower cores with the non-history related read-alouds. I love Core D for my oldest, of course, and it doesn't take us a lot of time, plus he LOVES history, so it's a great fit for him. I'm glad the lower cores are a bit lighter in the history for my middle son. I would rather read more non-history books for him a bit longer. :) I'm really not concerned with packing in history in 1st/2nd grade.


We also get extra library books on topics that my son likes, so he can read those if he wants more history. When we were doing Native Americans in the beginning of Core D, I got a picture book on the Aztecs that added to our studies. My tiny branch library had it, so I picked it up. I like knowing that I can add library books in, but I don't HAVE to.



The nonhistory/Good lit books were a huge draw for me. I wanted lighter in history. What I don't get is reading Sir Lancelot, Door in the Wall, Good Masters Sweet Ladies, Eric the Red and Lief the Lucky, Sticks across the Chimney, Robinhood and have them NOT read when you are studying it... I suppose I could have rearranged them . . .

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The nonhistory/Good lit books were a huge draw for me. I wanted lighter in history. What I don't get is reading Sir Lancelot, Door in the Wall, Good Masters Sweet Ladies, Eric the Red and Lief the Lucky, Sticks across the Chimney, Robinhood and have them NOT read when you are studying it... I suppose I could have rearranged them . . .


Oh... That's what the timeline is for. You're putting things on the timeline as you go along, so you can see where everything fits. :) Even Core D isn't strictly chronological, but with the timeline, it doesn't seem to matter.

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The nonhistory/Good lit books were a huge draw for me. I wanted lighter in history. What I don't get is reading Sir Lancelot, Door in the Wall, Good Masters Sweet Ladies, Eric the Red and Lief the Lucky, Sticks across the Chimney, Robinhood and have them NOT read when you are studying it... I suppose I could have rearranged them . . .


Sticks Across the Chimney, Eric the Red, Good Masters Sweet Ladies, and a Door in the Wall are coordinated with history/geography. I'll probably have ds reread Sir Lancelot when it fits in since he read it in one day. He loved that book.

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Sticks Across the Chimney, Eric the Red, Good Masters Sweet Ladies, and a Door in the Wall are coordinated with history/geography. I'll probably have ds reread Sir Lancelot when it fits in since he read it in one day. He loved that book.


NO!!! :willy_nilly: why in the world did Judy from Sonlight not know that!??! I specifically asked her bc I thought she would know being a real "SL" person. Ugh, if only they would have had an IG there I could have seen it for myself. That piece of information would have convinced me to use SL this year. :glare: now I have a ton of books for another program.... Now that I look at all the books I have (a combination of SL and BP) I do think a combination is where I would have ended up anyway, it's just that I really wanted to use SL as my core....ugh I cannot rethink this! :blink::willy_nilly:

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Sticks Across the Chimney, Eric the Red, Good Masters Sweet Ladies, and a Door in the Wall are coordinated with history/geography. I'll probably have ds reread Sir Lancelot when it fits in since he read it in one day. He loved that book.


On another note, how did you like Good Masters Sweet Ladies and Across the Chimney? Those were two that got cut from my list when I decided not to go with SL but I will get them if they are must reads... Thanks!

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well this year most of the IG were late coming...some still haven't been finished!


I took a chance and tried Core 1(no idea what letter it is now) way back with every intention of returning it with their guarantee. Well, we have used the SL history for 4 years now! Every year I said I would leave and find something else, but we stayed for 4 years. Early on there were fun books thrown in from time to time, but they were good books. There was enough history and the fun reading is something we didn't skip and those books have been reread many times over by both kids. They really do have a good balance in the program.


I am not using SL next year and am terrified it won't get done. SO while you can't seem to try it, I have trouble leaving it, lol!!!


It's worth trying...the guarantee makes it worth trying. Either you like it or you don't. You would know early on.


SL history and science are the two subjects my kids love and get done every year!

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I am all for good children's literature . . . Not tying into history. My frustration is why read historical fiction about the middle ages and NOT read it when you are studying that in history if you are going to read it the same year anyway.



SL does this, more or less. Well, what cores are you looking at? Certainly in the American History cores, the lit is definitely tied to the history.


What happens, though, is that a read-aloud may be take several weeks to finish and in the meantime you've moved on to other topics in history study. Or conversely, you may start the read aloud a bit before you get to that topic in history. What they do is select the lit, line it up in chronological order and it gets "pretty close". It's easy enough to get it right on if you're using short picture books. But if you've every tried to do your own history schedule using longer chapter books, you've probably run into the same problems.

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NO!!! :willy_nilly: why in the world did Judy from Sonlight not know that!??! I specifically asked her bc I thought she would know being a real "SL" person. Ugh, if only they would have had an IG there I could have seen it for myself. That piece of information would have convinced me to use SL this year. :glare: now I have a ton of books for another program.... Now that I look at all the books I have (a combination of SL and BP) I do think a combination is where I would have ended up anyway, it's just that I really wanted to use SL as my core....ugh I cannot rethink this! :blink::willy_nilly:


Sorry! I take back my information. :tongue_smilie: I don't think Judy has much interaction with the IGs. She's too busy putting fires. This year has been particularly crazy with the IGs being delayed. I only got my new Core C IG a couple of weeks ago and the book order had been rearranged from my 2011 version. We had to back track a bit because of it (we were on week 4 with the old IG before I decided to upgrade). The new IG and extra books have totally been worth it. I bet Judy knows a lot about the new Core F IG. :lol:

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On another note, how did you like Good Masters Sweet Ladies and Across the Chimney? Those were two that got cut from my list when I decided not to go with SL but I will get them if they are must reads... Thanks!


We are loving Sticks Across the Chimney!! It is similar in style to Wheel on the School but even more charming. We haven't to Good Masters yet but a few on the SL board said that they had intended to add it to the core anyway and were very happy SL added it.

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SL does this, more or less. Well, what cores are you looking at? Certainly in the American History cores, the lit is definitely tied to the history.


What happens, though, is that a read-aloud may be take several weeks to finish and in the meantime you've moved on to other topics in history study. Or conversely, you may start the read aloud a bit before you get to that topic in history. What they do is select the lit, line it up in chronological order and it gets "pretty close". It's easy enough to get it right on if you're using short picture books. But if you've every tried to do your own history schedule using longer chapter books, you've probably run into the same problems.


I completely understand that and am completely fine with it if that is what is happening. I was thrown off because in the sample Sir Lancelot is read during the history about St Benedict and the Monks :001_huh:



Sorry! I take back my information. :tongue_smilie: I don't think Judy has much interaction with the IGs. She's too busy putting fires. This year has been particularly crazy with the IGs being delayed. I only got my new Core C IG a couple of weeks ago and the book order had been rearranged from my 2011 version. We had to back track a bit because of it (we were on week 4 with the old IG before I decided to upgrade). The new IG and extra books have totally been worth it. I bet Judy knows a lot about the new Core F IG. :lol:


:lol: Thanks, I am so bummed I didn't know this sooner. I have so many other books now and then look great too. I could add them to SL but I still would have to buy several books to do SL...


We are loving Sticks Across the Chimney!! It is similar in style to Wheel on the School but even more charming. We haven't to Good Masters yet but a few on the SL board said that they had intended to add it to the core anyway and were very happy SL added it.




:lol: I am so so so torn again! agh! :leaving:


Maybe I will order an IG and see if I like it??? How crazy is that?!?

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I couldn't get past the uppity forums. Everytime I think about using an aspect of Sonlight, they've done away with my password or put it on hold or something, because I don't use it enough? Mmm.


Then, you can only go to the public forum and if you see a similar newbie question and you want to add to it, you aren't "allowed to" reply, perhaps to add to the question, which is what I wanted to do. So I had to start yet another question on the same subject adding in a question. You can only post in the one forum (the other public forums are useless for newbies) and you're not even allowed to read other forums unless you pay or buy "enough" that suits them. I learn a lot by being able to read the forums where people are actually using the core, but we're "not allowed to" even read them. That was a complete turn off to me :ack2: and I'll never look again.


It's like they don't want you unless you buy. And I won't buy unless I can read up on it.

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I couldn't get past the uppity forums.


What's funny is, I never even used the forums! Whenever I have had questions, I've gone straight to my IRL friends who use it. What a blessing to have that available! I am sure that is a huge part of the reason why my experience has been a good one.

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What's funny is, I never even used the forums! Whenever I have had questions, I've gone straight to my IRL friends who use it. What a blessing to have that available! I am sure that is a huge part of the reason why my experience has been a good one.


You're lucky. :D

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NO!!! :willy_nilly: why in the world did Judy from Sonlight not know that!??! I specifically asked her bc I thought she would know being a real "SL" person. Ugh, if only they would have had an IG there I could have seen it for myself. That piece of information would have convinced me to use SL this year. :glare: now I have a ton of books for another program.... Now that I look at all the books I have (a combination of SL and BP) I do think a combination is where I would have ended up anyway, it's just that I really wanted to use SL as my core....ugh I cannot rethink this! :blink::willy_nilly:


I'm confused. Did you think those particular books didn't go well with the time periods? I have my Core C IG, have perused it greatly while tying in SOTW2, and those books are in nearly perfect sync with the history portions. There are probably a few weeks here and there that a longer book goes over into another topic, but that's to be expected.


Maybe this has already been answered on this thread? Sorry, I'm confused. :001_smile:

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I'm confused. Did you think those particular books didn't go well with the time periods? I have my Core C IG, have perused it greatly while tying in SOTW2, and those books are in nearly perfect sync with the history portions. There are probably a few weeks here and there that a longer book goes over into another topic, but that's to be expected.


Maybe this has already been answered on this thread? Sorry, I'm confused. :001_smile:


No, I knew they went well with the time period. When I asked if they lined up in the IG (read when studying that time period), I was told no, not necessarily. I asked because I thought it strange that the Core sample has you reading Sir Lancelot while studying the monks and St Benedict. I know not all read alouds tie into the history and I am ok with that, I just thought it odd to be reading a book ABOUT the time period studied, just not reading it during that time. I completely understand it going over or being read over several weeks past the time studied . . . but I was told the point of the core was not that, it was simply to introduce the children to good literature. Since one of my main reasons for choosing SL was the use of historical fiction. . . I was disappointed. Except now it looks like the information I was given was wrong . . . and I am super bummed! :glare:

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Ok, sor for those of you doing core C, how full is it? Is there room to add any other books and it not be crazy? I cannot even believe I am considering it again...:tongue_smilie: but I have all these great other books for BP's middle ages I think would be so fun...:001_huh: I could do SL core C over 2 years??? And add in BP books....hmmmmmm:confused:


I was so looking forward to using SL . . . I am so bummed to have been told wrong information ...

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I love the idea of everything planned out for me. But on the other hand I hate the idea of everything planned out for me.


The biggest turn off is the cost. I spend so much less.


I understand the planning thing. One of the questions I have continually asked myself, is would I be able to make it work for me and change up the schedule as I need to...


About the cost . . . Since I buy our books no matter what we use, SL would be significantly cheaper! Craziness! :tongue_smilie:

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No, I knew they went well with the time period. When I asked if they lined up in the IG (read when studying that time period), I was told no, not necessarily. I asked because I thought it strange that the Core sample has you reading Sir Lancelot while studying the monks and St Benedict. I know not all read alouds tie into the history and I am ok with that, I just thought it odd to be reading a book ABOUT the time period studied, just not reading it during that time. I completely understand it going over or being read over several weeks past the time studied . . . but I was told the point of the core was not that, it was simply to introduce the children to good literature. Since one of my main reasons for choosing SL was the use of historical fiction. . . I was disappointed. Except now it looks like the information I was given was wrong . . . and I am super bummed! :glare:


I see. The Sir Lancelot book is started early, as it is a 5-day book which is scheduled only one story (it is broken up in stories, not an ongoing storyline) a week, so you are reading about it during castles and knights, just starting it early.


Regarding adding stuff in, I do, like a mad woman. :001_huh: Our girls will be 8 and 9, though if you read a lot already, I don't see any problem adding stuff in. I am adding SOTW2, and I always add many of the selections in the AG and do the activities there. Sometimes I drop books that I don't see the point, like I'm dropping Captain Nobody (or whatever it is) because it doesn't have to do with anything, and I don't want to read it, even if it is good. :D I may drop Encyclopedia Brown too.


ETA: The Lancelot book is started early and not exactly when knights and castles are started because they are also doing Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! as a 5-day book, and it is during this time also.

Edited by 3peasinapod
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This is correct. Reps are just moms who have used sl and they bring what they have. In Greenville this year a rep had some seriously ancient Hakim books out for core 100. Looked like first editions from the 70's or something. I'm not so sure that was such a good plan.:001_huh:


I could be wrong and probably am, but I'm under the impression that the reps at the booth at conventions are just moms who have used Sonlight. They sign up to represent the company and bring the IGs they've used, not brand new ones from the company. I've always thought this an odd way of doing business.


Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I do recall hearing this from the Sonlight "advisor" I talked with on the phone.


Yes/ and no to the Reps are moms. Yes most are just moms that use the curriculum, but they have now stepped up some things. The Consultants do get training. I think they go to SL to see the new stuff. Yes they bring many of their own materials. BUT SL does provide quite a bit now. THey use to not do that. But now they will send the IGs. Since this year was so messed up I'm sure they had huge issues with the IGS being avialable.


I know Judy is doing lots of Conventions this year. The long time HEAV lady is no longer doing it for SL, not sure what happened.




I couldn't get past the uppity forums. Everytime I think about using an aspect of Sonlight, they've done away with my password or put it on hold or something, because I don't use it enough? Mmm.

SL did just dork around with the forums in the last year. They did make you reset the password, but that wasn't picky but across the board. Once you signed up, they don't get rid of user names. Has nothing to do with how often you use it. just if they have changed some aspect.

Then, you can only go to the public forum and if you see a similar newbie question and you want to add to it, you aren't "allowed to" reply, perhaps to add to the question, which is what I wanted to do. So I had to start yet another question on the same subject adding in a question.

yes the dear SL forum is now closed to comments, they felt that others were jumping in and saying things against the comment and others were upset so they made it just so that only SL can respond. It is stupid.



You can only post in the one forum (the other public forums are useless for newbies) and you're not even allowed to read other forums unless you pay or buy "enough" that suits them. I learn a lot by being able to read the forums where people are actually using the core, but we're "not allowed to" even read them. That was a complete turn off to me :ack2: and I'll never look again.

Aactually there are several forums there that are public, that anyone can post on DEAR SL, mentioned above just for commenting TO SL. The CHOOSING forum, and that is a great place to find information about SL and get advice about using it-although a bit limited, and the technical forum but that is more for issues, they also have a Convetion forum where you can ask questions of the SL consultants.


But yes to use the other parts of the forums it cost money. I wasn't totally happy with the way they did that, but it is thier choice. IF someone really wanted to just check it out and you are past the 30 free days that they give then you pay less than $10 for a month access, for some that would probably be worth the cost.



It's like they don't want you unless you buy. And I won't buy unless I can read up on it.

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I think I have officially lost my mind...I just ordered the IG and several of the books. :willy_nilly:


The major problem? I have a hard time parting with books, and if I decide to keep the IG I will HAVE to choose some of the other books to sell...:001_huh: oh dear. :lol:

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I think I have officially lost my mind...I just ordered the IG and several of the books. :willy_nilly:


The major problem? I have a hard time parting with books, and if I decide to keep the IG I will HAVE to choose some of the other books to sell...:001_huh: oh dear. :lol:


:lol: Well, we'll be starting C in July, so you should hop on the forums and jump in the chats that are started. I hope you like it.

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:lol: Well, we'll be starting C in July, so you should hop on the forums and jump in the chats that are started. I hope you like it.


We will start (something!) in July! :lol: I cannot wait to get the IG and look it over now! I ordered several more of the books but I am still missing a few... Like the crazy person I am, I did add some more to my plans for supplemental activities. I found the entire Nest animated hero classics DVD when I cleaned out my schoolroom, and they have PDF worksheets for all of them so I am getting those (saw them at convention and the guy said he would send them free!) there are plenty of extra books and hands on to keep us busy . . . If we choose to go that route. :lol: :tongue_smilie:

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I think I have officially lost my mind...I just ordered the IG and several of the books. :willy_nilly:


The major problem? I have a hard time parting with books, and if I decide to keep the IG I will HAVE to choose some of the other books to sell...:001_huh: oh dear. :lol:


Don't feel badly! I keep thinking I have firmly decided to switch to TQ, and then I pick up my SL catalog and look longingly....:drool:

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I think I have officially lost my mind...I just ordered the IG and several of the books. :willy_nilly:


The major problem? I have a hard time parting with books, and if I decide to keep the IG I will HAVE to choose some of the other books to sell...:001_huh: oh dear. :lol:


Okay... when you get the IG, I want a full report on what you think!

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Okay... when you get the IG, I want a full report on what you think!


Got it! ;) dh is having a heart attack. I assured him if I decided not to use SL I would return it BEFORE I bought BP! :lol: I think he is onto my "I will sell it if it doesn't work . . . " and the truth is I am a book hoarder . . . you know, you MIGHT need it ...one day! :lol:

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We have done SL for years. I am finally veering away from it for several reasons.


1. I have a child with SN who needs a whole lot less reading of History and a lot more working on some remedial skills for next year.


2. I have a high schooler and need him to focus on some specific things other than what SL offers at the moment.


3. I always feel like we are behind! We took 3 years to complete two cores (Cores 3 and 4). Granted, we added in some things, but still.


4. I am TIRED!


I will be listing my Cores 4 and 5 soon though! :D

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We will start (something!) in July! :lol: I cannot wait to get the IG and look it over now! I ordered several more of the books but I am still missing a few... Like the crazy person I am, I did add some more to my plans for supplemental activities. I found the entire Nest animated hero classics DVD when I cleaned out my schoolroom, and they have PDF worksheets for all of them so I am getting those (saw them at convention and the guy said he would send them free!) there are plenty of extra books and hands on to keep us busy . . . If we choose to go that route. :lol: :tongue_smilie:


You sound like me. I am a book hoarder too, but to my credit, I have recently put over 100 books on my Paperback Swap account. Now I just like to hoard books "just in case" the girls want to pick it up and learn something. :001_huh: I am adding recipes and notebooking pages that I made for Core C/SOTW2 every week of the core, and it took a lot of work to schedule it out, but it is done now, ready for July. If you want notebooking pages, I have a set of 67 pages (free!) that follow along with Core C and SOTW2 (some are more for SOTW and some are more for Core C) on my blog. I made them for my girls, but I shared, as I hoped someone else might be able to use them or at least some of them.

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You sound like me. I am a book hoarder too, but to my credit, I have recently put over 100 books on my Paperback Swap account. Now I just like to hoard books "just in case" the girls want to pick it up and learn something. :001_huh: I am adding recipes and notebooking pages that I made for Core C/SOTW2 every week of the core, and it took a lot of work to schedule it out, but it is done now, ready for July. If you want notebooking pages, I have a set of 67 pages (free!) that follow along with Core C and SOTW2 (some are more for SOTW and some are more for Core C) on my blog. I made them for my girls, but I shared, as I hoped someone else might be able to use them or at least some of them.


Thanks! I actually linked to your blog is my list :) I will have to go back and add any new ones! Thanks for sharing!

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You sound like me. I am a book hoarder too, but to my credit, I have recently put over 100 books on my Paperback Swap account. Now I just like to hoard books "just in case" the girls want to pick it up and learn something. :001_huh: I am adding recipes and notebooking pages that I made for Core C/SOTW2 every week of the core, and it took a lot of work to schedule it out, but it is done now, ready for July. If you want notebooking pages, I have a set of 67 pages (free!) that follow along with Core C and SOTW2 (some are more for SOTW and some are more for Core C) on my blog. I made them for my girls, but I shared, as I hoped someone else might be able to use them or at least some of them.


Oh, and have you lined up SOTW by SL week yet? That was my next step...

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I think I have officially lost my mind...I just ordered the IG and several of the books. :willy_nilly:


The major problem? I have a hard time parting with books, and if I decide to keep the IG I will HAVE to choose some of the other books to sell...:001_huh: oh dear. :lol:


Yay!! I really like the layout of the new IGs. I'll be interested to read what you think. I'm also a certified book hoarder which is why SL works so well for me. I do add books to it. We read a lot (both me reading aloud and my dc reading alone) so we have plenty of time to do 2 cores and add books to both :)


Boo to the selling books. What titles would those be again? :lol:

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Oh, you will SOOOO be able to add lots of books to Core B or C. We added in all of the You Wouldn't Want to... series that had been published, what Horrible Histories were in the library, Linda Bailey's time travel agency series and more.


I wouldn't sell *any* book until your dc get too old for it. Even if you run out of read-aloud time, there's always extra readers :D. My oldest has read or has has read to her over 1900 books in the last 5 years, when we started hsing. Trust me, *I* did not read that many aloud! And, that number does not include books that I do not count as school (I only count historical fiction, nonfiction, cultural books and classics - especially if they are in Rainbow Resources or some curriculum).


Oh, since you are also a bookoholic, have you looked at any online book library programs? I use LibraryThing and have books that we own, got from the library, one child or the other has read, etc. I also have tags for Noeo, SL, TOG, etc. It really helps because I simply can not keep all of those books in my memory. I *even* use it for my books, including trashy novels :lol:.

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Bygrace3...what IG did you choose?


I purchased Core C IG :)


I borrowed a friends Core D IG to look at and REALLY REALLY like the look of it. Now I am really hoping to love the Core C IG so I can actually have 3 years planned! :hurray: (Well, tentatively anyway!) :rolleyes: If we do Core D and E next I would add TQ for ds and line it up so we could combine. I really like the look of TQ as well and think that would work really well (and I like the "extras" that we could have for both dd and ds-- notebooking pages, etc) ... here's to hoping I love this IG! :lol:

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I purchased Core C IG :)


I borrowed a friends Core D IG to look at and REALLY REALLY like the look of it. Now I am really hoping to love the Core C IG so I can actually have 3 years planned! :hurray: (Well, tentatively anyway!) :rolleyes: If we do Core D and E next I would add TQ for ds and line it up so we could combine. I really like the look of TQ as well and think that would work really well (and I like the "extras" that we could have for both dd and ds-- notebooking pages, etc) ... here's to hoping I love this IG! :lol:


Now you are really tempting me! We are switching from SL to TQ, but I am already having SL withdrawals!! You have me wanting to purchase the new Core D IG!!!

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Now you are really tempting me! We are switching from SL to TQ, but I am already having SL withdrawals!! You have me wanting to purchase the new Core D IG!!!


It's only fair that if I am plagued by indecisiveness others should be as well! :lol: What is your reason for moving away from SL? I honestly thing SL and TQ would work very well together, especially for adding some hands on (lapbooks/notebooking) and adding in younger children...

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