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my Keurig is dead, sob.

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I walked by it last night and noticed no lights on so I unplugged and replugged, no power, Tried a couple of different outlets, still no power. It is a year and 4 months old and I registered it with Keurig so guess I will try calling them.


Mine died this month too. They didn't offer me a new one. They offered a replacement one of $79. Still too steep on this current budget so we're back to using the melita cone method. :tongue_smilie:

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CalicoKat, I just got off the phone with them and they offered me a new one for 69 dollars. So I went with that, I have to mail the k cup on my broken one to them. I threw away all my other coffee makers when I got the Keurig so I am now heating water on the stove to make tea. I guess no coffee until I get the new one. Might have to run out to the nearest convenience store, they actually make a huge selection of brewed coffees in different flavors for only about a dollar a cup.

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Oh, poor Keurig! You were a good coffee maker. That'll do. *sniff*


There's nowhere to put a black armband on a Keurig, so I shall make a cup of black coffee in remembrance. Brew Strong!




I am so sorry, I will keep you in my prayers.




How long had you had your Keurig? I am going to start saving now for a replacement, I don't know what I would do without mine. I missed it sooooo much while I was at the conference. Mine is right about a year and a half old. Was it a long drawn out illness, or just great one day, gone the next?

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CalicoKat, I just got off the phone with them and they offered me a new one for 69 dollars. So I went with that, I have to mail the k cup on my broken one to them. I threw away all my other coffee makers when I got the Keurig so I am now heating water on the stove to make tea. I guess no coffee until I get the new one. Might have to run out to the nearest convenience store, they actually make a huge selection of brewed coffees in different flavors for only about a dollar a cup.


:001_smile: It's in the mail? Yay! I just made my 2nd cup the old-Melita cone way. I miss my old Keurig. It's discouraging to read other posts and know they typically only last a year or so.

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mine lasted 1 year 4 months (4 months past the warranty) and it happened all of a sudden, no warning, just no lights or power at all, even tried several other outlets, but it wasn't a bad outlet, just a dead Keurig. I had to boil water and use an old tea bag this morning. I am great pioneer stock, not.

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I walked by it last night and noticed no lights on so I unplugged and replugged, no power, Tried a couple of different outlets, still no power. It is a year and 4 months old and I registered it with Keurig so guess I will try calling them.


:lol: :lol: Oh.my.gosh!!!! First of all.....I didn't even know what a Keurig was because I don't drink coffee.....but maybe I should now because.....I read this post as, "mr Keurig is dead, sob." I opened and began reading, "I walked by it last night and noticed no lights on so I unplugged and replugged, no power, Tried a couple of different outlets, still no power...." At this point I had this sickening feeling. I thought, "Oh my gosh! Jeannie must be a nurse and Mr. Keurig is dead!? What happened?? Did his life support shut off?!" I'm totally serious.....this is *exactly* what was going through my mind. Hmmm.....maybe some coffee would do me well. For sure a nap would!


:lol: :lol:

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