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USA dog leash law?

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I understand that leash laws have to be a city by city thing. *I live in a small rural town with no leash law and neighboring towns dog catchers will not come here. *I have talked to the police and the mayor and the dog pound from the next town and the county commissioner and every body says "this is a small town and things won't change". *Everybody throws rocks at dogs when they are chased. I'm about to buy pepper spray. *My sister told me I'd probably be sued for macing somebody's dog. *I said, there's no leash law but it's got to be against the law to let your dog chase somebody. *Is there a law that you can't let your dog chase people? * *Fwiw what I'd like to do with the information is go to the town hall meeting and show that it's illegal in America to let your dog chase somebody down the street and ask that they do something about it. *Many people agree it's a problem but not one that will be fixed. *


The Hive has much knowledge. Is there an American law that applies to all the towns when it comes to a safety hazard and being chased by dogs?

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I doubt there's a federal law, but your state may have one.


IIRC, mace isn't a good thing to use against dogs, as it will only enrage some and worsen the attack. Postal carrier use some kind of pepper spray marketed for that purpose; it's supposed to be more effective.

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Thanks for trying. I googled the state laws. There was a requirement to contain your dog if it is a known viscious dog but nothing about stopping a dog from chasing you down the street barking at you until after it bites you. There are vaccination laws, but without a local dog catcher I don't think I can get anybody to pick up all the strays and loose dogs for that reason. Looks like there is no law against people being chased by dogs in public. Carp.

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Thanks for trying. I googled the state laws. There was a requirement to contain your dog if it is a known viscious dog but nothing about stopping a dog from chasing you down the street barking at you until after it bites you. There are vaccination laws, but without a local dog catcher I don't think I can get anybody to pick up all the strays and loose dogs for that reason. Looks like there is no law against people being chased by dogs in public. Carp.

You probably have more recourse to action on your own property.


But this doesn't mean that you don't have the right to spray a dog you feel is threatening you. I'm don't see much difference between throwing rocks at a threatening dog (as is apparently done) and spraying it.

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