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My cat was attacked and my husband was bit by a dog

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I am still in shock. Our cat was having hairball troubles this morning so we let her out the front door. We are typically outside with her being that she is declawed. I shut the door, walked away and then heard barking. My husband made it out the door before I could and tried to come between the dog and our cat... He was bit in the thumb.. the next thing I know I am outside running barefoot screaming and clapping hard at the dogs to shoo them away....


Husband just left urgent care with antibiotics but otherwise fine, my hands are purple and swollen from all of my vicious clapping (i have to admit that is comical and not sure why I clapped my hands so hard.. just adrenaline I suppose!) Kitty had an xray and is back home sleeping. There was evidence of a bit of bleeding in one of her lungs but no broken bones or punctures through her skin. She is limping slightly.


The dogs that attacked her had collars on. I plan on filing a sherrif's report shortly. We do have a leash law in our county. I also plan on submitting vet bills and my husbands ER bills to the owners. These dogs have been roaming and terrorizing the neighborhood long enough.

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Oh my, I am glad that kitty and your dh are ultimately okay. Good for you filing about these dogs. They will need to be quarantined for 10 days as well. Not ever jurisdiction bothers to actually enforce their own laws even after it is reported but I hope they do in this case for you. As well be prepared to take your bills to small claims court. Someone that lets their dogs do that as often as it sounds like is not going to willingly pay your expenses.

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well, we won't take them to small claims court. I am not that determined. However, I will try to locate the owners, let them know the issues their dogs have caused and hand them the bills with our address. They can do as they wish after that. If they feel responsible, they will pay. If they don't, I don't need more drama and will count my losses. I won't count my losses without knowing that I have tried my best to make them aware of their issues.

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Made our report with the Sherrif Office and Animal Control. The Animal Control officer says he knows the owners more than likely and has issued several citations to one down the road. He is setting traps for the dogs and will go from there. I feel bad that the dogs are going to be trapped. It isn't the dog's fault they have been neglected by their owners.. but at the same time if they will bite an adult, they will bite a child and that scares me.


On a good note, I was able to get kitty to eat a spoonful of wetfood with pain meds on it. She sat up for a few seconds before laying down. Hopefully she will continue to do well and we can remain optimistic. She won't move out from under our bed, though :(

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Made our report with the Sherrif Office and Animal Control. The Animal Control officer says he knows the owners more than likely and has issued several citations to one down the road. He is setting traps for the dogs and will go from there. I feel bad that the dogs are going to be trapped. It isn't the dog's fault they have been neglected by their owners.. but at the same time if they will bite an adult, they will bite a child and that scares me.


On a good note, I was able to get kitty to eat a spoonful of wetfood with pain meds on it. She sat up for a few seconds before laying down. Hopefully she will continue to do well and we can remain optimistic. She won't move out from under our bed, though :(



It'd be better for the dogs to be trapped & cared for properly by someone else though! We had issues in our last neighborhood with a couple of dogs who eventually killed two of our pets. Had we known then what we know now we would have filed a report. Instead we had to tell a child on his birthday that his pets were killed in the middle of the night. :glare:

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I spent the night under the bed once, with a dog that had fallen into a hornet's nest. Poor puddy.




That must have been awful! It was so sweet of you to stay under there with him. I have done similar things, and it's so uncomfortable but I know my dog would do the same for me.

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I spent the night under the bed once, with a dog that had fallen into a hornet's nest. Poor puddy.


I have laid under the bed with her a good bit this evening, just watching her breathing, movements, etc. She actually stood up and changed her body position so she could stare at me and meow. It was a sweet "oh, hello" kind of gesture.

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I have laid under the bed with her a good bit this evening, just watching her breathing, movements, etc. She actually stood up and changed her body position so she could stare at me and meow. It was a sweet "oh, hello" kind of gesture.


I really hope she will be Ok. She's probably so traumatized about the whole incident that it's hard to tell how she's feeling physically.

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So the doorbell rang this morning and it was animal control asking if a picture was the dog and it was :D Then he proceeded to tell me we will have to go to court to testify :/ I suppose that is good. We can get the Urgent Care bill and the Vet bill to go with us. Animal Control stated that the owner wants the dog back (which is good I suppose) because it has puppies that need tending to! Really?! This dog has hunted for our cat these past few days showing up daily sniffing, turning over trash, harassing neighbors dogs, It has just gotten out of hand. Not sure what to expect but I am relieved the dog isn't on the street anymore.


Update on kitty:


She is still sore, she has a paw pad with two open wounds that she won't stop biting. She ventured out of our bedroom twice already but is still nervous and living in the back of the house.

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So the doorbell rang this morning and it was animal control asking if a picture was the dog and it was :D Then he proceeded to tell me we will have to go to court to testify :/ I suppose that is good. We can get the Urgent Care bill and the Vet bill to go with us. Animal Control stated that the owner wants the dog back (which is good I suppose) because it has puppies that need tending to! Really?! This dog has hunted for our cat these past few days showing up daily sniffing, turning over trash, harassing neighbors dogs, It has just gotten out of hand. Not sure what to expect but I am relieved the dog isn't on the street anymore.


Update on kitty:


She is still sore, she has a paw pad with two open wounds that she won't stop biting. She ventured out of our bedroom twice already but is still nervous and living in the back of the house.


Cold hearted of me perhaps, but is there a reason that the puppies can't go with the dog? Why does dog need to return to puppies instead?


Sounds like you may get some results and your bills taken care of. :greenstars: Poor kitty. (and dh of course!)

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My husband went to show a house to a client yesterday and was greeted by two pit bulls chewing on a cat beside the driveway. He said it was pretty gruesome. A man pulled up to get the dogs, he was mortified that they had gotten out of their pen. My husband said he felt so sorry for everyone involved, it was a pretty horrific day for all of them. :eek: I wouldn't have felt sorry for the guy had he NOT been out frantically looking for the dogs. I am so sorry you had all that stress. Dogs roaming the neighborhood is terrible.

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My husband went to show a house to a client yesterday and was greeted by two pit bulls chewing on a cat beside the driveway. He said it was pretty gruesome. A man pulled up to get the dogs, he was mortified that they had gotten out of their pen. My husband said he felt so sorry for everyone involved, it was a pretty horrific day for all of them. :eek: I wouldn't have felt sorry for the guy had he NOT been out frantically looking for the dogs. I am so sorry you had all that stress. Dogs roaming the neighborhood is terrible.


eek :( That would be gruesome to witness. It was quite tough to watch them get our cat. I can understand accidents happen. The owner of the dogs was actively pursuing his pets and that states a lot right there.

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