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How do you get Emerging readers to become better at multiple syllable words??


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My ds (rising 2nd grader) is great with reading one syllable words and many and all blends. However, I am not sure, aside from reading, how to get him more proficient at multiple syllable words.

Any ideas or curric's you can recommend?? I am a little confused where to go from here?


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When my reader was at this level, I used a pencil to lightly divide multisyllabic words. One of the explode the code books we did went over syllabication rules. I'm sure if you googled on "syllabication rules" you'd find some online help.


For example, here's a list from the riggs website:




1. A one-syllable word is never divided. [boat, good, knelt]

2. A compound word is divided between the words that make the compound word. [shot gun, sun set, air plane]

3. Divide between two consonants [hap py, per haps] unless the consonants form a digraph and are sounded together. [ma chine, e le phant]

4. When a word has an affix, it is divided between the root and the affix. [re run, soft ness, cry ing]

5. When a single consonant comes between two vowels, it is usually divided after the consonant if the first vowel is short. [clev er, lem on, rob in]

6. When a single consonant comes between two vowels or vowel sounds, it is usually divided before the consonant if the first vowel is long. [mu sic, po lite, pa per]

7. Divide between two vowels when they are sounded separately. [di et, cru el]

43. Vowels that are sounded alone form their own syllable. [dis o bey, a live, u ni form]

8. When a word ends in l-e preceded by a consonant, divide before the consonant. [tur tle, ca ble, this tle]


Megawords goes over these in depth. But Megawords is for 4th grade and up.

I suggest just introducing your child to them one at a time.




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My ds (rising 2nd grader) is great with reading one syllable words and many and all blends. However, I am not sure, aside from reading, how to get him more proficient at multiple syllable words.

Any ideas or curric's you can recommend?? I am a little confused where to go from here?



Have you finished your phonics curriculum? This is usually covered near the end of most phonics curriculum, so you could repeat those lessons.

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To begin with I have my student chunk the word - I cover up all but the first syllable, and then uncover each syllable in turn (just use my finger as we're going along). We haven't come to this section of our reading program yet - but two and three syllable words are unavoidable in good lit for kids. HTH

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by Dolores Hiskes author of Phonics Pathways. It teaches eye tracking and syllabication throughout this book. I plan to use it with my rising 2nd grader, but I do have it on the shelf from my older ds. I also break the words up into syllables when dd encounters a long word she can't figure out. I know how you are feeling, my dd is really beyond phonics but not yet what I would call an independent reader. She still needs a lot of hand holding. I am floundering a bit on what to do about reading with her next year. HTH



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I have the "Reading Pathways" book, and although we haven't gotten to the multi-syllabic words, reading the pyramids has done wonders for her fluency. I'll have to make sure and pull it out when we're working on syllables in a few months!

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