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For Pete's sake

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The problem is, that the kids are the school's responsibility. He was probably thinking of how much trouble the school could get in if someone had gotten hurt.


Still, he overreacted big time.


From the article:

Now, the kids were actually pretty safe because they had a police escort to school.
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The problem is, that the kids are the school's responsibility. He was probably thinking of how much trouble the school could get in if someone had gotten hurt.


Still, he overreacted big time.


I agree, the principal overreacted. She really needs to lighten up. However, the kids are not the school's responsibility on the way to school. Middle and high school students here are encouraged to walk/bike to school and recently 3 of them were hit by a car. The school had nothing to do with it and no one thought about blaming them. The woman texting and driving was charged.

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I have a feeling she will be making a very public apology just about the time she is looking for a new job. And I don't think this has anything to do w/ public schools, and everything to do w/ an insanely stupid individual on a major power trip!

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The problem is, that the kids are the school's responsibility. He was probably thinking of how much trouble the school could get in if someone had gotten hurt.


Still, he overreacted big time.


I believe, around here, the kids are the school's responsibility once the kids are on school grounds during school hours.


Again, another person who would have had a coronary if they had had my class as graduating seniors.

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I believe, around here, the kids are the school's responsibility once the kids are on school grounds during school hours.


Again, another person who would have had a coronary if they had had my class as graduating seniors.


Actually they are not. Ask me how I know. My son ditched class in high school once and they told me I was responsible even though I physically brought him to the office and turned him over to the principal. They had no responsibility for keeping him on school grounds. I was supposed to do that from home. :001_huh:

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My children are not allowed to walk to school which is 1/4 of a mile away and doesn't require the crossing of any major roads although there is a ton of traffic in the car rider lanes because the kids all need to be dropped off because they can't walk a quarter mile.


I know it's cliche but I really did walk a mile to school in the driven snow (frequently in the dark New England afternoons - 3:00-4:00) all the way through elementary school. I remember it fondly.


Can you imagine when these kids grow up and say, "Hey, remember that time we road our bikes to school!?"

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I think I missed something. It's too dangerous for them to ride their bikes to school so she sent them home right? But they got there on their bikes. That means they will have to bike home. So it's too dangerous to ride their bikes in but they can ride them home???


I agree this principal was on a power trip, over reacted and I don't really believe the apology.

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I believe, around here, the kids are the school's responsibility once the kids are on school grounds during school hours.


Again, another person who would have had a coronary if they had had my class as graduating seniors.


Indeed. What my kid does off school grounds, and around school hours, is none of their business, much less their responsibility. Thinking they even have a right to know, much less a right to decide what goes on before/after school or off school grounds is a huge over stepping.


Can you imagine when these kids grow up and say, "Hey, remember that time we road our bikes to school!?"


I know. It's like a conspiracy to raise the most pathetic emotionally crippled intellectually stunted fat generation ever.:glare:


I think I missed something. It's too dangerous for them to ride their bikes to school so she sent them home right? But they got there on their bikes. That means they will have to bike home. So it's too dangerous to ride their bikes in but they can ride them home???


I agree this principal was on a power trip, over reacted and I don't really believe the apology.


That was my thought too!

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Hmmb, I'm pretty certain that my high school would have driven this principal completely out of her mind.


1. I walked to school...rural road, five blocks, no wide shoulders, and though there was a 35 mile an hr. speed zone past the school, most of the trucks still did 55. No police patrols generally in our area. My friends and I survived quite well though we did occasionally have to jump into the ditch when someone failed to notice we were walking there.


2. Sometimes we, gasp, ROAD BIKES!


3. Many of us commonly walked a much younger sibling to school as well.


4. When the weather was nasty in the winter, we "carpooled" often on snowmobiles!!!! Yep, we only had to cross one road to get to a nice, wide path that we could ride the snowmobiles on and one would not have been shocked to see 20 of these sleds in the school parking lot. We could put as many as four people on them and especially with little kids being dropped off at the elementary.


5. Just about every boy in the high school brought pocket knives to school and some kept their hunting guns, fishing gear INCLUDING filet knives, etc. in their vehicles and no one thought twice about it.


6. Routinely, students left the grounds at lunch and walked down to the gas station to buy soda or chips. No vending machines at our school. Nobody had a problem with this.



Yep, we'd have been a school administrator's worst nightmare!


Love the mayor in this story! Good person there!



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Indeed. What my kid does off school grounds, and around school hours, is none of their business, much less their responsibility. Thinking they even have a right to know, much less a right to decide what goes on before/after school or off school grounds is a huge over stepping.






This happened not too far from us. My thoughts were like the above. If the kids were NOT on school property, NOT at a school function, and NOT doing anything illegal.........then why should the school have ANYTHING to say about it.

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This is really sad. I am from that area in Mi and know the Fruitridge and 3 mile roads are VERY busy (3 lanes of traffic each way plus a turn lane I believe) but c'mon... I would think Seniors know to stay on side walks. PLUS they had a police escort. Good grief.


From the video I saw in one of the links, it didn't look like they were on the sidewalks. There were too many to be on a sidewalk anyway. It looked like they pretty much took up an entire lane and were followed by the squad car. It reminded me of a cycling race or triathlon or something.


Also in the video, it showed several of them loading their bikes into the backs of trucks, so I'm assuming they did not ride their bikes home.


The part that gets me though, is that after the fact, the superintendent (and I think the principal as well), said that if the students had just informed the school ahead of time, they would have been ok with it. Hmmm, so the school knowing about it would have made the students safer on the roads? I think one of the comments I read (can't remember if it was here or on one of the links) was right--the school was just upset because they weren't in the loop and really didn't like being surprised.

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The school 1/4 mile away from me has a principal that won't allow bike riding or walking to school unless accompanied by an adult to and from the front doors. There are apartments and houses that border the school property line...a parent could conceivably watch their child walk all the way to the front door through a window, but no, apparently we parents aren't capable of determining what is safe for our own dc.


The school was specifically built in the middle of a residential community in order to promote less bus use, but this principal, who is notorious for being power hungry and implementing rules just because she can, insists dc have to ride a bus for 20 minutes rather than walk to school in less than 5 because it's "safer". This same woman had a rule written into the school handbook that students must be at the bus stop 15-10 minutes prior to pick up time, in case the driver is early. So, it's perfectly safe to stand, often alone, at a bus stop for 15-10 minutes, but not okay to walk across a couple of back yards to school.


Unbelievably asinine.

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I rode my bike to school just under a mile each way in 4th grade. Have we really "progressed" to the point that high school seniors can't ride their bikes to school? :svengo:


As far as the principal goes, all I can say is "What a maroon!" aCC_ltBugsAni.gif



Speaking of which, I started reading the comments and after reading several times that people should quit "mocking the principle," I really had to stop. :banghead:

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Speaking of which, I started reading the comments and after reading several times that people should quit "mocking the principle," I really had to stop. :banghead:


Well, ok, but it is a PRINCIPLE worth mocking. That is the principal's wrongly-held principle that she has any right to control what 17 & 18 year olds do before they get to school.


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