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X-Post: Adoption & attachment disorders

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I would think that attachment issues would show before now. Though she could honeymoon, I wouldn't guess it could be half her life! However, a couple other things are possible. Maybe you didn't recognize the initial signs of HER attachment issues? Like Denise brought up in another post, a lot of people think the behaviors of the children are "so cute." I still get this a year later and it drives me batty. Sure, they are cute. But the very thing you think so darling is also a MAJOR sign that something is WAY off. NORMAL kids don't do that! More likely is that your daughter may be having adoption issues, but not attachment ones. Kids go through spurts. Sometimes certain aspects of things bother them more than others.


AND....she is four...which is just one of *those* ages. I never understood the "terrible twos." I knew a lady who had a name for the fours but I don't use words like that. Seriously, that is more my experience with them though. We'll see how my little guy does with them. It's been a week. LOL.


Anyway, just my initial thoughts.

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