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How long do you give a buyer to pay before moving on

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How long do you give a buyer to pay before passing the item to the person next in line?


I advertised 2nd hand books for sale on a local homeschooling board over the weekend.


I reserve books as the request for them comes through and normally people pay within a day or two (or if there's a delay they'll get back to me on when they'll pay).


There was a lady who requested a number of books on Saturday and since then I have not heard back from her. I've had two other requests for the same items. I sent her a mail today asking whether she still wants the items, but I haven't yet heard from her.


How long is reasonable to give her to reply before I can sell to the next person who asked for the items?





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I'd pass on her. In my experience serious buyers get back with you quickly. If you have to hunt them down, it's usually not worth the trouble. I have been appreciative of a few sellers who didn't follow this when I've been flakey, thOugh!

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