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help me de-stink my bathroom!!

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My 4 yr old ds has a hard time hitting the target in the bathroom, and now my bathroom permanantly reeks. The flooring is laminate, there are no carpets, and I wipe the toilet and floor everyday with antibacterial wipes, and still it stinks. Grrr. I hate that smell, and let's just say it's been warm around here lately, so it is even worse. I'm at my wits end and wondering if any of you veteran mommies can help. Please tell me what wonder product/process keeps your bathroom stink-free!

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It depends on if it has seeped into the baseboards or flooring. If it hasn't try using a solution of white vinegar and water. The ratio is 3 parts water to every 1 part vinegar. Put in a spray bottle. Spray the area and wipe up. You can also spray Lysol on the floor after you are done, however test a spot to be sure it is ok with your flooring. There are volcanic rocks you can buy off the internet that you charge in the sun and are supposed to absorb order. Those baking soda freezer/refrigerator boxes also absorb order. Just put behind your toilet.


You might want to consider teaching your son to sit when he urinates to prevent more of a mess. Try having him stand when he is a bit older and taller. Also I find that when I have my children clean up their own mess, they are more precise. No one likes to clean up the yucky stuff.:)

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I hate bleach, mind you, but it is the only thing that takes care of this kind of problem. I tried wipes, I tried vinegar. Still there. Bleach did it. Send the dc outside, turn on the exhaust fan, open all the windows, and bleach away. It doesn't take much.

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If not, then urine has gotten under your toilet. Once it's under there, you can't reach it. When we replaced our powder room toilet, I had my dh caulk all around the base, and we don't have the problem with urine getting under it and stinking up the place. We need to do this in the boy's bathroom - but haven't gotten to that yet. They even clean it themselves, and don't mind wiping down the area enough to aim better:confused:.




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I use a mild bleach solution and really cover the entire commode, the walls around the commode and the cabinet beside it (any thing it can splash on). I let it sit for 5 minutes before I clean it up. I usually have to spray the vertical places again so I can wipe it up. I wash the door, door nobs, light switch and wall around the light switch. Basically any part of the bathroom that is 4 feet or below. If they hit the rim, I figure it sprays everywhere. Even if it doesn't spray around, their little fingers are often wet afterwards and kids seem to touch everything imaginable. If you have a rug and/or shower curtain in the room, I would wash them also.



Good luck


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Krista--:lol::lol::lol: I love the idea!! Now, I just need to figure out where to hang a urinal. Or buy a few fake flies for the toilet...


Thank you to all who have replied. It seemed that bleach was the number one recommendation, so I've tried it. The bathroom smells like a swimming pool for the moment, but hopefully once that airs out a bit it will NOT smell like urine!


NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too--Yeah, we have caulking, but it is beginning to look a bit ragged, so I guess we'll have to scrape it and re-caulk. Thanks for reminding me to look. Now, just cross your fingers for me that it is not flooded full of stink under the toilet...:glare:

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Okay. . .(don't think this will be a popular posting)


Let's see,


the caulking around the toilet idea is a good one.


Also, you didn't mention if you have a linoleum sheet or tiles. If it's tiles you can bet stuff is seeping in the cracks.


If you have a baseboard, you will want to caulk between it and the floor (many people don't deem this necessary, but stuff seeps between, I can assure you).


Sadly, urine can permeate caulk over time. You will need to remove (don't just go over) it and start afresh periodically.


You didn't say how bad the odor is. There is a "wax seal" that goes between the bottom of your toilet and the floor. Should that become cracked or just worn over the ages you'll get a foul stench. That would need to be replaced.


This is the unpopular bit. Many people will recommend bleach. . .including my DH who swears by it. You are essentially trading one smell for another. The saving grace of bleach is people associate it with "clean".


However, should you not believe me when I say that it doesn't actually ELIMINATE the odor, clean your bathroom with bleach, declare it off limits and go away from home for ~1 week. When you return the bleach smell will be gone, but a "clean" smell will not be in it's place. You will again be assaulted by the urine smell (probably not as bad as before, given that you had cleaned it and no one used it, but it will be there).


Of course, I have a household of 5 males. . .so maybe my situation is worse than most.


BTW, I clean with bleach. ;) It keeps hubby happy (and even though bleach makes me nauseous, I do it to keep him happy). This is how I know that smell after the vacation deal.

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