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What are YOU reading right now?

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Tonight, I'll be pre-reading a few books for my oldest, but I'm right in the middle of A Storm of Swords and Stephen Fry's The Hippopotamus.


I'm making my way through "A Feast for Crows" now.


It's the slowest read so far for a George R R Martin book!

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Mystery on the Orient Express - Agatha Christie


A History of the Ancient World - SWB


7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey




I fully expect all of these to take forever to read. I'm reading Orient Express on my Kindle while I wait to pick the kids up from school (only a few more days until I never have to do that again!), I'm ready Ancient World a chapterish at a time right before bed, and I'm reading 7 Habits a bit at a time and then chewing on it for a week or two.



I need some good filler books for this summer though :)

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I'm reading the Black Jewel series by Anne Bishop. In a way, it reminds me of the Game of Thrones series with some of the plots and characters and happenings, but it focuses more on paranormal and magical characters.


It says it's a trilogy but then I saw there were actually more books that came out surrounding the world and characters in the trilogy. So far I've read the first two and have the third and fourth on request through ILL.

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I am starting a reading spree that involves reading from the contemporary classic group, but things *I* want, not what a Professor, Principal (for teaching), good Christians, or the needs of my family (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, homeschooling, parenting.....) dictate.

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Reading aloud A Series of Unfortunate events.

Bedside reading is working my way through Caught'ya: Giggle in the Middle Grammar and Galore Park's Latin Prep

Study is Senior's Guide to Personal Finance

Fun is re-reading the 6 volumes of the Lyttelton Hart-Davis Letters I enjoyed so much last year.

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A Shilling for Candles by Josephine Tey

What Your Second Grader Needs To Knowby E.D. Hirsch

Chance or The Dance:A Critique of Modern Secularism by Thomas Howard

Paleo Comfort Foods by Julie and Charles Mayfield



RAs with kids:

The Wind In The Willows

Detectives in Togas

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This thread! ;)


Seriously though, I just finished 2 chick lit books and am now reading a book called A Letter to Die For by Joe Shumock. My mom bought it for me at a "meet the author" event and got it signed. I've only just started reading it so I don't have much to say about it. The premise is interesting, but we'll have to see how well it's written.

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Just finished A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller.


It was just okay. I was expecting it to be a lot better based on the review it got in Kelle Hampton's book, but based on her style of writing I should have guessed it wouldn't exactly be my type of book.

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How are you liking that? It looks intriguing.


I read it and ADORED it. One of the best children's books of the last couple of years, hands down.


You know, sometimes context gets lost when you lose the layers of quotes... The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland, that is.

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