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Woot Woot! Anyone else?

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Ours was pretty good. We had the kids end of year soccer party then they had some friends over. After that, we went out to eat, played mini golf, got some ice cream, rented National Treasure 2 and then bed. Over all it was really nice. Not one of our typical Saturdays. They are usually more work oriented.

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Woke up with bacon, banana bread, and coffee. Yum!


My son had to do a half day of school work. Everything got done!


I had a great lunch and an ice cream date with my hubby.


I was able to pot some of my bean plants.


Ate dinner with the whole family while discussing my son,s "what if our economy is going into another depression?" question.


The whole family went to see WALL.E and we thoroughly enjoyed it. :lurk5:



Yup, God is good and His blessings are great.


Claire in NM

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We had a fantastic day. We did some yard work in the morning then we had some friends over for a swim and some cake in the afternoon. I made a new recipe for dinner from one of Jamie Oliver's cookbooks. Chicken wrapped in bacon - can't get much better than that :) And my sink is still shinyl

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We had a busy but fun day entertaining a friend from Germany who is here for work. I feel like I cooked, ate, and drank most of the afternoon and evening!!


We had thinly sliced peppered salami from Italy dipped in two new French mustards (tarragon and cranberry) he brought us. Then, we made Ree's guacamole to have with organic blue chips. Then, we had a Greek pasta salad and organic turkey in spinach wraps. All the time washing it down with Miller Chill (yum, if you haven't tried it you must) and Fuze green and black tea. This morning I don't know how I'll fit into my clothes for church :tongue_smilie:

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I spent 7 hours working our 4H Fireworks Booth. We had a massive opening day selling nearly $1,000 worth of safe and sane fireworks. Our group needs to get as much money as possible for the Boosters who subsidize camp scholarships along with State Leadership Conference tuition. I had a blast. I always drove by those things thinking it was hard work and it was harder than I thought. But, it was so rewarding to see how excited people were to buy sparklers for their children. I was tired and happy when I was able to finally go home!

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Well, I'm still sick, which is really wearing on my nerves right about now. After a good week and a half of having to "sleep" propped up in a chair in the living room because I cough too much when I try to lie down, I'm beginning to lose my sense of humor.


However, with that aside . . .




I did get to go watch my beloved daughter appear in her first leading role in a show this weekend. It was also, as she points out whenever anyone will listen, the first "straight play" (non-musical) in which she has appeared and, hence, the first time she has been cast in anything solely on the basis of her acting. (Usually, it's The Voice.)


She played Alice in Alice in Wonderland, a community theatre youth production, but still . . .


Probably my favorite moments of the weekend were on Saturday, when two little girls approached her at the lobby meet and greet. They were dressed up in Alice costumes and wanted to meet "the star." That was pretty cool. Then today, another young fan asked her for her autograph.


So, although I've always known she's a wonderful actress, it was pretty cool to see her in action on a real stage and to witness other people thinking she was great.


After the final show this afternoon, my husband went out and picked up Indian food for dinner. Then, we all sat in the living room and watched a movie we all love.


So, yeah, defintely not a bad weekend.

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