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I have to admit, a part of me wouldn't mind if they got mildly injured. Nothing serious, just enough to slow them down a little.


I'm sure I've posted this story on this forum before... my son was known for pushing his craft table up next to his sister's crib (he was 3, she was 1.5.) He put a chair on the table, a chair in the crib, and helped her climb out. Once I found them in the backyard at 5:15 in the morning.


One time my kids "drew" a fire on the upstairs bathroom wall. They then ran buckets of water from the hose in the front yard, over all the carpet, and threw buckets of water against the wall to put the fire out. They were 2 and 3.


I caught my son trying to teach his sister how to hang from the ceiling fan so he could spin her around. They were 3 and 4.


Before my daughter could walk, I found her crawling across the piano. So I guess she could climb at about 7 months old.


Once I woke up to find the cat covered in glue and glitter- it was 4:45am.


All of these are things my kids do once, are told not to, and then obey. So it's not like they're disobedient. But it just never occurs to me to have to say, "Don't put blue finger-paint in your sister's to shampoo." I mean, really, I just cannot be creative enough to proactively forbid them these things.

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