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This just happened (re: AAS)


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My 6.5 year old son is a VERY reluctant reader. One of those who can but has decided he's not good at it.


We just did a 15 minute AAS lesson, where they blew through a lesson in one sitting. I decided to see how a spelling test would go.


My son said, "I love this, this is fun! I wish we did more spelling tests! Can we do another one?"


This is the child who complains if I make him write more than 5 words in a Copy Work exercise. And he sat down, wrote 10 spelling words and asked for more?!


I just wanted to thank those who recommended AAS, it has changed the tone of reading, writing and spelling time in this house. I no longer feel like I'm at risk of throwing my son off of the roof. :tongue_smilie:

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Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so cynical. Maybe I am doing something wrong with the way we are using it. Regardless, I know it is wonderful to find something that your kids love and hope this continues to work for you.

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I hope it lasts at your house.


Me too!:tongue_smilie:


I didn't think you sounded cynical, just giving me a healthy warning to not start the parade just yet. I need those warnings.


I do think that it helps that the AAS stuff started with things he learned MONTHS ago in ETC and OPGTR. So it's easy for him and he's got no experience of struggling with it. Maybe the first time he struggles with spelling rules and tests I'll have a different reaction. Maybe I just need this as a reminder to keep the spelling tests slightly below his reading level. I know that's not a popular idea, but this is my kid that just needs to be GOOD at something, as his younger sister tends to "get" things before him.

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Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so cynical. Maybe I am doing something wrong with the way we are using it. Regardless, I know it is wonderful to find something that your kids love and hope this continues to work for you.


Differet things work for different families, that's ok!

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So fun! I never had my kids asking for extra spelling, but after we had used it for a few weeks, my son told me that it was the most effective thing we had ever used for spelling and not to ever change programs again! (They were 11 & 9 when we started). Around age 13 he did start to get tired of the cards (because he needs lots of extra review), and I asked him if they were still effective even if they weren't the most fun. He agreed they were and hasn't given me (much) grief since, LOL! He still enjoys other aspects though.


My daughter also never wants to change and she loved the tiles, cards, everything. She used to have to draw animals around tiles and words, and she would sing the alphabet song forwards or backwards as she put tiles away. My son, on the other hand, made the words explode when he used to use the tiles, LOL! Kids are so different!


Merry :-)

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I hope it lasts at your house. The newness wore off in about 2 weeks here and then they hated it.


Thank God, I thought my kid was the only one who gets hopelessly bored and hates curricula that was perfectly fine at first. Even her ES kind of rolls her eyes now when she asks how my DD liked this program or that. The answer is always "I hate it", except for Brainpop and Jumpstart (the latter she rarely does any of the exercises, just runs around the "world"). We're getting ready to order AAS. I hope the shiny newness lasts more than two weeks.

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She used to have to draw animals around tiles and words, and she would sing the alphabet song forwards or backwards as she put tiles away. My son, on the other hand, made the words explode when he used to use the tiles, LOL! Kids are so different!


Merry :-)


YES! My daughter sings everything. But my son, who tunes out very quickly, I catch looking at the letters and mumbling the ABCs in his head. He just gets more visual and kinesthetic every day.


And he makes construction vehicle sounds while he uses the tiles. I have to really, really, really struggle with myself to not rush him, "JUST PUT THE TILES BACK IN LINE SO WE CAN GET TO THE NEXT WORD!!!!" Patience with his methods during school time is not my strongest suit.

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SO happy for you. My dd 5.5 is on AAS3 and we are still very happy with it. I think tweaking it to work for your family is key. Breaking a lesson in half when it's running long or adding in more games when they start getting bored. My dd was getting bored with writing everything out. I grabbed a bell out of a board game and told her I would cover my eyes and she could ring the bell when she had spelled the word. Such a silly thing but she LOVES to repeatedly ring that bell after each word.

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