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Note-booking for LA- Reading Log ? for LG kids


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So, I tend to over-think things...


For young first graders, which books do you include in your reading log? TWTM mentions reading together, structured and on-topic books for an hour a day, and then an additional half hour for independent pleasure reading. At my kids' fluency level, this pleasure reading is done as read-alouds by me. It's not been hard to fit it in, over snack time or lunch or whatnot.


But what about bed-time books? If we read one of the "school books" again, because they like them, I would include it in the log. Should I also include other books? For example, we've been reading a couple of Maurice Sendak books for bedtime this week. Should I include those?


I should mention that our school district only tracks two things: you have to average 4 hours of school a day (thank GOD for HST+!!!) and, if requested, a list of all books and curricula you've used. So I want to be sure I do this as right as I can know how.


I know this seems silly, but I get stuck on these things. And if I don't make up my mind, I'll flip back and forth with no consistency. So I want to start how I'll continue.


For those of you who keep a reading log in the LA notebooks, how do/did you do this?

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We don't have to keep track of books for school but we do as the kids like to know what they've read.


I keep a list of books per school year that they read for school as well as a list of books they have read on their own. Since it's just for us I don't put dates or anything but I do note when they reread a book - DD loves to see that she's read x number of individual books AND that she's read some of them 6 times (or more, lol). It's neat for me to see what her favorites have been.


I'd probably keep track of the books for school and then the RA books that you have done with them. Maybe two seperate lists? One for the structured books and then a separate one for the pleasure reading (currently RA by you but eventually read by themselves)

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