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30 Day No Spend (Bills/starting point)

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I thought in the other thread we should have a thread where we can post our bills and how much we should have left over in our No Spend.


Ill go first. (this is for whole month of May- Dh got pd 4/27, will get paid again 5/11 and 5/25)


Rent $350 (pd 4/27)

Electric $52 (paying tomorrow)

Phone $77 (pd 4/27)

Storage $70 (paying tomorrow)

Credit Card $8 (pd 4/27 --paying $50 tomorrow)

Gas $250 (will need to fill up tomorrow)

Pets $100 (buying dog food tomorrow)

Household $20 (buying TP/Towels tomorrow)

Food $400 (extra due to birthdays)

TOTAL: $1377

SAVING: $2103 from 4/27-6/8


The only things Ill NEED to spend on are:

DHs Birthday

Cs Birthday

New apartment Deposit $470 or $525 mattering which apt we get (1st month rent $470/$525 will come out of next month on 6/8)



Edited by Jpoy85
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Holy cow your expenses are LOW. My electric is around $250 per month and that is with us powering off things, unplugging them when not in use, keeping lights off etc. My other bills are high too. Your budget looks like an awesome plan, with a great deal of savings if you do not spend anything.

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Um yeah! Mine was $142 last month. That's with not turning on the heat and not turning on the air. We also have a gas hot water heater and cooking stove. That's one of the lower bills for sure too!


Last month before we went camping one of my kids turned our A/C down to 55 without anyone knowing:eek: When we got home it was a meat locker in our house! I was shaking in my shoes waiting on that power bill! It only went up about $60 but I was afraid it would be hundreds!

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Oh yeah...oops. LOL. That would be important.


Phew, glad to know that you all won't be starving! I agree with others that your bills are really low -- wish mine were that low too! ROFL: I just realozed that your TOTAL is not that much more than I pay for my mortgage :blink:


I actually don't know what the bills are other than food, and mortgage since he takes care of all that. He opened an electric bill last night and I think he said it was $64. He pays many things with the credit card and then just pays off that bill each month -- our card has a great rewards program and we've taken FULL advantage of it.



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as for my spending today:


Deposited $30 into the account

Took Out $100

Paid $80 to storage

$20 went to Garage Sales we hit on the way home :lol:


the 80 and 20 came from that 100


$44 went to fill up gas tank

$20 went to eating out for breakfast at IHOP

$5 was at the Goodwill for a belt for C

$20 at Orthopedic Dr

$50 for Credit Card payment


TOTAL spent today: $244.

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Bills this month here:


Mortgage (taxes and insurance)-$645

Electric (we're on levelized/avg billing)$120

Phone, LD, and DSL-$64.25

Cleaning Supplies-$14

Groceries-$950 (that is for 1/2 beef, 1/2 hog, deposit on this years worth of chickens and reg monthly)

Allowance-$20 (dh poker)

Kids activities-$30 (cubscouts - leader keeps forgetting to cash my checks so there is a pile of them)

Misc Spending-$50 (printer ink and other odds and ends)

Entertainment- $19 (netflix and a movie for dh's b-day)

Gas- $275

Auto Ins- $35

Auto Repair- $30


We are supposed to have $1225 extra this month. But we just had a $600 car repair that we did not anticipate and dh was supposed to work today (overtime) and is not. Hopefully, he will be working next Sat or that is even less money. I'm trying to think of ways to make-up for the auto repair but I don't know if we can come up with that much by the end of the month, it might take a few months to recover that much and still meet our other goals.


Also, I have a missing library book, which I am desperate to find otherwise I have to buy it. UGH.

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Paid $55 to electric (bill was $51 + $3 for fee to pay on phone)

Paid $50 for dog food

$5 for Taco Bell

$5 at Kroger for cookout tonight


$115 spent


and we spent $25 last night on dinner. We are DONE eating out for this pay period!

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My electric bill can be as low as $40...in a 4 bedroom house with 3 adults and 1 baby, when we aren't running the AC (heater is gas). I wonder what causes the big discrepancy between bills? :confused:


I should do a no spend challenge...especially this month!

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Cracker Barrel (bought dinner + ceramic chicken for my mom) $25

20oz pop + Bananas $3

Subscription to Sunday paper $4.30/month

RedBox movies $3

DH got food at Kroger $9


total: $44


Ok seriously, no more eating out. No more. :thumbup1:

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Found our missing library book, right where I looked 5 times, disaster and expense averted!


No money spent here last week except the electric bill, which is scheduled auto draft.


I have been trying to figure out when exactly we were going to be able to buy minutes for dh's phone. He has had 1 minute left for 2 months now and has been using my phone as I had about 400 minutes we had bought last year. Well, he got a call from Tracfone and because it has been 5 months since he purchased minutes and they didn't want to lose him as a customer they gave him 60 free minutes, which doubled as he has double minutes for life. I'm hoping between the minutes left on my phone and those free minutes we will be able to go at least 2 months more without purchasing any(and hopefully by that time it will be in the budget).


Dh's one pair of church pants have a small hole in them now. I did repair them though, not ideal, but I don't think it will be noticeable where it is located. I was thinking I would like to buy a few clothes items for the girls to round out their wardrobes but I think what they have will do just fine.


I've been brainstorming ways today to make up for our auto repair and I think I/we can come up with about $500, assuming I can sell some things. We live in a rural area so I don't always have the best of luck. I've told dh he is to brainstorm as well. I think there are a few things in his domain we could sell but I'm leaving that up to him to decide.

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